Friday, July 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 2, 2013

Apparently this A list celebrity and a-hole got physical with his A list celebrity girlfriend. She should have known it was coming. No hitting, but he did throw her against a doorway and kept her pressed against it by choking her around her neck. There was another incident where he had her on the ground and held his foot against her throat. After the second one they didn't see each other for a few days and he went and found someone else to be with for a week.

Chris Brown/Rihanna


  1. "If you beat a woman and she comes back to you, she's yours forever" (Richard Pryor, who was raised in a brothel by the pimps and madams in his family$

  2. Ahh this just after the WHO released a report saying one in three women suffers from domestic violence in their lifetime. Pathetic. Just pathetic.

  3. And Fist Brown just keeps living the good life.

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    At least they're broken up now

  5. It's 15 hours into reveals and we are just now on February 2nd. OH MY GOD.

  6. at this point she gets off on it, and they will get back together eventually when he needs the publicity

  7. I agree she likes it and will be back. She needs serious help.

  8. Just celebrities? They are both singers...way to confuse us Enty.

  9. Is Selena Gomez back with Beaver?
    I don't care about Chris Brown and Rihanna at all. She keeps going back, I'm not gonna sympathise with her.

    Selena can still be saved.

  10. Rhianna is a fucking schmuck, and has no self esteem.

    Fist Brown is loathsome.

  11. This is still physical abuse, regardless if "hitting" was involved. He's such a Nobody.

  12. Both of them need help. The dummy leading the dummy.

  13. Does "he" have any blinds with Lane Garrison, Charlie Sheen, or Edward Furlong? No? #Sickofthis Miss the old CDAN.

  14. So hot RiRi likes it rough and dirty. I feel bad that Chris Brown has to go to such lengths to please her that he gets a bad rap for it.

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    the fuck Jerkula ? She doesn't like it hot and dirty, she's being abused you jerk!
