Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy

This A list cable talk show host has always been known to have a big ego, but this might be taking it one step too far. The cable network for whom he works is required to post ads for his show on as many billboards as possible which can be seen by him on his drive to and from the studio. If he sees a billboard that does not have him on it he apparently has a fit.


  1. I can't see Conan being that douchie. I'll go Bill Maher also. He needs the billboards so whores know who he is.

  2. Bill O'Reilly....lmao!!! I could So see him doing this!!!

    But I believe it's Bill Maher. He really is that big a a teeny tiny short pkg.

  3. I meant Ryan seacrest

  4. Bill OReilly or Hannity.

  5. Andy Cohen? No idea what he's rumored to be like though, i hope he's nicer than that.

  6. I like the idea of this being a cable-news talk show, because HBO would have many billboards featuring just ONE program. Maher would have exploded by now if he were counting the HBO billboards that don't feature him.

    I think cable news frequently has those kind of 'ensemble cast' billboards though. Both O'Reilly and Hannity would expect to be on FOX's, but I think O'Reilly's the guy who would warrant an 'easy easy' label on a bad-temper blind.

    If (bad temper) Olbermann were still on MSNBC, I would be split on it, but Olb JUST got a new job he hasn't started. No billboards.

    If this IS Piers Morgan though, I will personally PUNCH him.

  7. Also, for some reason I think this is a West Coast-based talk show host. I don't feel like someone driving from his home in Connecticut into Manhattan is going to be seeing *that* many billboards, period.

  8. I'd say this is evidence for Maher:

  9. Gary, that site has billboards for EVERYONE.

  10. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This is Bill Maher.

  11. I've never understood the hate for Maher (unless it's from Fox News viewers).

    Maybe it's because I'm a guy it's easier to forgive his being a douche toward women (or the fact as a guy, I've suffered myself at the hands of that sex)?

    Regardless, this sounds like Bill "Fuck it! We'll do it live!" O'Reilly.

  12. It can't be any of the New York-based guys - not many billboards on the side of skyscrapers.

  13. This is definitely Bill Maher.

  14. Obviously John Oliver. The new power has gone to his head.

  15. Whoever it is maybe its structly business- ir, they shld be advertising his show more.

  16. When I think of big egos I immediately think of Geraldo.

  17. Bill Maher. He's an arrogant prick.

  18. I have no doubt it's Maher. He's a giant asshole and even his fans know it or they're in denial.

  19. Totally Bill O'Reilly - it's a wonder that big fat ego fits into the car he's driven to work in.
