Friday, July 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 4, 2013

This B list reality star and show host is known for getting as much for free as she can. Despite having millions of dollars our reality star is asking companies to sponsor her Valentine's Day presents to her husband and to herself. She has contacted jewelry companies who want to give her free stuff that her "husband can give her," and hotel chains and restaurants  Anything and everything someone could want for Valentine's Day she wants and wants it for free. She is hoping to get about $100K worth of free stuff and will mention them on her Twitter, but nothing else. Sounds really romantic.

Giuliana Rancic


  1. 100k worth of jewels for free? Yes please! Valentines day is lame anyways.. Bring on the free shwag! Good for her .. That E money won't be pouring in forever!

  2. I bet a box of chocolates isn't on her swag list

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The vacuous lifestyles of the relatively rich and famous

  4. My mantra lately has been 'the less you have, the more you appreciate what you do have.' I'm moving continents soon, and have been getting rid of my stuff. I couldn't be happier. It's so liberating I can't describe it. I hope I never get like this...

    1. Amen Svetlana. People have so much useless shit they've made storage units a huge billion dollar empire that's translated even to a stupid reality show. But worst of all it's serving to add to the landfill problem.

      My mantra is "I do not want what I cannot have" . I'm lucky that I have plenty.

    2. Svetlana- I know what you mean. I'm moving and I just cleaned out years worth of stuff from my storage unit. It's very liberating.

    3. Sherry: Storage Wars rocks!!! Team Barry!

  5. Such blatant materialism and cheapness is pretty gross.

  6. If she's looking for a good charity let her know that I exist....

  7. She is one homely looking dude!

  8. She is one homely looking dude!

  9. She is the worst. Her red carpet interviews are atrocious.

  10. Again....THIS IS WHAT CELEBRITIES DO! They don't pay for much of anything. It's all about marketing and the endorsement.

    1. +1 @ whocaresnow. I'll also add that I know many execs who do the same exact thing. You wouldn't believe the lengths the go through to avoid paying for anything and the unbelievable willingness of some companies to accommodate them. This practice is very common.

  11. The only thing good I can say about this woman is that she is not quite as bad as Kelly Osbourne is on "Fashion Police". I stopped watching that show because it got so horrible.

    I have no idea why companies would think it would be good publicity to give her stuff. I don't know anyone who likes her.

  12. Since when is a host referred to as a reality star?

    1. I think she originally began as a contestant on The Bachelor?

    2. She has/had ( not sure never saw it) a reality show with her husband Bill something or rather .. The guy who won ( the original? ) The Apprentice.

    3. Whoops, sorry. I knew their origin story was rooted somewhere in reality television, thx @Alicia

  13. Talk about no talent, no reason to be famous!

  14. ET go with Kelly ripa and eat a bacon cheese burger!

  15. Shoot, I cannot hate on her. Get that swag, girl!

  16. Hate HATE HATE Ghouliana Rancid more than words. There are no words. Tacky anorexic Mean Girl.

    1. Every time I see her, I cannot believe how closely she resembles King Tut's mummy. Her face is so sunken and drawn across her features because of her eating disorder.

  17. She should get a restaurant to give her some food and make her eat. And BTW why come we never see her with this child she so desperately wanted?

  18. Man, I was really thinking this one was Khloe Kardashian. It's something her family would do.

  19. Boooo! And feel so sorry for their unfortunate spawn

  20. Shes competing with Becky Romaine Lettuce as the freebie queen. There are plenty of stories of Becky doing this time of stuff all the time too.

  21. Did Star Jones do this for wedding and got called out for being tacky and cheap.

    1. @just curious: yes she did. Star was raked over the coals for at least a month. I never understood it because every other celebrity was doing the same thing. Well, actually there were two glaring reasons why....

  22. Anonymous2:15 PM

    how in the hell is this woman in show business? because she can read and she's skeletal? do not get.
