Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blind Item #2

If I were this B list mostly television actress from a very hit network show, I would think very carefully about letting her B-/C+ list mostly television actor from a very hit network show go the doctor with her. She is pregnant. I don't think he is going to like the timing of it very much. If he does the math.


  1. Lea Michele and Cory monteith while he was in rehab... But she doesn't look pregnant in those recent vacation shots. But what do I know?

  2. ^I can't think of anyone else that fits.

  3. Glee was a "very hit" show its first year, but not now.

  4. Anonymous7:56 AM

    uh oh.... Lea and Cory.. awk-waard...

  5. Cory doesn't do that sort of thing, if you get my drift.

  6. The wording of the blind is difficult. Either they've just started dating and she is pregnant from a prior relationship. Or they have been dating for a while but were not physically intimate for a period of time (i.e. working on projects in different cities) and the pregnancy co-incides with that seperation.

  7. @Harry Knuckles: So who the hell on Glee is straight???

  8. Like the Lea and Cory guess. Bikini shots are not, she could very well be pregnant and not showing.

  9. yes, this blind is obviously hinting at infidelity. not sure if both of these individuals are on a "very hit network show" or were in the past... or if its the same show, or even same network....

  10. Kelly Cucoa (sp?) and superman dude? Sorry. I just kind of know what is sort of going on.

  11. @Gypsy, What do you mean you "kind of know what is sort of going on?" Not sure to interpret that to mean you have inside info or you are clueless about current Tv actors/actresses. ;)

  12. @DontRainOnMyPrada, I am clueless! I don't own a TV and if it weren't for this site and its readers, I wouldn't even know anything! I am embarrassed to guess, but I just want to participate. ;)

    1. problem...just wanted to know if it was some juicy inside info.. But hey, don't feel bad about guessing... You have just as much right to as anyone else. ;)

  13. Jennifer Love Hewitt

  14. I second the Kelly Cuoco and Henry Cavill guess

  15. Dobrev and Sommerhalder (Sp?) with conception dating back to when they split?

  16. Wait, i had read just a headline, they do not seem back together.. sorry!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Henry C isn't a B-/C+ mostly TV actor from a very hit network show, so that voids that guess.

    I'm with the Lea/Cory guess. While Cory was in rehab there was a bit of a fuss within the Glee fandom because Lea was spotted alone on a camping trip with some blond guy.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @Gypsy. I deleted it literally within a few moments of posting it because I realized that I was kind of being a jerk. Thanks for reposting it for me though and trying to make me look bad anyway. Next time I won't bother trying to right my wrongs because apparently it doesn't matter.

  21. God invented abortion for times like these.

  22. @hanselton: It doesn't feel good does it? How was I to know you deleted your post because you realized your jerkiness? I opened up my email and got your insult anyway. It's just a shitty way to be to people you don't know.
    I deleted my example. And I promise I won't upset your experience with my novice guesses anymore. I had no idea how serious gossip was. Moving on...

  23. @gypsy - don't get yourself so worked up over someone who has had their blogger profile for less than six months :)

  24. @Gypsy: Wow. All I said was that it sometimes seems that people don't read the full blind before commenting and this is what I get? I deleted it right away too. Seems I was wrong about me being the jerk. Is everyone on this site as friendly as you or should I just bow out now? I've made like three posts and I'm already being attacked for a comment I deleted right away...

    1. Hanselton I wouldn't get your hopes up about being welcomed warmly. As someone already said, you have only had blogger for 6months so obviously your opinion is worthless, only people who have had blogger for at least a year can participate in gnis This blog. I am shaking my head that someone even said that, welcome back to fucking high school. You can't sit with us!

    2. lol...well said.

    3. lol...well said.

  25. I have moved on. Move on already.

  26. It would be a little weird cause Cory and Lea are a BIG f------ I don't think it's them at all.

  27. @Hansleton: You do whatever you want. If the owner of the site doesn't like something you post, they will delete it. No one else matters.

  28. I keep on and keep on and keep on saying it.


    Sheesh people. Do I need to make buttons or something?

  29. @Bacon Ranch: Buttons? YES PLEASE!!!! haha

  30. @Bacon Ranch Please send me a button. I will wear it every day. In my eyeball. So's to never forget 7/10. The day I tried to guess a blind item but failed pathetically and let everyone down and became a traitor to my country and deservedly was outcast from my tribe, while holding my head down in shame and tripping over that weird somewhat curved part of the curb in front of my house that is kind of cracked but not totally broken off.
    What are those? Like a $1 or something? Send me 2!

  31. You're forgiven Gypsy.

    Everybody gets 1.

    L, I'll let you know when I set up the Ranchero Etsy :)

  32. Can anyone who'd not an asshole tell me if there's a way to block certain people on this site? I'm not really down with the bullying I've seen on my first day commenting here.

  33. I think it's in your blogger settings.
    Bullying? Where?

    Don't make me grab my whistle.

    Because I will.

    Oh yes. I will.

  34. @hanselton: Oh my god. Who is bullying you?
    Count Jerkula seems to like you and he's a misogynist pig, (with all due respect Count!) So, it can't be all bad.
    It is just gossip. Let it go or you won't get your button from Bacon Ranch. :(

  35. @Gypsy: Whenever I see someone says they are a new poster, I always give words of encouragement. Especially if there is instant heat.

    I don't know if I like hanselton or not, but I'd rather find the answer than have her, or any noob split in the first day.

  36. Bless yer li'l heart, Hanselton, for thinking you could possibly block assholes here!

    Psst...if you find a way, do please let us know! :)

  37. I just think there is a difference between 'bullying' (arguably a very serious charge that should be roundly condemned) and good natured joking around that was not specifically directed at one person but at the absurdity of a ridiculously meaningless situation. And, that's all I have to say about that.
    Jesus H. Krishna. Bacon Ranch was right! It is very serious business; this gossip trade.
    I need 3 buttons now!

  38. Yeah well there are a few of y'all that get super nasty over newbies guessing blinds..

  39. Actually @Groovy, this is because the newbie dogged me for making a guess that didn't quite meet her expectations. So my guess is she will fit in just fine.

  40. I can see where hansel is coming from. The Canadian cool crowd told me once that I couldn't sit at their lunch table and I will admit I cried in my Fonzie pillow that night.

    I just don't see any bullying going on. Just because someone doesn't agree doesn't mean you are being bullied.

    I'm working on those buttons. ™ Bacon Ranch LLC (Just so none of you bullies try to steal my idea)

  41. Aw, Bacon...come on over and I'll share my cheese! Don't tell anyone, though...they all want my cheese.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Um, @Bacon Ranch, you just earned yourself a life time member to your fan club.
    I have a Ralph Malph b-illow (body pillow) that I just can't sleep without. Don't be jelly! Though I know that is tough to ask of you.
    I don't think anyone was even disagreeing, just maybe a little sensitive, being the new kid and all. Its tough! Ammirite? But seriously, @hanselton, if you are lurking; ain't nobody hatin' on ya. We're just hacking away at the day. Trying to have a laugh.
    Don't be all sad and stuff. Be awesome instead! It's just all stupid bullshit anyway. At least until the buttons arrive. *insert evil laugh here.
    Hell, I have been coming here for 3 years and people just started talking to me. And today is the first time Count even noticed me. Le sigh! All in good time, friend.

  44. The first time I commented here, I guessed NeNe for a blind. I was FLAMED TO HELL!!!! Because someone doesn't like RH. Fuck em. People will like your comments or not, either you care or you don't. I guess I forget how SUPER SERIOUS the net is. P S. <3 Bacon Ranch

  45. As long as you're not clogging up the site with idiotic postings (like trolls) who cares if someone makes fun of your post. Just ignore posts you don't like. Take it from someone that posts more than their share of dumb comments- it doesn't matter.

  46. @ethorne Nene???????? Really??? I can't believe you guessed NeNe for any blind!!!!!! I mean who would do something so unconscionable?? And careless?????!?!?!
    Pssht. Wow.
    And you came back after that???? That takes some brass balls!

    Just kidding. I don't even know who Nene is. That's why a rarely guess, because I don't know shit! I just come for the witty repartee. ;) Love your avi, btw!!!!

  47. @Gypsy-NeNe is an Atlanta Housewife & she brought this gem into my world, "Close your legs to married men trash box!"

    Thanks about the avi, Patsy's my spirit animal. But I'm not British, blonde, or alcoholic . ;)


    ..and it's serious business.

    See how I did that?
    Imma gonna do my ™ thing again. Thanks for sharing your cheese mousy :D HIA ethorne!

    Because you see JSierra, unless you have been wasting your time (and brain cells) for as long as the other folks, you are worthless. I mean, how dare you be new?
    They were never new. At all ever.

    Geez this isn't high school sh*t. This is kindergarten poo.

  49. Until you can produce your laminated CDAN Junior Detective Card, you have no business guessing! Didn't ya'll read your rulebook?

  50. My laminator broke so my CDAN JDC is secured between two pieces of saran wrap that I ironed together. That was messy!
    Just tryin to fake it til I make it.

    1. Good idea Gypsy! I just glue-gunned the hell out of mine.

  51. Just think of what we could accomplish in cahoots, ethorne!

  52. Ohhh maybe jessica sh*tson & tony roma..singer, reality show, actress, designer and reality judge..and I use all of those terms loosely

  53. Bless your little heart megan, for still guessing!
    Unfortunately I checked your profile and since you aren't a member of the 5 year club, your guess will be discarded.
    Please feel free to contact the committee in 2 years.

    1. Gtfo, there was a blind in this post?!

      *No commenters were harmed by "Gtfo" during the making of this comment*

  54. Psst megan: I can make you an "ofFiCial" CDAN JDC card with my flat iron and an old cigarette pack cellophane. ;) Don't tell anyone!

  55. Oh shit, we need a member card now? But all the slots in my wallet are full!

  56. Gypsy-I bet your flat iron works way better than my NKOTB crimper!

    Lotta-That's what she said!

  57. Those dirty dirty slots! Always full. Don't worry, LottaColada, I can make yours with my crack torch and the windows of all the bill envelopes that I ain't payin'. And I will connect it via an old bike chain to your wallet like an old school sk8r would wear from his belt loop. Problem solved. You're welcome.

  58. There was a photo today of Lea Michele in a bikini. Of course, her back was turned...

  59. Lauren Graham/Peter Krause

  60. Don't feel sad, Hansel, Gypsy! I've been posting here on and off for 3 yrs, and finally started posting most e this yr, and I do have some semi decent insider stuff, (though a lot is old), and no one has even bothered to ask to see my CDaN card. 😒

  61. Di! Don't worry. I will make you one with my George Foreman grill and the safety wrapper from my Sleepytime tea box. I got you covered.

  62. @888: a vibe can't run a batch of spooge down her gullet.
