Sunday, July 21, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 20, 2013

This C list celebrity offspring with a lot of money has been getting a lot of pressure from her boyfriend to marry him. So far she has managed to stumble through her drug hazes without agreeing to do so, but he knows it is just a matter of time until she dies and he wants the money.

Bobbi Kristina


  1. That is a pretty strong accusation to make without anything to substantiate the claim. They were both raised in the same home. I don't believe it.

  2. Nooooo. If this is true it's horrible

  3. I think that marrying your brother because of his greed and your own drug problem is better than marrying him for his looks, for what it's worth!

    1. This made me laugh out loud but you make such a good point!

  4. Besides he will have a long wait. According to the will, Bobbi will receive 10% when she turns 21, 20% at age 25, and the remaining amount when she turns 30.

    1. I wonder what would happen if she passed away though - would the assets go to her heirs immediately?

  5. This makes me ill. Like that kid hasn't been through enough....she's sleeping w/ a vulture.

  6. I feel bad for her, seems like she really has had nobody good looking out for her.
    Poor girl.

  7. her whole identity is tied to her mother and now that is gone she is more lost than her mother ever was.

    The brother lover is all she knows and is familiar with. Of course he wants to stay on the gravy train he is going to do say whatever he has to, to get married.

    I just hope the grandmother has some sort of say in her inheritance to keep that a separate asset in the marriage or better prenup. Hope she at least signs a prenup. But I doubt it.

    But some timebob advice for y'all.

    I used to work for an accountant that handled high end divorces.

    There was a woman who inherited about 30 million from her mother.

    Over time the husband mingled it into their joint accounts. When they divorced, because she didn't keep the inheritance separate from the marital accounts it was considered marital property and he got half of it. She went nuts to say the least.

    If you get a sizable inheritance and are married just keep it in your own account. You never know what the future will bring.

    1. Good advice timebob, as always. Now if only i could inherit $30 mil to hide, lol

  8. If there isn't a pre-nup involved should they really marry, it will be the only Hollywood marriage that doesn't have one. The family won't let that happen, so her money will be safe and the fiance must realize it too.

  9. Good advice, Timebob.......very very good advice.

  10. This broad aint gonna live nearly as long as her mom did.

  11. And i thought whitless died broke and in debt? Where is this zash coming from?

  12. He is not her brother, and frankly, given the mass fuckitude she's surrounded by from her blood relatives, I don't think any of us can say this guy is worse than anyone else who wants a piece of her.

  13. I have a habit of reading online newspapers from places where I've lived. The Napa Valley Register has a weekly column from an attorney, and he really goes into the mingling of money this week:

  14. Dewie very true. The fiance waiting for her to die is just nasty, gossip blog caliber speculation.

  15. @auntliddy she was almost broke when she died. But a dead artist is worth more than a live one. She got a bump in cash in her estate from everyone buying her music after she died and I think there was insurance money also.

    I don't think Bobbi K is going to be MJ kids rich. But she could live a nice comfortable life and never have to work a day of it.

    @Dewie, of course we all know he is not her legal or bio brother. But the fact he was living in the home for years being raised by Whitney like a son, is why it is creepy. Add the fact the relationship turned sexual as soon as she died, makes it even more creepy.

  16. @timebob, they were both rather old when they were introduced in the same household and I don't find it particularly creepy given the insane circumstances of Whitney's private life.

    Creepy is Woody Allen hooking with Soon-Yi.

  17. *hooking up with. Damn lack of an edit function.

  18. Anonymous11:18 AM

    this is pushing it a little too far, how can anyone say that he "KNOWS" she's going to die, unless it's a very, very close friend of his, and even then why would he tell anyone this?????

  19. He needs to hook up Paris Jackson, that lil' white heffa will be worth billions.

  20. Maybe he thinks she will die soon based on her drug consumption and family history. That's fifty/fifty though because Bobbbaaaaaay is still kickin.

  21. So sad. Hope against all odds she gets help.

  22. But Woody Allen never lived with Farrow and her kids, so his relationship w/ Soon-Yi isn't that creepy to me, and neither is BK and NG being together. Her parents did a horrible job as parents, and kids are what they learn, so I can't believe anyone is shocked by this behavior. As for the comment that hopefully her grama has some say in her inheritance is just ignorant; grama never stepped in--as far as we know--and tried to help. She is as much a vulture as NG.

  23. That has to be one of the saddest things I've ever read. That poor girl.

  24. Whitney received a multi-million dollar contract from her long time record producer/friend (can't think of his name) after she and Bobby split. That's why she attempted to perform again, despite her fried vocal cords. What a sad waste of beauty and God given talent.

  25. @Megley the 'grama' Aunt & Uncle are executors of the estate. They have a say in how she gets the money until she is of age.

    BK might not listen to her but money talks and she will listen to that.

  26. Bobbi kristina's grandmother tried to take custody of her when she was a child. There are rumors that BK was raped as a minor and her parents had hte pregnancy terminated. They were to stoned to figure out who had violated her.

    Whitney also did drugs with Bobby Kris. And, both Bobby Brown and Whitney did drugs in BK's presense ever since she as born.

    Having the boy in their home, allowed her to have sex in-house without having to venture out and find a boy on her own, who would then be privy to the fact that the Houston/Brown household was pretty much a drug den.

    If anyone has ever seen the reality show with Pat Houston.... it is clear that Bobbi Kris is a stone cold junkie. She is an addict of the worst kind, and yes, it is a matter of time before she OD's and dies.
