Friday, June 21, 2013

Your Turn

yesterday I heard some ad on the radio and it said it featured the biggest pop star on the planet. I was asking myself who the biggest pop star on the planet is and then as the commercial continued, they said Madonna would be there. I'm assuming they think Madonna is the biggest pop star on the planet. I disagree, but, tell me who you think is the biggest pop star on the planet.


  1. If you take the entire history of her career/music, then Madonna would be the biggest pop star on the planet. If you take a snapshot of what she's doing now, then no.

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Nope. she is off since 5 years.

  3. Well, if Madonna is not a good choice...then Britney Spears.

  4. What Cathy said.
    It depends on whether "biggest pop star" refers to EVER or CURRENT.

  5. I'd agree with Madonna I think.

  6. i have no clue. you like who you like, whether the greatest or not.

  7. If you look at record sales, social media, mainstream media/blogger coverage, endorsement deals, right now, Rihanna's got the title, or Beyonce. But I think Rihanna has more influence right now. I stress right now.

  8. Taylor swift is the biggest country pop star. Next in line is britney.

  9. For me... Britney all the way

  10. I'd agree with Madonna being the biggest pop star, taking her entire career into consideration, and because to this day, no one rakes in more money from a concert tour than she does. Whoever attracts the most and makes the most IS the most, at least in economic terms.

  11. i think madonna, even tho i personally dont like her that much..and britney is next in line as she has stayed more revelant than madonna. sShes been out since the late 90's, all over the tabloids consistently since she popped up on the scene.

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM


  13. Madonna used to be. Britney used to be. Unfortunately at the moment I'd say it's either Justin Beiber or Taylor Swift. The teens rule the market. Hopefully Biebs is a bit past though.

  14. I don't know, because I can only see things from an American perspective. Other parts of the world might think Amr Diab outshines everyone else, or maybe Tiesto or Skrillex. While Madonna is an icon, she can't be the gold standard everywhere, can she?

  15. Peter North has the biggest pops of any star. He says he eats an entire head of celery the morning before a shoot to increase the volume.

  16. As much as I hate to say it either Taylor Swift or Beyonce by income, top singles and ticket sales.

  17. For me, Britney Spears! Forever and always! There's something about her I can't help but love.

  18. I think Beyonce or Rhianna too.
    Madonna and Britney are definitely icons, but at this point both are really working off their past reputation, rather than still creating new work that keeps them at the top.

    Nothing wrong with that--I just think it means someone who is still producing current new work.

  19. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Biggest Pop Star on the Planet... hmmmm, yep in the 90's, but not now. Toss up between Rihanna and Beyonce. Beyonce certainly pulls in the most money, but hasn't had a hit lately.

  20. Most records ever sold is The Beatles, single artist would be Elvis. Bieber, Taylor Swift, Britney, etc., don't even come close. Even Garth Brooks has sold more than those.

    Column inches isn't the same as sales.

  21. It's Britney, bitch.

  22. Pop Star(s) Spice Girls

  23. It's Beyonce or Adele.

    Madonna has not been relevant since she started showing off her Gollum arms and wizened ladyparts to all and sundry. At least she keeps her veiny old lady hands covered these days.

  24. Right now there is no biggest pop star on the planet. There simply isn't the industry to promote any one person like that anymore. But if you're looking at ever, I want to know how anyone thinks Madge was bigger than Michael Jackson. NFW!

  25. Im currently in atlanta and One Direction is staying at my hotel. I can tell you these teeny boppers would claim this boy band sensation to be the biggest thing! I have never laughed so hard waiting for my car and witnessing the madness of teenage girls going crazy! It was madness!!

  26. Funny how people just assumed women. I'm wondering if we are taking EVER seriously because EVER means Paul McCartney. He is the biggest music star ever. Pop rock country anything. Paul is king!

  27. Count, you would have to mention that, wouldn't you...he's still working? I mainly remember his name because of an article I read back in the mid to late '90s or so about guys in porn; apparently PN was a pompous jerk, as opposed to someone else in the story (Mike something?), who was very nice and honestly thrilled when his lunchtime sandwich came with dressing & the usual sandwich toppings, because he'd gotten used to low-rent catering over the years.

  28. Right now Rihanna or Beyonce are but if we're talking longevity it has to be Madonna

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. madonna is the biggest pop star in the planet as she is a sex symbol, something she stopped being years ago.
    I agree with that there is not anybody who is bigger than the others as MJ or madonna were a long time ago.

    @ Jerkula : Do you know that Peter North started his career in gay porn? Maybe his great pops come (ouch) from those prostate massages (with dongs).

  31. Madonna, period. No one even comes close to the breadth of her career.

    If he were still alive, I'd also say Michael Jackson.

  32. @Robin: I have heard tales of Peter North melting down on chicks who touched his hair.

    @Kermit: Most of em start out doing gay for pay. As a fledgling mope fresh off the bus in LA, wide eyed and bushy tailes, you do what you have to in order to survive. Gay and tranny work is more lucrative, so many will do that while trying to get established.

    Usually the "straights" will be the pitchers, but when rent is due or the dealer needs to be paid, all bets are off.

  33. Biggest pop star ever I would agree that it was Michael Jackson; currently it's a toss up between Rihanna and as much as I hate to say it Justin Bieber.

    Going by record sales it would be the Beatles but they are no longer together so they lose by default. Highest record sales currently for a single artist who is still active is Madonna and Mariah Carey. In 2000 Mariah was given the best-selling female pop artist of the millennium award.

  34. I've seen a few Madonna concerts on TV. She puts on an awesome show. I think that elevates her above the others. If she would ever perform close enough to my hometown, I'd cough $$ it up

  35. I've seen a few Madonna concerts on TV. She puts on an awesome show. I think that elevates her above the others. If she would ever perform close enough to my hometown, I'd cough $$ it up

  36. Right now, nobody. Madonna is waaaaaaaaay past her prime, and the others are all fair to middling at best. Just not a good time for music right now.

  37. Michael Jackson was the biggest pop star, and I think even posthumously, he still is-record sales wise. Overseas, he was like..a god. A glittery, Jerri-curled, one gloved, alien, white/black transexual god. Thinking on it, MJ would've made an awesome damn anime, no wonder they loved his freaky shiny ass.

    Personally though, I think The Hoff beats them all, ooh baby! (hahahaha!) no.

  38. Overseas, people still bang on about Michael Jackson. Don't forget Kylie Minogue if you are talking about the rest of the planet, or Justin Timberlake.

    Who did the last World Cup song? That's a pretty good barometer of international fame.

    1. K'Naan wavin flag - loved that song - first time I heard it was when my granddaughter and her friends were singing it at their soccer game.

  39. @Unknown,10:36; Cool shout-out for Amr Diab, but he's so passe now. Post Arab Spring "music" is horrible, it celebrates drug use and violence.

  40. Just looked up Peter North - he's a Cannuck! Halifax, Nova Scotia. Oh gawd how I hate to claim this pompous jerk as one of ours. He didn't move to the US until he was in his early 20s.

    Great money-making scam he has with his, "how to increase your load" products/advice. Dude obviously does not have a degree in biology.

  41. Meant to add, or an understanding of the role of genetics.

  42. @unknown: you Canucks can stake yer claim to mope Brandon Iron too, of fame and the Slap Happy series. Even though he has regained entry to the USA, his love of hockey and bland humor will always make his inner Maple Leaf shine through.

  43. I think katy perry IS the biggest pop star now. Madonna was, so WAS brit.

  44. I thought Katy too. She's sold like a gazillion singles and broke many records.

  45. Don't stop Beliebin'..hang on to your feeeeelin'

    Haaaahahahha....oops too much drinking today....

  46. Girl's Generation is the greatest pop act on the planet.

  47. currently Taylor Swift
