Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cat Sees His Owner For First Time In Six Months


Unknown said...

Heart warming.

FSP said...

Do not watch. You have been warned.

Tyler said...

lol, funny but not all cats are like that. Mine certainly aren't. Both often curl up on the hard floor in our laundry room by the door leading out to the garage waiting for me to return.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Lol. My cat would have peed and/or pooped on my pillow.

Unknown said...

I liked it.

sarah.estell said...

So true!

kris said...

HAHAHAHAHAH...hilarious - especially after just watching the dog it.

MISCH said...

Whenever I went away on business my cat gave me the cold shoulder for at least one day....

msgirl said...

Misch same here! If that was my cat she would have deliberately given me the side eye and walked away. My male however would be all over me.

ureallyannoyme said...

Meh. Tired stereotype and bad editing.

Sherry said...

Our cats are the same way. BUT if we've been gone for over 2 weeks they are mad. The only time Ethel was really pissed was when someone brought their cat for a visit and spent the night. She didn't speak to me for a week.

85134943 said...
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OKay said...

*sigh* FSP DID warn me...

Sherry R. said...

This cracked me up, some cats get pissy when you leave them too long. After I've been gone for a couple of weeks one of mine will sleep on my head for a few nights.

westender said...

Bad acting at it's best.

Anonymous said...

cats are alot more expressive than this video gives them credit for, that being said, clever vid.

Seven of Eleven said...

Jeez, listen to FSP.

30 seconds: Hey, kitty, I'm home! Charlie ignores him. If you have a cat, you know the drill.

Unknown said...

my siamese cat went ballistic after two weeks away!

Goodnight said...

My two male cats run to greet me at the door every single time I come home. One of them even follows me to the bathroom every time without fail.

Anna said...

My cats punish me for leaving in the same way that Lola's does - poop on the pillow.

AuntJess said...

My cat screams the house down when I come home from work everyday. Won't leave us alone. slept in bed with us every night for 12 years. He's very needy. But has been in a funk for the last 2 weeks since we put our younger girl cat to sleep 2 weeks ago.


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