Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your Turn

Sometimes Twitter has the best question. Growing up I believed_________


  1. That Elton John was singing "Tony Danza" instead of "Tiny Dancer"

  2. that if I studied and worked real hard I end up rich and famous only to find out all I ever needed was to marry well, several times over lol

  3. That people would be rational if presented with facts. I still hope for that! :)

  4. I would marry Jordan Knight. Now I'm a grown up I believe I'm going to marry Donnie Wahlberg.

  5. There were sharks in my swimming pool.

  6. That one day I'd have the finest PIT that YOU have ever seen!

  7. That everyone's parents intended to retire to a farm one day....

    ...until I was a freshman in college.

  8. I thought everyone in Canada spoke French, like Quebec. I was in high school before I learned that is not the case.

    My sister had a couple that were better, though - she reached her 20's thinking that Alaska was an island, and she didn't realize that English was spoken in England. She's so awesome.

  9. that by the year 2000 I would be traveling by jet pack!

  10. that I could be anything I wanted if i set my mind to it

  11. Until he was a sophomore in college, my ex-boyfriend believed that women could always produce milk from their breasts anytime they wanted.

  12. A college education was job security.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      ^^^ +1000 and that's why I'm still paying on my student loan 15yrs later!

  13. On a less serious note, thought fireworks were for me on the 4th, as my bday is the next week.

  14. that everyone had black friends and white friends!

  15. that there was a God.

  16. that eveyone's parents were violent drunks

  17. That the other side of the light, in the bottom of the swimming pool led to a secret mermaid world. If I pushed on it, I would enter, and become a mermaid. I could come back to visit, but never be human again.

    That TV commercials were filmed randomly. I kept waiting for people to break into song about Tide and Coke, and I did it everywhere in hopes of being in an ad.

    That the world had 2 kinds of people: kids and grown ups. When I graduated from high school, I was kind of in shock. Kept expecting people to call me out as a fake adult.

    Guess I know wher child #3 gets her wild imagination .

    1. Very nice...I love your mermaid world, my little ones think a great white could somehow fit through the pool light.

  18. LOL @ Karen's bf and Cara.

    Growing up I believed I would be married with kids. Neither happened.

  19. I thought a nightmare was when u got up in the middle of the might and looked in the mirror. Now that im getting older, its true, lol

  20. Someone told me that the fish thing on cars what to let others know the car was a bad driver. I believed that one for years.

  21. Believe Stars were Planets. Still =[

  22. That babies came out of the mother's belly button, but I couldn't figure out just how exactly.

    1. I did too! I thought it stretched, and that's why they were tied off :/

  23. I believed that there were little people with musical instruments living in my parents stereo speakers, playing the music.

  24. I believed that there were little people with musical instruments living in my parents stereo speakers, playing the music.

  25. That black people ruled the world and I felt sorry for white people.

    You don't know how devastated I was when I realized that the opposite was true.

    haha my mom did a good job of instilling pride in me I guess.

  26. Worstcompany just reminded me...

    I believed 70's television. I thought racial, gender, sexual orientation discrimination was really ending. I thought women would continue forward.
    I believed in the 'free to be, you and me'.

    I'm Midwestern with Republican parents too. But in the 70's, true social progress seemed REAL and CLOSE.

  27. I believed marriage was easy because my parents were (still are) so in love.

    I thought we'd have cures for all horrible diseases.

    People could live on the moon if they wanted.

    I'd be a lawyer or flight attendant or journalist with lots of kids.

  28. That the world was only in black in white until like 70's...then suddenly things started to have color

  29. Growing up I believed.

  30. I believed that domed sky lights on the roof of houses were coffins. :/

  31. that it would be fun to have several kids and hold down a stable job all at the same time.

    That most people are good and kind.

    That friends can stay friends forever.

  32. That I would be a big Hollywood star with fame and fortune.

    Now I just wear my T-Shirt that says A+List with D List recognition.

    1. ^^^ I want that shirt too.

    2. You can still get it over at Zazzle I think.

    3. Oh I used to also believe that the pictures on the wall were looking at me no matter where I was in the room. That still freaks me out.

  33. That people on TV could see me. Luckily I'm so over that!

  34. That there were tiny people inside the traffic lights and when a line formed that's when they pushed a button to change colors. Yep that's me. :)

  35. That my family would always be close :-(

  36. I thought that there were monsters under my bed and in my closet, but if I ran and jumped into my bed fast enough (before they grabbed me) I could tuck the blankets very, very snugly around my feet and up the sides like a mummy and I was safe.
    I'm pretty sure I did this until I was 9. Don't judge me, I read too much.

  37. When I was 4 or 5, I told my mom I wanted to be a cashier when I grew up because cashiers were rich. When she asked why I thought that, I said that they have those drawers full of money to take home at the end of the day, so they must be rich! haha-I had a very idealistic world view as a child.

  38. That adults had to be more decent and better behaved than children were. Because, you know, they were *adults*.

  39. I believed that the future world would be just like the Jetson's.

    I believed I'd be an architect, electro-mechanical engineer (like my dad), ballerina, fiction writer or nationally famous interior designer who didn't marry until late in life. Quit college after my second year, met my future husband a few months later, and worked retail jobs until I became too physically disabled to work. All I want now is to have my good health back so I can finish my undergraduate degree and Master's in something marketable so I can support my 70 y/o husband who still works a 40 hr. a week job. P. S. - I **hate** being on disability!! HATE IT!!!!!!

  40. I believed if I pushed the button for the pedestrian crossing more than once it would cancel the original push. I believed this until I was 15.

  41. 1) That if someone died in a movie or TV that they really died. As in the people in Jaws really were eaten by a shark.

    2) If I turned my back on the deep end of the pool (but only if I was the only one in it) that a Shark would come in through the light or the drain.

    3) That if I didn't look first and go potty really fast that a snake would come up in the toilet and bite me.

    4) And the only way to keep me safe from monsters and vampires was if I had my sheets and blankets up around my neck.

    Can you tell that I had older brothers that traumatized me?

  42. That I would live on the moon one day.

  43. That Luke Skywalker was real and was the love of my life.

  44. That I would be with my "one true love" forever, just like my parents. (47 years together and still going strong!) It was awful realizing they were the exception rather than the rule.

    I also thought that my life would be 100% perfect if I was thin and that thin people had perfect lives.

    1. I was very unhappy when I was super thin just a few years ago. Borderline anorexic.

  45. That all animals could talk...only on Christmas Eve and after I went to bed.

  46. That America was evolving into something beautiful, instead of devolving into a right wing, racist, bigotted, insanely religious batshit fuckhole.

  47. If my feet were covered monsters couldn't get me. (This holds true today)

    Because I had Scarlet Fever twice, my dr. jokingly told me that I was an alien. I believed this for two years and waited for my people to return for me. Lol! I was disappointed that nobody came. I was five. Hush.

    The knots in paneling were eyes and they're looking at me. Ew.

    If I stepped on a crack I really would break my mother's back.

  48. That once you became an adult, you immediately learned another language that kids were unable to understand (my parents spoke Italian when they didn't want the kids to know something).

    That there was no sense in becoming a paleotologist because by the time I grew up, went to college, and went to graduate school, all the dinosaur bones in the world would have already been discovered.

    That each country's embassy was shaped like a building from their homeland and if you worked for the UN you had to wear a costume based on your native country's dress (yes, my view of world politics was shaped by Epcot).

  49. That I could be a super hero. I spent all my free time designing costumes and making them with whatever old clothes I could find (remember, when I was a kid Halloween costumes were a vinyl smock and plastic mask with a rubber band holding it on).

    I'll never forget my sixth birthday when my grandma brought over an extra present for me. She had her friend who was a seamstress make me a comic book accurate Spider-Man costume. Since she also used that horrible 70's CBS live action version as reference, she made "web shooters" for me.

    Since I found out recently I can't be a super hero (damn stupid physics) I instead visit the local hospitals and my aunt's classroom as either Batman or Captain America for the kids. To an adult it looks and sounds lame but to a six year old, they got to meet their hero who, if he's lucky, maybe inspired that kid to be the best person they can be.

  50. I believe that other countries were other planets and to go overseas meant you had to get a rocket.

    also, flying from probably Brisbane to melbourne, i swore blind to everyone i could see the letters on the ground below. you know, A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A like on the atlas.


  51. Pazazz said...

    "That the world was only in black in white until like 70's...then suddenly things started to have color"

    Too bad those colors were avocado and harvest gold!

    No, I kid. You're actually right, and I've been thinking about that a lot. People slag off the 70's as bell-bottoms and disco, but things really started to happen then. The world opened up for everyone.

  52. That everyone was Nice and good people, not mean and cruel
