Friday, July 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 31, 2013

B- list all television actress wannabe who thinks way too highly of herself - "Hi Mariah. I'm a huge fan of yours. I totally know what it's like to have fans come up you, but since we are both on television and both know how difficult fans can be and are in the same industry I thought it would be ok."

Mariah - "And who are you?"

Wannabe - "I'm __________________."

Mariah - "I don't know that name."

Wannabe - "I'm on ________________ (so so network show)"

Mariah - "I've never seen it. Is it on cable?"

Wannabe - "No, it's on ____. I used to be on ____________________."

Mariah - "I have obviously heard of that. Just not you. have a nice day."

The wannabe is now telling everyone how she and Mariah are great friends and share a special connection.

Katharine McPhee


  1. Hahahahaha!


    Mimi can do no wrong.

  2. haha---good on ya Mariah

  3. wow and I actually liked Katharine until all these blinds

  4. Lol. This is the kind of shit that I love Mariah for.

  5. I must say, reveal day is super boring because pretty much all of these reveals are already on AGC.

  6. Anonymous2:21 PM

    SHADDEEEEEEE snatched her soul mariah is sooo snarky

    poor katherine lmfao!!

  7. AGC Blind Items. Here's the link!

    It will keep you busy FOR WEEKS!

  8. Annnd another January 31 reveal. I'm not trolling. Just a frustrated lurker.

  9. I never liked Katharine; I was totally Team Elliott. The look on her face when Elliott went home and she and Taylor got to stay...what a smug bitch. Taylor, bless his heart, looked appropriately (and genuinely, I would assume) upset that Elliot had to go, but not our Ms. McPhee.

    So, yeah, any blinds that show her to be a creep, I'm going to believe.

  10. (If I understand ACG correctly, though, keep in mind that most of their "reveals" are only the most popular guesses if they are in italics.)

  11. Has MV ever been revealed? Bc I just listened to #Beautiful and in no way does that sound like Mariah.

  12. I would say meeting of the ' im so special'- and they cancelled each other out.

  13. AKM--That was the AI season I watched in its entirety, and you are so right. McPhee had that treacly-sweet BS going on, but she couldn't help sneaking in a bitchface every few minutes.

    And I distinctly remember how rude she was about Elliot too. Everyone in the country BUT McPhee cried that night, b/c Elliot was such a sweetie.

  14. hahahahahhahahaha


    K McPhee is pathetic.

  15. Gahh I wanna do this to KK or Parisite or someone like that some day. How glorious! It's happened to Asslee, Miley, now it's Katherine's turn whoop!

  16. I think this blind makes Mariah look worse than Katherine. Katherine is obviously delusional but Mariah was really rude.

  17. @AKM, you're right. They are primarily guesses. But almost every single reveal from today was already on there.

  18. But what should Mariah have done if she didn't know who she was? She looks like so many other actresses to me, I'd genuinely not know either. Hell, flava flav confused Gwen Stefani with Miley Cyrus and they don't look alike at all to me besides the hair color.

  19. I was about to say the same thing Krissie - what a bitch.

  20. @texas rose, @Krissie, I want to know though, what should you do in that situation? She asked questions what she was on, etc. In the industry I used to work in, this sort of issue comes up. Literally, what are you supposed to do? Pretend you know the person/workplace? It's always so uncomfortable. I never assume anything and always say a lot of information about where I worked, who I worked for, etc.

  21. I'm sure her tone of voice was the determining factor in how rude she was. But literally.. I have no idea how to advance those awkward conversations.

  22. Maybe it's because I imagine Mariah living in a cotton candy pink universe populated with Sanrio characters, but I can't picture her being intentionally's just a byproduct of having to interact with us mere mortals. McPhee on the other hand...


    GOOD! She ruined Smash and I hope to never see her on any programmes ever again.

  24. @Svetlana, I don't think Mariah (or anyone) should pretend to know who someone else is when they don't. I would not expect Mariah to say, "Oh, yes, Katharine McPhee, you are so famous!". But there is no need to be snotty and mean, which is how Mariah's answers sounded to me.

    Myself, I think the best thing would be to find a middle ground. For example, Mariah could have said, "Oh, I haven't seen that show, but I really don't watch a lot of TV" or something, and then told Katharine to have a nice day without adding "I haven't heard of you".

  25. @Krissie that makes sense. I'm socially awkward at the best of times, and I really honestly don't keep up with things in my industry (or watch tv) but I feel like I end up filling the void by saying something wildly inappropriate haha. This is why I would assume someone like Mariah would have no effin idea who I was.

  26. I watch no network TV at all, and just as Mariah, I have never heard of this McPhee woman. Nevertheless, this is the most amusing item I've read so far. Love this!

  27. @Svetlana I am pretty lousy in social situations myself (Asperger's syndrome, sigh)! But I'm trying to get better at it. It has taken me *years* to learn.

  28. I'm certain Mariah has this same conversation with Nick and the twins daily.

  29. Lmao. This is why I love Mariah. A diva who could shade the sun if she wanted to. Dahling!

  30. Lmao. This is why I love Mariah. A diva who could shade the sun if she wanted to. Dahling!

  31. @AKM, any idea who the artist is in your avi? Loving that.

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I love it.. I'm sorry who are you? .... No... I don't know that name.... no still never heard of you... nice shade Moomoo

  33. @Brenda L - Yes! Energy Artist Julia Watkins. Just Google her and all of her work will come up. Supposedly looking at her art affects our energies in a positive way. Her work isn't too expensive, either. Definitely check her out!

  34. Ugh, they're both awful.
