Thursday, July 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 14, 2013

It cost her $1000 which she had to write a check for last night after being busted by a pap, but this A list all movie actress still has never allowed herself to be photographed smoking which is shocking considering she smokes at least a pack a day. When she flies she has been known to go through a pack of nicotine gum.

Nicole Kidman


  1. VIP with the correct answer. You go Glen Coco!

  2. At least it wasn't crack or meth. Snooze.

  3. am I the only one underwhelmed with these blinds---not to sound like a jerk, I do love this site but last year we were talking about Hayden P. hooking up with Barn animals or something---and why are we still in January : /

  4. ^^ what Derek said.

  5. ^^ what Derek said.

  6. maybe its like when I saw the YeahYeahYeahs the other night started off slow went slowly even more down hill then BAMN the best songs towards the end

    1. Really? Last time I saw them (2010) they were awesome. But I have heard if Karen O gets too crazy drunk it turns into a hot mess w/ a quickness....guess its a hit or miss thing.

  7. We are still in January = at least another day of blinds (I hope!)

  8. well it was on Canada Day in Toronto so maybe she giving an extra effort----she gave my friend a really dirty look for no reason though and we were like 8 rows back sober and all (well kinda sober)---not crazy about their new album though---but despair is a really good song if you havent heard it yet

    1. I have, but I'll admit, I LOVED Fever to Tell & this is blitz....the new stuff...not so much. I don't find too many ppl around here (Indiana) who listen to, or even heard of them. I got all happy that someone actually likes them too!

      She gave your friend the stink eye? lol!!! Maybe she didn't like that u were (kinda) sober.

  9. +1 What Derek said. Now that we get a bunch of blinds a day I guess we're just gonna get a bunch of January. Very lame and nothing to look forward to.

  10. lets make predictions then---Snooki is the adderal reality show girl, lilo is a crack-whore --Kirsten Dunst gets drunk again and uh Kristen Stewert is a bitch no one likes

  11. busted is got caught on camera

  12. And who gives half a f^$k if this woman smokes?

  13. this one surprised me. Who cares if she smokes tho - it's sure not worth her paying money to hide the pics. Not like it would be a fall from grace or anything.

  14. +1, Derek
    I've been thinking the same thing. It might be because I've been comparing these to reveals in the past, which were quite juicy.

  15. So she smokes, who cares? Someone that skinny has to do something besides eat.

  16. I don't understand the schock behind this

  17. This has been a very anti climactic .....where is the juicy stuff? Will it be like the fireworks? Saving the good stuff for last???

  18. In the past, there were only one or two blinds a day. With the current model of adding several blinds to keep the site traffic up, the quality of the blinds does diminish (this is also why so many blinds seem to come from the Daily Mail. -- Enty sources a lot of the numbered material from those folks, and it provides a fun hidden object game for the regulars to search for clues over there.

    When Enty just gave one or two blinds, readers would complain when there wasn't a blind, or if t took Enty to long to post it. Now, y'all complain that the blinds aren't good enough and that it is taking too long to get to the good stuff.

    You all just can't be happy, can you?

    Personally, I am happy with whatever Enty puts up here. Part of the fun is confirming what we already knew and what we didn't know, but a bigger part is seeing all of the great comments from all of astute readers. If this isnt your kind of fun, then maybe this site isn't the right place for you. Otherwise, be content with whatever Enty's fat little fingers can put out.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I'm totally with you KellyLynn...I think you and I and missmol are the only ones enjoying it for what it is....a lot of folks seem cranky and very hard to please today. I used to enjoy reading the comments to but today it's not nearly as much fun.

    2. @wahoowifey and @renoblonde, I am glad I'm not the only one. The commenters today do seem extra-crabby. I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes it does.

  19. WTH, why are all my posts being deleted??
    I don't post offensive remarks.

  20. years ago, after Tom, but before keith, she was smoking during a press conference in Cannes... can't remember the film. She wasn't her usual glam self, and was wearing glasses too. The director told her to put it out, and she did so, but was obviously pissed at him for calling her out. I saw footage of this exchange. I guess things have changed now that she has birthed two babies instead of adopting.

  21. @Derek ITA. I got Despair free on iTunes and LOVE the song.

    I think the shock of the blind is who it is. NK wants everyone to think she's perfect. Like GOOP.

  22. Thank you @KellyLynn Totally agree.

  23. This one actually is the most shocking so far...I would've never guessed.

  24. Hothotheat, I think GOOP does smoke.

  25. I'm dying to know which movie stars and big celebrities fart when nobody is around.

  26. Personally, I think the smoking would make her more approachable. It does explain the ice queen expressionless thing she has going.She must freebase the botox to get the smoker's suck wrinkles out!

  27. Yeah I saw the footage of her smoking at Cannes, so I don't understand why the cover-up.

  28. This proves she'll pay whatever it takes to keep her squeaky-clean image.

  29. Wow--I'm actually surprised by this one! It's not that smoking is shocking, but I have never ever seen her smoke, and I can't imagine Tom Cruise, the control freak health nut, "allowing" it.

  30. I too am shocked that she smokes. Never knew that.

  31. Fair-skinned female smokers tend to have RED hands. I always took that as a tell-tale sigh.

  32. I could have sworn I've seen pics of Nicole with a cigarette...a long time ago, but still...

  33. So? Good for her. Despite likelihood her motives are entirely dictated by self-interest, pop culture is so powerful, that the fewer performers seen smoking, the better.

    People are just too sadly impressionable. Hwood popularized & sexualized cigs for generations, & it'd not enough to show only The Bad Guys smoking in films/TV.

    Rant: granted, tho', it's even more irksome that teenage girls get knocked up for a shot at reality TV 'stardom,' & that myriad female celebs are popping out babies to use as PR & fashion accessories.

    They'd have to forgo 'Bump Watch' photo ops, but if they skip that, adopted kids are just as cute (vide S Bullock's little one), & set a far healthier 'Trend' in an egregiously overpopulated world.

    Sorry to rant, but... oh, forget it; not sorry at all (I'm cranky today as well).

  34. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I guess whatever it takes in hollywood to be thin, even if a side effect is death.
