Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today's Blind Items - God Probably Told Him To Do It

A televangelist who is taking the world by storm is foreign born. He also has some huge secrets. While preaching to massive crowds all over the world he is also the head of an organization that makes a great deal of money through human and drug trafficking and the pastor himself who pretends to be very pious has a string of apartments throughout the world where he keeps the women he wants for himself. He is currently under investigation for money laundering and various human rights NGO's are preparing a report that he is desperately trying to block which will condemn him for his practices. Apparently several of the women he held basically captive have come forward to share their stories.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Joseph Prince

  2. That was my thought too.

  3. Benny Hinn, that is.

  4. Benny Hinn gives me the willies.

  5. Benny Hinn, he was so much better when he was being chased in fast motion by ladies in their underwear because he had inadvertently ripped their clothes away.

  6. Has Benny Hinn taken the world by storm? He's been around forever.

  7. I hope he gets exposed for his crimes as soon as possible. I know there is a slim chance of that as if he is doing it, he probably has friends in high places whose best interests would be to protect him. One can hope

  8. Replies
    1. @A Resident LOL! My brother and I sometimes watch his show because he is unintentionally hilarious.

  9. Amr Khaled? fairly important in the UK.

  10. If this is Benny Hinn, it's about time. I once watched a part of one of his broadcasts out of curiosity and boredom, and was amazed that an entire stadium full of people actually believed he was performing miraculous healings on stage at the rate of about one per second. smh

  11. Todd Bentley. He is Canadian and gives me the willies.

  12. Who the hell is Benny Hinn

  13. Here's likely candidate::

  14. I'm with Connie. Joel Osteen is huge here and I so want his Jim Bakker moment to come already.

    1. Didn't his wife get kicked off a plane a dew years ago? And Im totally with the Joel Osteen guess

    2. Joel Osteen's American. The subject here is foreign born.

  15. Todd Bentley totally fits. He's the pastor of a church called "Ignited Church" and was involved in an adultery scandal. This guy is a piece of work.

    Sexual assault at 15, overdose at 17, conversion at 18, revivalist at 22, faith healer, had tea & crumpets with the apostle Paul, faith heals by kicking old ladies in the face, cheats on the wifey, and started his own "army."

    "He has also preached about an encounter with an angel he called 'Emma' at an Assemblies of God church in 2001. The female angel gave him a vision of gold coins, and Bentley states this was a sign of his future financial stability."

  16. A hypocrite like many leaders political or religious

    In France,someone outed a deputy against the gay marriage

  17. All of these evangelists/pastors/religious leaders scare the sh!t out of me.

  18. And now I've got that damn Benny Hill theme song raging in my head. . .gah!

  19. @Momster, I hear ya. The evangelists and their followers both scare me, but I blame the evangelists more for misleading and taking advantage of the vulnerable/gullible.

  20. Benny Hinn sounds like a good guess to me.

  21. I think 'taking the world by storm' can rule out Benny Hinn. Like FSP said, Hinn's been around forever. Fifth Estate did an expose on this guy you should watch -

  22. Benny Jinn is no longer a huge teleevangelist thank goodness his con is pretty much faith healing and was exposed. I hope Joel Osteen was born outside the US because he is creepy in his happy ways.

    1. I have no idea if that was a typo or intentional, I'm betting intentional because that is so perfect on EVERY level!

  23. @Angela: Hahahahahahahahahahaha. I give your props. Now I hear kazoos.

  24. Who the hell IS Benny Hinn?

  25. They all give me the creeps, but if Dante was correct, they're all in for a rough ride.

  26. Joel Osteen was born in Texas.

  27. Don't think its Joel Osteen, he's not foreign born. That said, I have no idea.

  28. Televangelists, another American perversion as circumcision.

    @Frenchgirl : I am also against marriage (fag or straight or zoo or with vinyl dolls or whatever) and I'm not asexual.
    You can be against some institution and neutral or even affording the sex interests of the person involved.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. aaaaaand after he's exposed, all the rightous "Christians" will be up in arms and say..."he wasn't a true Christian anyways"....and then they will move on to the next Snake Oil salesman who promises eternal life, streets of gold, and wealth, if only you send them 10% of your income and say this little prayer

  31. I had never heard of Benny Hinn (yes, I can hear the theme song too) or any of the other crackpot con artists mentioned here, but I Googled for some and damn!

    What is it with the hinky hair? Why is it a requirement that [insert deity of your choice]'s representative on earth should have a do that is fucking frightful?

    These are the people that are causing climate change with the amount of hairspray, spray tan and teeth whiteners they're using. We should just hang a DANGER - TOXIC sign round their necks and be done with it.

  32. I say Joseph Prince. Though I love the Benihana (thats what ive always called Hinn) guesses. Do reveal this soon, Enty! I'm starved for another good Holy Roller-caught-rolling scandal.

  33. My mind can't even reconcile 'taking the world by storm' with televangelist.

    That being said, Chloe Moretz.

  34. Phil Collins, obviously.

  35. The devil made him do it. Tee hee....

  36. That smarmy benny hinn sound right.

  37. I find all televangelists morally reprehensible save for Billy Graham and I grew up in the south. Too many false prophets and too many mindless sheep following the herd. Sad because the people that give them money are usually not so flush themselves. Hell has a special table for all these greedy, hypocritical mother fuckers.

  38. the way you can tell if a "televangelist" is a true, legitimate christian is the amount of money he keeps for himself. Jesus said that one can not love money and God... it's either or. If a televangelist is truly a follower of Jesus, then he would give his money away for God's use, and not his own. How many televangelists have multiple mansions, planes, etc? How many of them would be willing to give up everything they have for the sake of Jesus?

    Even Billy Graham is not what he appears to be.

  39. If Passaic, NJ could be called "foreign" my vote would be for this guy ""

  40. Benny Hinn was my first guest, but it's really all of them. These pieces of human excrement would pimp out their mothers to make a buck. Pat Robertson has no problem with babies getting their limbs hacked off so he can make some bucks off of blood diamonds.

    My mom gave her retirement money to fuckers. There's a special place in hell for the likes of them, and I want first row seats.

  41. on edit: to *these* fuckers...

    Did I stress how much I hate these blood sucking vampire televangelists?

  42. @MadLyb, that's sickening; I'm so sorry!! I can totally understand your anger!!

  43. Is Joseph Prince the Asian guy who dresses like Eddie Murphy from Raw? I went to change the TV in the waiting room the other day and he was hopping round on stage. Like a preaching ninja. Everybody was Kung fu preaching.

    1. Best description of Joseph Prince ever!!! Not exaggerating : I truly lol'd. Now, sadly, I have Kung Fu Preaching competing with the Benny Hill kazoo music in my head.

  44. You guys should check out James Randi, the skeptic. He exposed how these stadium faith healers work, they use radios. Audience fills out prayer cards with their ailments, general info, and his team radio the info to the guy onstage.
