Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Your Turn

You have enough money for one movie. Are you going to see a Johnny Depp movie or a Leonardo DiCaprio movie?


  1. That'll buy me a really nice McDinner!

  2. Stay home and watch What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      : ) that's funny!

  3. I'll buy a six pack instead with some peanuts.

  4. Seriously? I like BJs idea...

  5. I mean really. I wouldn't pay to see a Leo movie post 2000. I can't remember the last time I saw a Depp movie though, but I like his dedication to the grape.

  6. I watched Shutter Island yesterday ( im sick as a dog) and I noticed Leo has been playing Howard Hughes for the past 10 years and I got a lil depressed. He doesn't and has never deserved an Oscar, sadly.

    Johnny Depp. Tonto is racist but hey at least he plays different kinds of weird people.

  7. I'd use that movie to buy a nice chicken shwarma meal and camp out in front of the tv.

  8. Buy a book and read it.

    Seriously, I rarely go to movies and if I do it has nothing to do with the stars, it has to do with the actual movie.

  9. I'll pay to see DiCaprio's pop-lock routine in Wolf on Wall Street. Get that Oscar, girl!!

  10. Neither. I'd buy a book, too.

  11. I would disagree Kels, I feel like Jonny Depp plays the exact same character in every single movie now.

    Not that watching mr bloat as a leading man is any better...

    1. Yeah but he just started being typecast I feel. Jack Sparrow kinda shows me that he can play normal characters. Butttttt Tonto seems to be just like Jack so hes being typecast alllllll around these days. It's either Disney or Tim Burton or both. That's all he does.
      The Departed, The Aviator, Shutter Island, Inception, that J Hoover mess... Leo has lost it. Damn shame.

    2. Never really liked Leo. Johnny was cool for a hot minute. Bye to both of them. They don't have any real depth and are wildly self indulgent.

  12. Netflix is 7.99/month. Stream all the tv you want. TV is so good right now.
    (Finally caught up on "Mad Men". Totally addicted. Thank you, internet!)

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Mad Men on Netflix - that's my plan; husband and I are beginners, never saw any episodes, starting at the beginning and can't wait!!

    2. Got hooked around episode 5 of season 1. First few were sorta meh. THEN they got me. Didn't watch it all at once. Savored it. Last season (on Canadian NF) blew me away. Just watched it a month ago. Will be doing a rerun view soon. Those buggers did it so right. And I really did not want to like it bc I HATE the styling of that era. HATE IT.

      But they have done a meticulous job, the actors could not be more perfectly cast, and the tones, rhythms, silences, the Albee flavor of what is left unsaid, and the viciousness of what IS said make for quite the tasty bouillabaise. A dish I will never really love but can respect for its complexity.

  13. Leo or my other choice, Colin Firth:).

  14. Id find a better paying job.

  15. Pay for Depp, sneak in to DiCaprio.

  16. I'd rather see a RDJ movie

  17. No idea. I dont much care for movies anymore. Might catch one on tv or cable, but not at theatre, unless u count kid movies i take my grandchildren to, lol

  18. Leo needs to embrace his ugly pretty soon. Not his fault, some baby-faces age poorly.

    If Leo does characters instead of leads, he is awesome. Playing anything close to himself is not compelling from Leo AT ALL.

  19. Gien tjose two choices, I'd pass. VIP is right though, Gilbert Grape was a weirdly accurate depiction of small town America and the acting was great.

  20. If those are the only two options, Mr. Disco and I stay home with a sixer of beer.

  21. Anonymous10:19 AM

    If those are my only choices, I wouldn't see a movie. Yep, stay home and read a good book.

  22. Depp, no question. Leo is fine, but generic as far as acting. And he has never given me that dirty hot give me 2 minutes alone with you that Johnny does. Yes.

  23. I'm hanging out with VIP watching Shame.

    Actually I watched Gatsby so I've done my duty and made my choice apparently. But I do love Johnny in a good Tim Burton film.

  24. I rarely go to the movies anymore...but, if I had to choose...it would be to go watch my boyfriend, Johnny Depp! ;-)

  25. Can I just go see Star Trek again?

  26. Probably a Leo movie because he chooses to work with amazing directors (Scorsese, Spielberg, Boyle, Nolan) and Johnny just works with only two director's now (Burton and Verbinski - neither of whom know how to make good movies anymore.)

  27. Leo. Because his movies are still good. Johnny Depp just plays Johnny Depp. Or plays Jack Sparrow. Lone Ranger looks like Jack Sparrow plays Tonto.

  28. Leo movie.

    Depp plays virtually the same character in every movie he's in.

  29. Depends. Is the movie directed by Marty Scorcese or Tim burton?

  30. libby, I was going to say the same thing! Pre-pay my Netflix and re-watch Sherlock, maybe some Archer.

  31. YIKEs!heads up! NSFW disclaimer for VIP's link!

  32. Leo I think he a better actor than Johnny,

  33. Depends if I want to see a pretentious confusing art film starring a doughy unattractive Brando-wannabe or a big-budget box office bonanza with an overrated not-quite-right interpretation of a classic character.

    1. Well now. I think we have our real answer here hahaha

    2. Lol Tyger Lilly, absolutely!

  34. I'm going to skip both and go see Superman.

  35. LOL, ZeeNox! VIP, I thought the movie was called Shameless. He certainly looks shameless and I'm OK with that! (NSFW: it's Michael Fassbender's wang walking him into a room)

    1. Need a leash for dat pupy dog!!

  36. Leooooooooo. Going to see Gatsby (again) tonight! I love that man.

  37. Neither. You picked two people I really don't like. Not attractive to me. Boy-men, and sorry, not such good actors. I know Leo has the reputation of a good actor, but to me, not so much. I can't stand him. But if I was forced, I would choose the movie, and Leo stars in better movies.

  38. Probably neither, I don't go out to the movies anymore.

    I've liked more Depp movies than Leo movies in the past few years but haven't liked many of either of the most recent ones.

  39. If my choice is between those two, I'm going to spend the money on something besides a movie.

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  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. As expensive cinema tickets are, I would pay my mortgage with that money instead of those two dingbats' pools.

  43. I'd buy a bottle of wine, stay home and watch game of Thrones.

  44. Props to RSON* on the Roman Polanski reminder & link to a great (though disturbing) article. We all need to be reminded who the d-bags are in Hollywood every once in a while.

    *Random Set Of Numbers (you need a pseudonym that's easier to call out!)

  45. Chalk another one up for the Mansogynist set around here. Don't even put a picture of the man's face on your site VIP/Enty, just boil the poor bastard down to his cock.

    And dimwits come postin on here cryin cause I use the word broad? Y'all need yer heads checked.

    I know how it is, the old "a man is nothing more than life support system for a cock" adage. Disgusting.

    Well, I can go tit for tat with ya on this. If you are making it Swingin Dick Tuesday, then there is a high likelyhood of Piss Flaps Wednesday comin down tomorrow.

    If there is a gay in the audience that would like to be in charge of Manhole Monday, be my guest.

  46. I don't go to movies anymore I just wait until they are on video and watch them. If I had to choose one though it would be Johnny Depp though.

  47. Leo was in The Beach, and I LOVE that movie, but not because of him. In fact, I'd just assume a random no- name actor play that part because I just loved the story. And Depp was in Chocolat, which was fabulous, but only because I love chocolate. That's as close as the Leo and Depp love that I have. Mmmmmmm, if I had enough $ for a movie I would instead buy some chocolate.

    And, Mad Men is on my Netflix list of shows to watch once I get decent Internet!

  48. I'm going to go buy smack because throwing up and having withdrawals would be less painful than watching shit with either of them in it.

  49. tempestuous grape and kels are spot-on.

  50. Neither. I'm with those who'll buy (another) book.

  51. I agree that Leo is simply in better movies these days. I always liked Johnny Depp just fine but I never thought of him as an especially great actor. And so many of his movies are turds or boring or boring turds.

    Leo, on the other hand has some really good movies: What's Eating Gilbert Grape and This Boy's Life from the early years and the more recent stuff like The Departed, The Aviator, J. Edgar, Inception, Great Gatsby, etc. Is he great? No. But he does a good job and must be fairly respected and liked because he continues to get great roles with great directors and he co-stars with other big names. If he was crappy or dramatical he wouldn't get the work he does.

    So he likes to date young, hot VS models. What guy doesn't? He isn't married and these girls know he's a playboy so I see nothing wrong with it.

  52. Leo. Huge fan. Love him.

  53. Definitely DiCaprio. He tends to pick great material. Johnny Depp can be fun but often goes for the more gimmicky and you have to be in the mood for his over-the-top hamminess.

  54. Leo but only if I can get the whole cast, writer and director of The Departed. That was wicked fuckin' good! Plus you get a Sheen, a Baldwin, a Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson and Martin Scorsese to work with.

  55. Leo, probably, and I'm not a fan. That bizarre movie he's made with Scorcese is oddly appealing. And even though I'm not a DiCaprio fan, I end up asking myself why I'm not when I see him in a movie every few years.

    I was a huge fan of Depp's, but his middle age crisis has turned me completely off. What an ass he turned out to be, but I guess Kate Moss could've told me that over a decade ago. Any man who hits a woman is a worthless piece of shit, and always will be.

  56. I'll wait til they come out on DVD and watch em both from the comfort of my couch. I'm not going to see either of their recent efforts in the theater. I'm saving my movie outings for the Hobbitses, Dragons, Wolverines, and also Simon Pegg in The World's End.

  57. Hard one, but going with leo....hes been killing it for me lately beginning with The Departed....damn hes been good...
