Friday, July 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 23, 2013

This very recent reality star is already making demands and acting like a diva. Apparently she thinks she is the biggest star on a reality show despite her not being in anything ever before and is driving everyone crazy. When someone pointed out the long entertainment history of one of the cast members, our recent star said, "But what has she done lately? Everyone knows me."

Katherine Webb


  1. why does this nobody get three reveals?! We get it she thinks too highly of herself. NEXT!

  2. Everyone but me sweetheart.

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM


  4. Genuinely - who?

  5. Shes already run out of her fifteen minutes yet back in January they thought she was worth 2 BIs in 10 days?

  6. Hardly anybody knows who this betch is anymore.

  7. Guys, we're STILL IN JANUARY. At this pace the reveals will be a week-long affair

  8. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I've never even heard of her.

  9. @libby a gal can dream!! :)

  10. She's the Miss Alabama that the football announcer went nuts over during the BCS championship game. But, more importantly, she's a NOBODY who certainly doesn't deserve 3 blind items (much less reveals.)

    1. You took the words right outta my fingers!

  11. There was a large pool right there, they could have dealt with her, and called it an accident. My tendencies are showing today. I need more caffeine.

  12. who dat (couldnt resist)

  13. In the past, Enty has not revealed all his blinds. OK, fine. But why oh why all these reveals for January alone plus multiple ones for reality star nobodies???? WTH?

  14. But Katherine, what have u done EVER?! Game cam does not qualify u as anything.

  15. OK, I need to google this person. I have seen a few reveals about her, but I have no idea who she is! Oh yes, she is a HUGE star!

  16. I think what we're all asking ourselves, is what does Aunt Gail think about all this?

  17. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I truly don't know what this girl did, was she the hot girlfriend who was spotted in the stands by the announcer? Oh yes, your talent and acting history is infamous Webb.

  18. Well, I had to look you up, KATH-AH-RINE.

  19. Was this all planted by her team? That's my only reasoning as to why she gets 3 REVEALS. Wtf. Now we're all googling her and talking about her. ugh.

  20. She's pretty but that loser of a boyfriend is a redneck jerk. That alone makes me dislike her. Thankfully, her 15 minutes seem to be up.

  21. Okay, now I'm not a Katherine Webb fan, but I was on hiatus when they were training for Splash and trained during the day. She showed up on time every day, got along with everyone, and talked to people. The only problem person on that show was Kendra (so much so when she would start whining the older ladies that water jog slowly would yell up at her to shut up). I'm a regular at that pool, and my daughter is on one of the teams there. We've gotten to know Greg Luganis since he started coaching there 3 years ago, and he only got frustrated with Kendra. Everyone from the PAs to the director just wanted her gone.

  22. I just had to google her and had no clue who she was. Did she win in a Trump organization pageant where she probably had to give some nookie nookie to hair head?

  23. I wouldn't have a clue who she was if it weren't for this site......

  24. Yo, what is up with the double reveals for both this chick and Paris Hilton? SMH...

  25. She is wrong, because I still have no idea who she is. You can act like a diva when people all over the world know you, not just 5 ppl in the US honey!

  26. Anonymous5:43 PM

    what a peach. and who?

  27. War Eagle bitch, wait disloyal bitch to you.
