Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 21, 2013

This B-/C+ list mostly movie actress from a franchise has lost out on several roles because she refuses to crash diet. Producers have offered her roles provided she drop a ton of weight and say they can arrange for her to get some Adderall or speed, but our actress refuses it and says they can hire her like she is or she will continue to lose weight the old-fashioned way.

Bryce Dallas Howard


  1. Good for her. She's cute how she is.

  2. More power to her!

  3. What roles would require her to lose weight? She isn't fat by any means.

  4. Good for her! Hope she never changes. Maybe one day films will reflect real people.

    1. And yes she is very far from fat.

  5. She apparently lost the role of Rebel Alley in Arrested Development to Isla Fisher.
    Nah, just kidding.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Angela: ha ha ha!!

    2. That would have been great.

  6. Makes me love her even more.

  7. What roles!? if she's not playing a crack addict or a cancer patient I dont see why she needs to lose a pound.

  8. This makes me love her even more!

  9. She took longer than the typical Hollywood mom to loose the baby weight after her second son so I think this is the weight they are referring to.

    That's ridiculous but true. Love you Bryce

  10. Wooohoooo! I lovelovelove her. This is awesome. Would she be able to be that firm if she wasn't a Howard though? Idk...

  11. She is naturally pretty and her body is just fine as it is. Why would she wanna look like Lilo, Snooki etc?

  12. Thank goodness she has a good head on her shoulders and a strong sense of self worth! Too rare in Hollyweird. Good for her!

  13. Anonymous10:59 AM

    She's always there to pick up the sequel roles no one else wants

  14. Making her parents proud.

  15. Anonymous11:05 AM

    She looks fantastic. Natural, healthy, wholesome and sexy. She did look big after her first, but from what I've seen of her on red carpets lately she lost it and looks great. Sure she doesn't look like Nicole Richie, or Liho, like starving feral mange-ridden, wild eyed, tweaking, twitchy, bitchy, bony flea bags, but why would anyone want to look like that anyway??

  16. Love her and hope shes a role model. I wish mem wld stop casting with their dicks.

  17. I'm not surprised she gets pressure to lose weight. Even the skinniest females get pressured about it in Hollywood. I've read about actresses thinner than her getting shit about their weight.

    It's great that she won't cave in, but she does have a very wealthy family and can afford to turn down work, which a lot of people can't.

  18. she'll never eat lunch in this town again, lol

  19. I love seeing this little trend starting towards healthier and more realistic.

  20. More roles for her "sister" Jessica Chastain

    1. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Rad Miss Matador!

  21. You know, I woke up this morning not really caring for her so much as an actress, and now I like her a whole lot more. No, she isn't 'fat', but she is curvy and normal after having children.

  22. I don't think this is so much about her, or any actress, needing to lose weight. It's about the producers wanting to make sure they have complete control of these women. That's why they offer to hook them up with addictive drugs.

    The producers are acting just like pimps trying to turn these women out. And then we wind up with LiLos and Amandas and all these other addicted/anorexic/bulimic women in abusive relationships who used to be so promising, but now they're just f**ked up.

    And good on Ron Howard and his wife for being decent loving parents, and good on Bryce for resisting all the Hollywood crap.

  23. Call me cynical on this one but if it weren't for who her dad was, her unwillingess to play ball probably would hurt her a lot more. I do admire her conviction though.

  24. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Can I just ask : if I don't call Bryce and other "subjectively healthy/curvaceous" women ham chunks, could the more padded and insulated members not body shame smaller women who are less than a 2? It's really really rude and one sided. I'd be hailed down dare I say ANYTHING about Bryce or Christina H, so LAY OFF!!! Otherwise I have an arsenal of chubby terms waiting to be launched.

  25. paula said...

    I don't think this is so much about her, or any actress, needing to lose weight. It's about the producers wanting to make sure they have complete control of these women. That's why they offer to hook them up with addictive drugs.

    That's a good point.
    It worked so well with Judy Garland.

  26. There is not a whole lot of pressure for nepotism hires to do anything they don't feel like because it won't affect their employment anyway.

  27. It's not about body shaming...if someone is naturally underweight then that is wonderful. But a whoooooole lot of underweight women are not...they're starving themselves and using dangerous drugs to achieve a beauty ideal that has been set down by a male-dominated fashion industry. Then they lie about how they lost weight, and for some reason the masses buy into it. Then young girls start to hate themselves when the diet and exercise isn't producing the emaciated results they are looking for.
    I think it's pretty mean to start going after fat people...if you are naturally underweight then that is natural for you. People who are's usually not natural and there are other issues in play. How about an ounce of compassion?

    1. Anonymous11:53 PM

      I agree Brenda. People who are overweight don't need to be told "put the fork down" even though being overweight causes a gamut of health issues. By the same token, skinny- whether natural or not, shouldn't be told they look ugly either, or to "eat a burger". If its an ED, these things make them spiral further. No body shaming or value judgements either side of the coin.

    2. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Brenda - we address the system perpetrating these "ideals" but don't attack the individuals. These are real people, and as most women are, those with ED's (whether over eating and obese or ana or mia) are frail emotionally and need love & medical Tx.

  28. "Can I just ask : if I don't call Bryce and other "subjectively healthy/curvaceous" women ham chunks, could the more padded and insulated members not body shame smaller women who are less than a 2?"

    Um, no, you can't. Less than size 2 is size zero. As in, nothing. Anyone whose body is a size nothing gets to get talked some serious smack about.

    1. Anonymous11:55 PM

      CeeKay - someone referred to Nicole R as mangled flea ridden. This girl/woman obviously has body dysmorphia which is deep rooted and nasty personal attacks don't exactly boost self esteem which we all know us a huge underlying factor with all eating disorders. Just asking for compassion regardless of size.

    2. Anonymous11:59 PM

      And so because I'm a aus size 4-6, am I open for all sorts of snide comments and judgements? It's always the overweight women at work who constantly examine what I eat and how I look when I don't judge them for being corpulent. My mum is medically obese - I have compassion. I just ask it go both ways. I'm not saying any more. Bless. Xx

  29. agreed....Sorry but I've been on a real peace, love and hippie thing lately. Dammit we need more LOVE in this world!

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Nothing wrong with love Brenda! It takes all sorts, all shapes and loving people regardless. Actually, truth be told I'm envious of curves. Look who I have as my pic - Sophia. I love old school hollywood and I guess you always want what you haven't got!

  30. Opie done good with that one.
