Friday, July 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 26, 2013

This blind item is so easy, it is barely blind. This newly announced baby mama of an A list all movie actor has a past that no one is talking about. Although she is a model she has also earned money being a topless blackjack dealer for bachelor parties and always making sure the bachelor has a good time.

 Jeremy Renner/Sonni Pacheco


  1. If you can say yourself that it's 'barely blind', why even reveal it? Why not move on to, I don't know, maybe, FEBRUARY??

  2. well get that money girl if true

  3. so did he just have a kid to dispel the gay rumors or hide it better? And picked someone that will take the checks quietly. Since he wants to be a macho hetero action star?

  4. @timebob, I believe the answer is "yes."

  5. Wake me up when we get to April, Calla. WOW.

  6. haha thanks @DontRain

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    What is the difference what month the reveals are posted? A reveal is a reveal, the month is arbitrary

  8. @libby you might be never wake up becuz we are never getting there lol

  9. @hag IDK there are other blinds from those month we want to see be reveal. i guess *shrugs*

  10. hag--The July 4th reveals are of blinds posted from January 2nd until July 3rd. He is revealing them in order.
    Jan 1st reveals are of blinds from July 5th-Dec 31st, obvs, and also are revealed in order.
    I have never seen this many reveals. Of course, we used to only get one blind, 5 days/week.

  11. @hag We don't need no common sense 'round here!

  12. it wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to wait 15 minutes for a WHO/ Whocares? blind then another 15 minutes for the next...
    I wanted to stick around and chat, maybe throw out some Aunt Gail blinds, but I think I'm going to come back later when most of the bad ones (hopefully) are out of the way.

    1. @Kimstyle I have enjoyed the Aunt Gail blinds from yesterday. Thank you. Keep 'em coming.

    2. Me too! You need to help the enties write their blinds.

  13. @hag - Sticking with only one month seems to mean we get a whole bunch of lame reveals that we don't give a flying fuck about, as opposed to revealing interesting ones from across all of the months between Jan and July. That's the only reason I care about the month. If these were all from January, but were the least bit interesting, I'd be totally ok with it.

  14. Anonymous12:29 PM

    thank you Enty

  15. Look I know I am gonna piss off people here but come on, can't we just comment and quit the bitching and complaining? "This is different, that's lame, this is boring blah blah blah" GAAAAHHHHH ! They are blinds. They are getting revealed. Just appreciate it - I don't know any other blogger that does this. Judas Priest I swear some people would win a million dollars and still bitch about the denomination of the bills. I wanted more 20's and less 50's.

    Thank for doing this Enty! It is appreciated!

  16. Topless blackjack dealer... hold on, I have an application to fill out.

  17. @Stacey,I agree. I never guess the blinds, so it's like test cheat day for me.

  18. Question is did he pretty much know that she was this kind of party girl and didn’t care? I mean this guy has plenty of women throwing themselves at him. He doesn’t strike me as being judgmental. Is she a reasonable human being despite being so desperately sinful? At the very least likes her a lot – they saw each other for almost three years before the blessed event. He’s a dude who has always had a complex personal life, he wouldn’t have spent that much time with her if she wasn’t what he wanted and he’s not stupid – he knew. Aren’t a majority of WAG’s in H’wood the same?

  19. @Persian: the answer to your last sentance is 'No'. Nice try on rationalizing this guys apparent cheap tastes.

  20. What? They're all good girls? Besides, I wasn't rationalizing; I was saying that could be who he is. If it wasn't her, it would be someone just like her. And not because he is dumb or naive.
