Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Emma Roberts Beat Up Her Boyfriend - He Drops Charges

In Montreal, if you beat up your significant other and you get arrested, you are off the hook if they later decide to drop the charges. That does not seem very conducive to doing something about domestic violence, but it did save Emma Roberts from possibly doing time in a Canadian jail. On July 7, Emma and her boyfriend Evan Peters, of American Horror Story got into a fight in their Montreal hotel room. A guest in the next room called the police when they heard fighting. Emma was arrested when it was discovered she had no marks but her boyfriend had bite marks and a bloody nose. Apparently this was not some sex game gone wrong, but full on domestic violence. Emma has a tempter, but the pair have made up. Yeah, until next time when Emma shows up at Evan's house in a bullet proof vest with a gun and baton and asks him for money.


  1. Definite sexism. If the roles were reversed, there would be so much outrage if the charges against HIM were dropped.

  2. It's nice to see the apple does fall far from the psycho tree.

  3. She's always looked like a mean bitch.

  4. Wtf! I agree with Cathy. If she was left with bite marks and bloodied, people would be sitting bricks that charges were dropped.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Perhaps Emma needs to move to Florida

  7. Like father, like daughter and to think Julia used to ridicule Eric for being a wife beater. Looks like the niece she was so closed to, took after the father.

  8. Apparently they are both in American Horror Story this upcoming season. Are they currently filming ? Perhaps work spilled over into real life ? Plus with her father Eric's past history, Emma night not have the best coping mechanisms when it comes to dealing with anger or frustration.
    I will say this though, the ones we love know how to push our buttons more so than anyone else.

  9. She's been named and shamed now. Hopefully that will help her seek help. Evan needs to know he doesn't have to put up with it. Domestic abuse is no less vile when it is directed at males.

  10. Ugh, I liked her before this. Now I have to put her in the Chris Brown category. :(

  11. I like that neither Emma or Evan are described as "trash, POS, stupid and dumb" or that they have not been heaped with praise and sorrow as was done with Nigella and Charles. But baby that shit that went down with Chris Brown will live in INFAMY!!!!!

  12. Totally in the Chris Brown category now!

  13. Anonymous6:56 AM

    TMZ has pictures of her bruised and scraped up, so it seems like a mutual fight.

  14. Unless she's committed to getting help and receiving cognitive behavioral therapy or something of the sort, he needs to get out. Women can be vile, hateful abusers just as well as men can and it does equal damage to male victims' self worth. I hope he doesn't continue to allow himself to be victimized.

    As for her - she's always struck me a not nice person. Given her family history I'm not surprised, but she's an adult now and has every ability to take all steps necessary to not be such a fucking asshole.

  15. It infuriates me that the public doesn't take it as seriously when a woman beats up a man. She needs to be in jail and getting therapy. This was probably not the first time a fight happened and it won't be the last.

  16. @Arnolds - as a pasty white girl, my legs look like that ALL the time. Everything else I read said that when the police arrived, Emma was arrested because she didn't have any marks on her. Not saying we know the whole story, but bruised legs don't mean a whole lot.

    1. As another pasty white girl, I'd like to add that it takes no time at all for big dark bruises (that I have no idea where they came from) to show up. Emma could have banged herself into a couple of pieces of furniture on her way out of the hotel room and have some nice bruises to show for it the next morning.

  17. She needs to be in jail. She's an abuser. I am so tired of the double standards. A bloody nose and bite marks? Grow up child. Ugh, I never liked her, she never seemed like a very nice person.

  18. Anonymous7:07 AM

    As someone who has been abused, sometimes dudes would rather hit you in an inconspicuous place, like your legs side, whatever, to avoid charges. He could have pushed her down too.

    None of us know the truth, so stop making assumptions.

    1. You would not be sayin this if roles were switched. Seriously. She got arrested, he has the bruises. He was not arrersted and ahe has no marks. Don't go speculating cause he's a man. Women are just as aggressive, if not scarier.

  19. She's a mean girl, like her auntie.

  20. agree with disco. family history is there, yes, but she's old enough to know better. shameful!

  21. Yep Emma has a tempter Enty its between her legs. He looks like a pussy in any case that wouldn't know what to do with it.

  22. Run, Evan, run! Straight to me!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. The irony of @Arnolds telling us to stop making assumptions.

    I'm sorry that you've been abused, but just because it happened to you doesn't mean that's what's happening here.

  25. So we can call the sissy dude "Rihanno"?

    Just joking, this is really a crime and she should be punished as she was a male in this situation. We won't see it.

  26. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Abuse is never okay. Those charges shouldn't have been dropped.

  27. That pathetic photo op of her crying is disgustingly convenient. She needs to be in jail. Emma brown.

  28. It is very difficult for abused men to come forward. Manipulative women start with emotional abuse to break them down from the inside out. Then the physical abuse begins, and the shame of being abused by a woman keeps the poor guy from filing any charges or fleeing the situation.

    It fills me with sadness that this man couldn't handle reliving his abuse in court so he refused to testify. Maybe it is different in Canada, but in the US, the victim cannot drop charges, as it isn't a civil case (Victim v. Abuser). It is the State v Abuser, but the state generally chooses not to proceed and lose the case if the victim will not testify.

    Another sad part of this fella not testifying is that she will be free to abuse again. Maybe he will break it off, but other unsuspecting young men will fall victim to a wet snatch and a clenched fist.

    1. Women abusers are a lot scarier because nobody will believe the man. It's one of those perfect crimes- going after people with no voice.

  29. She just beams crazy right out her eyes.

  30. It is sad. Everyone assumes because he is a man he should be able to defend himself, but if he does he can be seen as the abuser instead. Women seem to escalate faster and become more dangerous when they get away with it. Hopefully he gets out.l

  31. It is sad. Everyone assumes because he is a man he should be able to defend himself, but if he does he can be seen as the abuser instead. Women seem to escalate faster and become more dangerous when they get away with it. Hopefully he gets out.l

  32. I always knew she was crazy after seeing her in Scream 4

  33. so when white people fight violently it's a 'misunderstanding' and all is forgiven legally? wow.

    1. It's not a black/white thing, but an US/Canada thing. Here you can't drop charges, but there you can. Let's not bring race into this cause it's totally NOT about that.

  34. I guess this is the male equivalent to sleeping around being labeled a stud whereas a female is a slut. Woman beats man it's ok or understandable, man beats woman he must be punished.

  35. First of all, Enty finally names Evan Peters instead of just calling him Emma Robert's boyfriend! Yay! The enties must not watch AHS, otherwise they would have been saying Evan Peters with his girlfriend the whole time.

    Secondly, whatever the situation was here, these two need not to be together anymore. Last night showed the toxicity of the relationship.

    I am guessing (hoping) that Emma Roberts dies in the next season of AHS so that she isn't brought back and Peters can continue doing the series without having to worry about her after he breaks it off and convinces my husband to let me see him on the side.

  36. She does come off as very trashy. The laws don't matter in Canada anyway, she is a Celebrity and that would have gotten her off if the boyfriend hadn't dropped the charges.

    I'm not sure if this is Canada specific.

    That type of case is hard to prove without a "victim" to give testimony. In the US if someone didn't want to press charges the DA wouldn't have much of a case without other witnesses.

  37. That's a very bad picture of Evan, btw.

    This one is much better. How Evan should always be pictured.

  38. Just because she was the one arrested does not mean she was the only "guilty" party. These cases rarely consist of one wholly guilty party and one wholly innocent party. Usually each party bears a degree of responsibility, and the cops make a snap judgement as to who the bad guy is. Once they do that, they're not going to give credit to the suspect's story and they are certainly not going to check them for injuries even if the suspect insists. I handle these cases for a living, and I think an awful lot of you are making assumptions that don't bear out in the real world.

  39. He was the one with the bloody nose. An argument is an argument, until someone gets physical, and then it is domestic violence.

    To say they wouldn't check the suspect for injuries is ridiculous.

    1. I would say that in seventy five percent of the cases I handle the suspect is not checked for injuries. Youd be surprised how sloppy police work can be.

  40. Abuse is abuse - doesn't matter who is doing the abuse. If she hit him she should have to answer for it. If he also hit her then he should also answer for it. The only exception should be in self-defense.

  41. What a vile, disgusting, piece of trash she is! I wiah I could say I am suprised at all the victim blaming I'm reading here.

    Get out now Evan! You are worth 1000 Emma "bat- shit" Roberts.

  42. The punishment should be the same whether it is a man or a woman who does the abuse.

    I do suspect with her father's history she has not had a good example to learn from, but that's no excuse.

  43. @Kim: I have been arrested 1/2 dozen times or so, never convicted (god bless that 4th Amendment and the police to stupid to understand it), so I know from shoddy police work.

    I just assumed that with something as serious as domestic violence, the cops would be on point. Especially if it was up in the air who the abuser was.

  44. Bite marks????? That little bitch belongs with Chris Brown.

  45. Anyone seen Scream 4? I'm seeing VERY similar characateristics between Jill Roberts.... and Emma Roberts...... good thing she didn't have a gun or she would've shot him in the nuts.
