Thursday, June 27, 2013

Who Was Lori Erica Ruff?

In the present day, it is very tough to hide anything, especially if people have a name and a photograph and an address to start their search. Lori Erica Ruff though is proving a big challenge. Lori killed herself two years ago. She lived in East Texas, was a vegetarian, and a mother and wife. After she died, her husband opened a strong box that Lori had kept in the closet. Inside was another identity. She had been someone else and then created an identity 20 years earlier. When she began dating her husband she told him her parents were dead and she had destroyed all the photos from earlier in her life because she did not want to remember some bad things that had happened.

When the lockbox was discovered, the husband's family started searching for who the woman had been, but had no luck. They passed it along to their Congressman who had no luck and he passed it on to the Social Security Administration. They have been investigating for two years. With no luck. It was as if Lori Ruff appeared suddenly in 1988 and it is a crazy story and a woman who clearly had the pressure building up inside her until she burst. The story in The Seattle Times goes into much more detail and is a great way to spend a Thursday. Maybe you can solve the mystery.


  1. That was our newest reporter, Veronica Corningstone. She's really great.

  2. I'd also like to share with you that we are currently dating and that she is quite a handful in the bedroom.

  3. Hi everyone! I just wanted to let YOU folks know this is NOT me. I feel so much BETTER for getting that off of my hairy chest. Speaking of hairy, I'm off to help MY bf do some manscaping.

  4. Uh, well that's gonna do it for all of us here at 6:00. For the Channel 4 News team, I'm Ron Burgundy. You stay classy, San Diego.

  5. Interesting. I'd love to learn what everyone thinks about this, but, unfortunately, the trolls seem to be overtaking the comments today.

    1. Amen. I wonder how people have that much free time on their hands to relentlessly troll. Freaks.

      This story is really interesting, I'll be reading the article also.

    2. Have you read the article? It was interesting. Definitely odd. She can't have had a happy life leading up to her identity change.

    3. Really really interesting & strange & SAD.

      I wonder if DNA might help in a situation like this. If her family of origin mistreated her they are unlikely to raise their hand & volunteer their presence.

      My 48 Hours hat is ON.

  6. Uh oh, I might be in trouble for that one.

  7. Mmm! Mmm. That is good fondue. I don’t know what to say. I just...I got excited.

  8. I think it is fucking hilarious!! It is obviously a parody of the commenters that are on here all the time.

  9. I just wanted to shout it from on top of a mountain. But I didn't have a mountain. I had a newsroom and a camera.

  10. Look. I report the news. That's what I do. And today's top story, in Ron Burgundy's world, read something like this: I love Veronica Corningstone.

  11. She probly destroyed her pix becuz they were ugly!

  12. This is nice, gang, sittin here. Brown baggin’ it. Oh! Almost forgot. I won't be able to make it, fellas. Veronica and I are trying this new fad called, uh, jogging.

  13. I believe it's jogging or yogging. It might be a soft "J." I'm not sure, but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild.

    1. JK Rowling did the same thing before she wrote Harry Potter she was Judith Morris. All that stuff about her being a struggling single mother is hogwash, she was a Vet's wife.
      If anyone figures out how to do it please let me know after today I may need a new identity :)

    2. I feel so bad foe JK! She's so old and couldn't get a good wig until she was too old!

  14. I realize that. Sometimes you gotta look at yourself in the mirror and say, “When in Rome.” That’s a given.

  15. Maybe sit the next couple of plays out, you know what I mean?

  16. Everyone, just relax. All right? Believe me, if there's one thing Ron Burgundy knows, it's women.

  17. Okay, and Veronica Corningstone, she's just...she's just dying to quit her job so that she can take care of me and have babies.

  18. So enty took down the disclaimer and suddenly we are being trolled again?

  19. Can someone please tell me why in the fuck am I getting a recipe everytime I go to CDAN main page??
    I mean, with the hell week I'm already having, I do NOT need to deal with this crap!!!!
    And why in hail is Ron Burgandy here?

  20. @FreudianSlip, seems so. This could have been an interesting thread, to boot. I guess all that huffing and puffing over moderated comments was b.s.

  21. And most importantly, who cares who this woman is??? I mean, seriously, she was just probably having a hell of a pms...

  22. I'm sad to say I can read Ron Burgundy quotes all day and be happy.

    " The arsonist has oddly shaped feet "

    Ok - my bad - I fed the trolls :(

  23. *steps away from Shark Week*

    It is an interesting article, but it's sad too. She sounds like something happened early on that really broke her. She wanted to move on and start over but just couldn't. It must suck to keep terrible secrets all those years. It also sounds like her husband was a bit slow and never asked the questions that needed to be asked.
    I think the writer of the article may be on to something about her possibly being in a cult.

  24. Alicia, I think that we should just embrace them. Everyone's funny but deadpussy and the trolls are calling him out so I don't think they're affiliated.

  25. @Bacon Ranch, I know which cult she was in!! David will be ever so upset when he finds out that she committed suicide after she signed a billion year contract with Scientology. I wish I knew how she managed to escape.

    1. Shelley! How do you keep your wig so glorious when your locked in the basement/cave/closet/ whatevs?!

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Where are you Shelley, a basement in Cruises garden like Fritzels daughtrr

  26. The inquiring minds over at WebsSleuths have been puzzling over this case for more than a year. Interesting reading if you're into that sort of thing:

    1. @Sandra D. Wow, that's some rabbit hole you sent me down. :-)

  27. Fascinating but terribly sad. :(

  28. Can't wait to read up on this. It's the sort of thing that has always fascinated me. Thanks for the websleuths link, @Sandra D!

    Oh, just noticed comment moderation has been enabled. Love Anchorman but JFC I can't take any more of those. Misspelled Burgundy to boot.

  29. I want the sort of life where I have nothing to do all day but create fake identities and screw with other people's websites instead of doing something constructive and/or productive.

    God, what a waste.

  30. Maybe it's wrong, but I am enjoying the Ron Burgundy comments.

  31. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I think her weird husband killed her.

    1. @Molls-spidey sense says no. I think he tried really hard to figure out the problem and didn't want his kid to lose its mama. I have spent enough time observing narcissists & sociopaths-he just doesn't ring that chime for me. I ain't no CSI but I have had my brushes with some skeery-ass crazies and got really well educated as a result-for self-protection!

      Something strange & sinister in her background. More believable given her behavior pattern.

  32. I think the RB comments are of an inferior quality and lacking sorely in the sexual innuendo department. I too, wonder how does anyone have any sort of life, work schedule or just any personality at all, and still have time to just commit so much time to trolling. Sad.

  33. Well said's too bad I have a job...

  34. And MY comments are held pending approval???!!!!

    1. I don't feel I have been around long enough to get a pass but it does seem like the originals are being screened and the trollmonsters are being universally passed on. Hmmm. Maybe I should just convert to TROLLY ROLLER! Take my place in tge Pantheon of Painful Punsters and the like....

      Nah. I will just annoy everyone in my normal way. More fun.

  35. I think your comments are held pending grammar ;)

  36. Hallelujah, we have comment moderation on here! I read this story in the Seattle Times this weekend, and would love to see it solved. I think she was associated with someone who was convicted of a crime or was stalking her. For whatever reason, his sentence was the # of months listed in the box. Just my theory.

    I hope this mystery gets solved.

  37. I love Ron Burgandy!

  38. I read the article wonder what she was running away from...

  39. Who is Lori Erica Huff? Sometimes I look in the mirror and asks myself, "Who is Sweet Brown?" But ain't nobody got time fo' this existential bull dinky!

  40. Could Lori Erica Ruff have been a man in her previous life? Very long hands and breast implants.....
    She could fake miscarriages. She could even fake a pregnancy. hmmm

  41. I hope Dateline or 48 Hours do something on this story.

  42. The so-called moderation is NOT helping.

  43. Maybe she was a he and had a sex change.... Would explain the new identity and the absence of a previous one
