Thursday, June 06, 2013

Woman Stops Running Half Marathon - Gives Birth - Didn't Know She Was Pregnant

A woman in Minnesota who has three kids already was training for a half marathon when she stopped because her back had started to hurt. It turns out it was labor pains and five minutes after she got to the hospital in Duluth she gave birth. The woman said she had not gained weight and had felt no movement for the entire pregnancy and never even suspected she was. An even bigger shock might have been from the her husband who had previously had a vasectomy. The woman is just 33. I'm assuming she had been having her period until she got pregnant. Did she not think it was odd that she went 9 months without getting it? I always find these stories hard to believe, but I guess anything is possible. I mean Kim Kardashian is famous.


  1. Wow. I know that the Big V doesn't always take, and I know that women sometimes tell this I-didn't-know story, but put the two together and that's a pretty remarkable tale.

    (Also, Enty, I've never been pregnant, but don't some of these I-didn't-know women say that their periods were never quite regular anyway so it wasn't that big of a shock to not have it, and don't some pregnant women sometimes spot a bit and it's not always catastrophic? Actual mamas, help me out and explain.) :-)

    The good news is that if she's a runner, hopefully she eats right and keeps fit so the baby was healthy without proper prenatal care. Hope all continues to go well.

  2. On the news this morning, she said she got her period for the whole nine months.

  3. Erin, which is not unusual. Weird tho that she didnt kniw. J believe her but wiw.

  4. A guy didn't do this write-up. Guys don't talk about periods.
    It's like the scary unknown. Hence the invention of the mancave.

    Glad she and the baby are doing well.

  5. I find this one hard to believe, but I guess anything is possible.

  6. Duluth made CDAN! My hometown.

    Further comment in yesterday's paper: The husband said she's going to run the half marathon in two weeks because they didn't want to waste the entry fee.

    Meanwhile, 18 months after my baby was born and I have yet to run a step ...

  7. I don't understand how someone can carry a child and not know it. All of the stuff that comes with pregnancy that they don't mention--the feet widening, the increased sweating, the pressure on the bladder, the INABILITY TO BEND OVER. Even if the obvious symptoms didn't tip you off, why wouldn't the less obvious ones??? There is NO way you can ignore them. I really think most of the women that say this are either lying, or were just in denial. Sorry, but I was just pregnant for two years with back to back pregnancies and I can't imagine not knowing there was a child inside me. Don't really believe anyone truly "didn't know."

    1. Wholeheartedly agree!

    2. It's like having a watermelon duct taped to your midsection. Can. Not. Bend. Hence the shade people threw at beyonce.

      I would say she is a liar. Just that this must have been the easiest pregnancy known to man.

    3. Depends on how big you get. I never had any trouble bending or doing extremely active things. I played sports hard, carried heavy stuff. But I knew there was a baby in there - they kick!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ugh, I hate stories like this. This makes her sound pretty thick in the head. There is no way you don't know...she just didn't pay attention much to her body. She's damn lucky that baby is okay.

  10. My 1st cousin, which I am very close to, had a baby & didnt know until she got to the hospital with pains in her tummy. I hang with her & she NEVER showed & had her periods. This can happen. It was her 3rd child too. It was a BIG shock to her & family but they all are happy. She says that she didnt beleive she was pregnant even when the baby was coming out. Total shock.

  11. You're all leaving out the vasectomy! I know vasectomies can fail, but what are the chances that happens plus she didn't know she was pregnant! I guess the husband believes she didn't cheat, but the vasectomy couldn't also explain why she never considered that she was pregnant.

    1. @msgirl - A couple I worked for had a baby after he had a vasectomy and she had her tubes tied. Highly unlikely but it does happen. Regardless, I'm with everyone wondering how she had no idea. So strange.

    2. LOL! I worked with a woman who had her tubes tied and found out after that she was already pregnant, with twins. The twins were 7 or 8 when I worked with her and she was still annoyed that one of them didn't at least have the good grace to be a girl.

      She already had two boys and had decided the odds for a girl were against her and she might as well stop at two. *snicker* OTOH, her twins did invent the awesome "Rat-A-Pult" to get back at the neighbor who kept tossing the dead rats his cat killed in their backyard. They "rat-a-pulted" them onto the guy's roof.

  12. Ugh the vasectomy COULD explain...

    I sure wish we could edit here.

  13. Everyone's pregnancy is different. I had a professor who was really slender and didn't have any of the signs of pregnancy except for a rounded belly that wasn't even that big until her last couple of weeks. She was back teaching 2 days after the birth, with no physical discomfort.

    1. That was me. Only missed a day of work. But I don't see how you'd miss the kicking.

  14. I'm always skeptical of stories like these. Like Brooke said, there are a lot of other things going on with your body during pregnancy. Even if you didn't think you were pregnant, you'd have to at least think something was off. I also don't understand when someone says they didn't feel the baby move. I'm sure the aren't all soccer players in there, but no baby just sits in the womb motionless.

  15. My mother's aunt had a pregnancy she didn't know about. She had two grown kids, and really didn't plan to have any more children--any symptoms she experienced, she thought were possibly her starting menopause. Finally she went to the doctor because she did feel something in her abdomen and found out she was 8 months pregnant. They called the baby girl "little tumor" for a while because it was such a surprise. She was almost 20 yrs younger than her brothers and her parents were old enough to be her grandparents.

  16. Honestly, I just think these women who don't know they are pregnant are flat out stupid. Denial is also an option, but I think plain old stupid is the best bet.

  17. Also....she definitely cheated on her husband, which could explain a real case of denial about the pregnancy.

  18. ImLi, my 2nd oldest child stopped moving entirely when I was 30 weeks pregnant. I spent those last 10 weeks practically living in my OB's and Sonographer's offices (I was in one or the other every other day), just to make sure my daughter was developing correctly. It was as if my daughter dropped into position at 30 weeks and just stayed there. They were bracing my ex-husband and me for the strong possibility that there was some previously undetected birth defect. When she was born, though, she was perfectly healthy. That was almost 17 years ago and *knock wood* no problems. So when women say they didn't feel the baby move, I know it's possible.

  19. I can't believe that the baby never moved! If you've had a baby, u know they usually start kicking by at least 4 1/2 to 5 months....IMHO, me thinks she cheated.

  20. These "I didn't know I was pregnant" stories are always extremely difficult for me to believe. Just plain weird!

  21. Anonymous11:17 AM

    bitch , please

  22. If she had just not known for nine months, I might believe her.

    If she had just gotten pregnant b/c of the 1% (or whatever) pregnancy rate for vasectomies, I might believer her.

    But her husband got snipped AND she didn't know for nine months?

    The kid's not his.

  23. The "I didn't know I was pregnant" stories almost always involve an obese woman. So if this woman is a runner, then she's reasonably slim, so how HOW could there be no belly???

  24. I had two pregnancies and while during the second one I could feel the kicks, during the first one, because of the position of the placenta (outwards towards my belly as opposed to inwards), I could never feel her up to the birth. The most I felt were like little butterflies, kind of like when you are starving. But even with that, there are so many other symptoms that proved I was pregnant, I just don't know how a woman can go through a whole one without realizing it.

  25. Anonymous11:36 AM

    anything's possible I guess, if she was really trying to hide something don't you think she wouldn't have been training for the marathon?

  26. My daughter is now 2.5 months and not only do I still look pregnant, but my feet still ache and crack every freaking day. I don't know if I'll ever be able to run again.

    I also have to agree that it's hard to believe that someone doesn't know when they are pregnant ESPECIALLY in the later months. My daughter liked to kill me with her punches and kicks and decision to lay on one side for the majority of the time. There is so much discomfort that comes with being pregnant....I would have to wonder if something was really wrong with me if not pregnant.

  27. My cousin's best friend went into labour not knowing that she was pregnant. She had a perfectly healthy baby girl. She had also gotten her period the whole time (albeit spotty and light, but she said she had never been particularly regular anyway) and she was a heavier girl.

    I know people hate these I-know-someone-who-has-been-through-it stories, but for me personally, I actually do know someone (someone I have met and spoken to and talked to about it) so I believe it is possible.

    And there was no reason for her to lie, as she was old enough to have a baby, and has since had another one with the same guy (no cheating or vasectomies).

    That being said, it was her FIRST baby so it is more believable that she didn't know what she was feeling (indigestion maybe) when the baby moved. This woman already had 3 kids so you'd think she would have more of a sense of what was going on with her body.

    But I seriously find it hard to believe you'd take the deception so far as to run a half marathon while 9 months pregnant!

  28. Maybe they had sex too soon after the vasectomy? They tell you that you can still get pregnant for a month afterwards.

  29. Her face looks fairly full in the pic so either she's carrying around some extra weight and clueless or in completely denial about the symptoms that were occurring because her H had a vasectomy.

  30. I knew both a girl who gave birth in her mother's powder room without ever realizing she was pregnant, and a couple who had a baby 11 months after his vasectomy. They already had 3 kids, and the final 'oops' pregnancy was twins. From a car to a minivan in six seconds, along with a mini-mental breakdown when they realized they had FIVE kids.

  31. I never believe these stories but assuming it's bummed out would you be to have your whole life changed unexpectedly by the appearance of a baby out of the blue?

  32. Char, I LIKE those "I know someone" stories!

  33. If you google it, many women get a period for nine months of pregnancy. Also PCOS women tend to gain weight in the stomach ( apple shape) and have very light or missing periods. So, if that was the case

  34. Oprah did a show on this several years ago, and she had five or six women on the show who had no idea they were preggers until right before the birth OR after labour started and the baby was coming.

    One woman in particular, there was a photo of her in a bikini taken two days before she gave birth to her 3rd kid. She was also a nurse... She looked about 10lb overweight (maximum), and still rocked the bikini. She had her period through the pregnancy, and had no idea. Her husband had no idea. Oprah and the audience gasped (me too) when the bikini photo was shown.

    Millions and millions of women give birth each year. It stands to reason that there are going to be variations in how pregnancy & birth is experienced.

    BTW, everyone who says she cheated; Get a effing grip. Surgical sterilization can fail. It does happen. I personally know of three instances where it did. (two vasectomies, one tubal) One couple almost got divorced over it, but paternity tests proved it was his kid.

  35. My cousin's wife got prego with their 4th child after he got a vasectomy so it does happen but I've had lots of kids and I find it hard to believe you'd go thru an entire pregnancy and not know that you were prego,esp. in the end stages.I find those,"I didn't know I was pregnant!" stories skeptical.

  36. There are more things on heaven and earth, CDAN readers, that is thought of in your philophy.

    Just because you have no experience of it doesn't mean it can't happen.

  37. Always amazed how some women try to justify becoming larger than a farm animal because of an 8 pound baby. Pregnant doesn't make you a kow! Pigging out does.

    1. And I am suee your shit don't stank. Amirite? Judging people over their weight when you don't know them or their situation just makes you smell bad.

  38. While I agree that some pregnancies are just women in denial there are special cases where it is a surprise.

    TLC or A&E one of those channels had a series about women who did not know they were pregnant, there were some pretty legit reasons. Often the women were overweight to begin with but some had been told by doctors adamantly they could not get pregnant, some women suffered from fibroids, some women had no periods like menopausal women. Even the same woman does not necessarily have the same experience with each pregnancy.

    Brenda L said...
    I never believe these stories but assuming it's bummed out would you be to have your whole life changed unexpectedly by the appearance of a baby out of the blue?

    It is hard enough when you got 7 - 9 months to prepare, ain't that the truth. Talk about shock.

  39. I was 20 weeks pregnant with my son before I found out. And a Dr had to tell me. I went to an appointment on a fluke because my store was closing and I was losing my health insurance. I had only had 2 periods in the span of 18 months, which was normal for me. I was young and in good shape. No weight gain. No morning sickness. No symptoms. Talk about a complete shock.
    Of course within 3 weeks of finding out my stomach popped out and he started kicking like crazy. :)

  40. I knew someone who worked with this really tall lady, almost 7 feet, she was not a fat woman but she was proportional to her height. She was pregnant with twins and didn't know it. She had a back ache, went home early from work and took a bath. Gave birth to two healthy babies. Can you imagine that 911 call!? Yesh.

  41. I know a woman that just had something similar. She works for my company, and they sent out an email saying she was pregnant. The next time I spoke with her (few days later) I said congrats, when are you due? She said " that's the thing, in 3 weeks". Claimed not to know. I have my suspicions, because she hasn't been with the company but about 7 months. Had the baby about a week later ( last month).

  42. Some women have periods while pregnant.

  43. One of the couples in our wedding party had 3 kids. She's a nurse. He got a vasectomy. She got pregnant 4 months later. She said she laid on the floor and cried when she found out but they love all 4 kids. I had 2 pregnancies back to back as well and we didn't tell my husband's family until I was 5 months along to avoid spoiling the birth of another grandchild for them. I'm fairly slim and no one guessed. I agree, 8 pounds of baby does not make you fat.. But I definitely knew I was pregnant those last few months with both of them. Diabetic, High Blood Pressure, Sciatic Pain.

  44. @Tina Mallette...I know right! I wonder if she will have non-existent postpartum depression? For her sake, I hope she does!!!

  45. I never know what to think about these stories either. I've had 2 kids and I changed BIG TIME. Lots and lots of pregnancy symptoms. I guess everyone's different.

  46. Everyone assumes runners are very thin. I've seen marathons and that is not always the case. I heard some super skinny girls bitching in the bathroom afterwards that "lard asses" were passing them like they are sitting. Don't assume she was a twig.

  47. Usually the 'surprise' births are with bigger, young girls who don't realize sex= baby or they are in denial about being pregnant until the water breaks in the tater chip aisle of the Hellmart and freaks their poor mama the hell out. If this lady was running, I'd say she didn't know. Poor woman.

  48. One detail I haven't seen reported much is that the mom and her husband run a charity that supports 17-21 year old boys/men transitioning out of the foster care system. I hate to say it, but one of them is much more likely to be the daddy than a man who had a vasectomy.

  49. My 22 year old cousin just have birth after 8 months of pregnancy. She had no idea she was pregnant. She had a lap band put in years ago and lost lots of weight and just gained a few pounds recently and thought maybe something was wrong with the band. Then boom here's a baby no idea at all. Sucks.

  50. I would like to add that my cousins daughter also just gave birth a year ago and was also unaware she was pregnant. I think she just didn't want to admit to herself it because that side of the family is very religious. Interestingly all of them got preggers before marriage and none of us on my crazy whoring mama's side did. At least she taught us about the birds, bees and birth control.

  51. When my mom was pregnant with me she only gained 15 lbs. She's 5ft tall and weighs under 100 lbs but still, she didn't gain very much. Doctors thought I'd be a premie BUT I turned out just fine! Almost weighed 8lbs when I came out, definitely not premature weight.
