Thursday, June 27, 2013

Your Turn

It has been some time since I let you all promote or plug things you want to, so have at it.


  1. I lost my class ring when I was on vacation in this weird island so no, I don't wear it anymore.

  2. Your Turn

    When you graduated, did you get a class ring? Do you still wear it?

  3. Can I DEmote something? Scientology! Don't do it, kids. NOT EVEN ONCE.

    1. I like what you're saying and plan on following your sage advice. Plus they won't want me I'm poorish and not willing to work for free. I also have free will and a mind of my own. And I'm stubborn.

  4. I gave my class ring money to Scientology. Big mistake. Huge.

  5. I saved up real hard and got me a class ring and the next Thanksgivin' I was stuffin' some turkeys for the big church dinner and momma said, "Sweet, put on some rubber gloves an' protect that pretty ring!" but I didn't pay her no how 'cause I had to help the deacon's wife pluck, gut and stuff 20 turkeys! Well, you know what happened. As the deacon said the blessin' at dinner, I looked down at my hand in prayer--- and my ring was gone! It was up some turkey's heiney! It was all I could do not to go round the table and stick my hand up the bottom of every stuffed, cooked turkey on the table! But the good Lord said, "Good things come to those who have patience, Sweet," so I humbly sat and ate my dinner with the rest of the good folk and the next day Mrs Freeman brought me the ring. Said her husband Benjamin done ate it and passed it. 'Course I threw the damned nasty thing out, but it warmed Sweet's heart good to know that she was honest and brought it back. Ain't no body got time for no thieves!

  6. I turned my class ring into a nipple ring. Shizz was heavy! ;)

  7. I'm plugging The Bling Ring! In theatres now. I don't have a class ring but I did get to keep my robe from Hogwarts. It smells like a ginger thanks to Rupert but it's all I got to keep.

  8. I lost my class ring because I threw it at a boyfriend who was annoying me...

  9. Class rings are dumb!!

  10. A had a peace of me put in the stone of her class ring. I don't think everyone knows how long weave been together! Only recently has she felt comfy enough to let the world know about us!

  11. Moderation is also dumb - one of the reasons I liked coming to this site.

  12. Still promoting my 4th CD, "Dirty Red Pagan", available thru my website at (click the paypal button). Good reviews! Thanks! Last time a few folks here bought it. That's what the interwebs are for.

  13. How will we have any pudding if you don't post my comments?

  14. I am going to promote helping someone out. This past month I have a few friends who became missplaced after job collapse and other things out of their control, hundreds of people on friends lists, college buddies, work friends etc and no one said, "hey sleep on my couch". All I can remember is the many times these individuals did just that for others. So my promotion is your friends, family and fellow humans out...couod be you sometime when you least expect it. you can share your space for a week or so..bacon à deux just tastes better sometimes.

    1. Yes! Totally behind you on this. My longest lasting couchsurfer housemate lasted four years. She is noe an honorary sister, though I doubt she will ever be a roomie again :)


  15. St labres indian school. Pls donate; they do great things.

  16. I saved up all summer for mine. We had to order it in the fall.
    Actually I worked in a deli with a signature sandwich:

    Fresh wheat bread
    sliced turkey

    top with a mayo/mustard combo (think Durkee) and you're good to go!

    You're welcome

  17. @Gilbert Neal are you Enty?
    Cause you sure look like him

  18. Wounded Warriors for charity to plug.

  19. I wrote a book on punk rock and I just launched my Kickstarter campaign!

  20. Class ring are ugly, i prefer to buy a cock ring

  21. Not all people that smoke weed are a waste of life

  22. I wanna plug Selena Gomez's butt.

  23. Nothing to hawk, so I'll tell my ring story.

    I got one and took it off one day when making meatballs (didn't have gloves and didn't want to put my ring in the food--unsanitary!) and misplaced it. Guess it somehow got thrown out.

  24. Longtime lurker enjoying the insights, info, and drama! I will promote how I can help with promotion.

    Marketing is hard. For small business owners looking to increase sales:

    I do direct response marketing & advertising. That means the ads are written with the purpose of getting a direct sale or lead. The ads also use various methods to track and improve the effectiveness of the ad.

    We are new so our promotion is that you DO NOT HAVE TO PAY us until we track the first increase in sales directly resulting from the advertisements we write for you.

    Feel free to contact me now to learn more details to create an awesome campaign for you, your service or biz:

  25. I fucking hate deviled eggs. Ugh.

    1. Sweet, you and me are DONE! Deviled eggs are awesome!

  26. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I would like to promote Xander Dyle Shirts. No money goes to the charity of your choice, but he may take a nice vaccation with the money. Or just call himself @deadpussy and troll

    1. @froggy. I believe I have a Xander Dyle original. Something about the location of the missing wife of Tom Cruise's best buddy.

    2. Be careful Gayeld! Their might be a tracking device hidden in you're shirt!

  27. @shark week

    No. If you persist I shall throw your class ring out the window. Who wears a class ring??!

  28. I don't blame you for throwing your ring out, Sweet!

    Please note that my ring didn't, to my knowledge, go through anyone's digestive system.

  29. I promote the idea of turning off 'AutoPlay' on the video ads in the sidebar. And why are there multiple instances of the same video ad?


    Please join us for our Hippie Gathering's Love-in!
    This is not a protest, it's just a good old fashion love-in.
    We have all been busy out in the streets speaking our rights and minds and doing a hell of a job at it, its time to have a relaxing time with a love in at the park.
    Please bring your drums, flutes, guitars, love for man kind and our Mother Earth.

    We will gather in the Meadow Area of Piedmont Park.

    PLEASE REMEMBER: This is not a protest just a bunch of people at the park, at the same time and we all happen to be peace loving hippies.
    Let's show everyone how peaceful and beautiful we are. We are all brothers and sisters and its time to act like and show it.
    Love to you and yours.

    1. Yau! What city since I am layzzee today.

  31. Comment moderation sucks.

  32. I had a class ring, but I lost track of it after high school. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what happened to it! Then I ran into my high school sweetheart at our 20 year high school reunion. She said to me, "Ron, I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is, I had cervical cancer and I had to get a hysterectomy. The good news is, they found your class ring!!"

  33. Deviled eggs are the Devil's work, I say! The very Devil himself!!!!

  34. I would like to promote Project Open Hand (with or without a class ring). They feed the elderly and ill and have a low operating budget to donation ration. Even if everyone only gave $20 (or a class ring to pawn)it would make a big difference. It is one of my favorite charities due to the fact they helped my uncle when he was dying. I will forever be grateful.

  35. Is this one troll? Get a life!

  36. @Randy I use the AdBlock extension for Chrome.

  37. Guys, something serious needs to be plugged - can you please make a donation to the Red Cross to help the 13,000 people evacuated last week because our town flooded? For real, houses are still under 5' of water and dysentery is beginning to appear. We're in Alberta, Canada.

  38. I don't like to talk about it because we lost so many good men out there.

  39. I'm plugging my friend's book about the cat overpopulation problem. It's really good, I promise. Only $2.99 on amazon, and all proceeds go to charity. The totle is "The Complicated Cat Lady Down the Street." Check it out:

    1. I will buy this. I think it must be handled soon... out of control! Hearing it discussed on the radio lately.

  40. Man, I love this topic...but on troll day?!

  41. I will shamelessly plug my friend's product gladly!

  42. I'll do my spousal duty and plug my husband's games. They are surprisingly good.

  43. You moderate my comments but let that a-hole talk about the ass of a girl who looks like she's 12?

  44. I'll plug something. I'm on this weight loss program that has seriously saved my life and plenty of other people that I know. Please send me a message if you are interested in learning more about it. :)

  45. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Again. I posted for Ricky's Fund which is to raise money for the feline HCM studies. That never posts. But other comments about sex and cruelty post. WTF

  46. @froggygurl,

    lay off the boose and press the button!

  47. Anonymous2:37 PM

    See. That's it. I'm innocent, but the trolls attack because I am here. Thanks a lot.

  48. Seriously. We have moderation and yet the obvious troll comments are still getting through. Just give it up, Enty.

  49. Anonymous4:06 PM

    My blog as an American living in sydney - from the USA to G'day - - itsMostly about celeb gossip. I love deviled eggs and was wisely advised not to by a class ring

  50. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Follow me on twitter @arizonacarla

  51. Animal rescue and adopting from shelters. Please. These poor animals just want a loving home. Don't support evil puppy mills. Thanks.

  52. I'll try this again and see if second shift nods let it through.

    @jerkulaonamobile: You are pussy for not coming at me with your regular screen name. And the only material you got it tired crap.

  53. Thank you current Moderator.

  54. What @PugsterMom said!!!

    Oh and what Bob Barker said....spay and neuter, spay and neuter


  55. legalize weed
    spay and nueter your pets
    support your Local Music scene

  56. Remember the show on Mtv about the fake boy band? Well, the shy one has a meth problem and his brother is making a documentary about trying to get him clean. He has a kickstarter thing to help fund it. Please donate. I have personal ties to this family and they are desperate.

  57. I design and make jewelry and want to start a shop on, but have not done so yet. My 86 year old mother lives with me, and have been busy. Maybe the next time Enty is so nice as to allow promotion, I will have gotten this off the ground.
