Friday, July 26, 2013

Four For Friday - Two Years Of Hell

It is Friday. The last Friday in July and less than a month before school starts in many places. Enjoy those last 30 days kids. I will be here all weekend with some blind reveals from the archives and from more recent times too. If you don't have anything to do this weekend, why not spend a minute or two all comfortable on your sofa while we pound back Bloody Mary's and wish that everyday was a weekend. Then we can drag ourselves back to work on Monday promising ourselves we won't ever drink again. By Tuesday we waver. You can follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer

This actor was approaching A list when he was younger. That was when he got the role of a lifetime on a television show. Then he dropped to B despite a truly great film performance that everyone loves. Loves. He stayed busy even without fame and was pumping out movies as fast as he could make them. Every genre, but not many successful ones. It didn't matter. he was working. From the time he hit his first set when he was in his teens he was drinking. That turned to drugs and back to drinking. That turned to rehab and then rehab again. As he drank and grew older, he also became a real pain to work with and directors and producers wanted less and less to do with him. When he came on the set with a knife once and then later with a gun while high on meth, he was shown the door. Literally. Rock bottom. He said he literally slept in a gutter that night because he kept drinking and kept using and when h fell down off a curb, the gutter was on a slant and he did not have enough muscle coordination to beat the slant and was on the ground all night. He woke up and went to rehab the next day. Had a slip and then went again. After that second chance he has kept on the straight and narrow. He has been clean. From the day he got out of rehab that second time he has been calling producers and directors and writers. He just wanted a chance to act again and to show everyone he could do it. He says he never missed a day of calling for almost two years. He kept going to lunch with people to show them he was clean. He made sure people saw him clean. Now, almost two years later he landed a great film role and a small part on a very popular television show. Hopefully he can keep it together.


skimpymist said...

Elijah wood

MISCH said...

I was thinking further back to Nick Nolte.....

KP said...

Elijah Wood has been on a TV show for a couple of years now.

I'm going to guess Lukas Haas

Tru Leigh said...

I'm thinking either Keifer or Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.

auntliddy said...

Whoever it is, I am rooting for you!

libby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pip said...

When does school start back up in Canada?

Basil said...

Whoever this is, I hope they stay clean.

BringingUglyBack said...

but if he smoked weed then he's a waste of life?

Kloie said...

How about Jonathan Jackson - he did movies, then went to play Lucky on General Hospital. He hasn't been anywhere in awhile, and now he's on Nashville.

smk85 said...

Corey Feldman?

Cecilia00 said...

Jonathan worked steadily band at that time (still does) and is an extremely religious family man. I know some people put on images, but I sincerely doubt it with him.

Cecilia00 said...

*with his band

ladybaus said...

Haley Joel Osment

sandybrook said...

Nick Nolte Rich Man Poor Man 48 Hours.

KP said...

Balthazar Getty

One of the Culkins

ruby said...

Wes Bentley?

KP said...

Wes Bently has never been on a TV show

Bacon Ranch said...

Started in a TV show
Role in a movie that everyone loves
tons of bomb movies
now a small part of popular tv show and a great film role?

Who fits? I'm thinking someone in a show like HIMYM or another hit comedy. ??

Bacon Ranch said...

..Is Michael J Fox filming anything?

distracted said...

edward furlong?

Cindy said...

Robin Williams?

surfer said...

@Pip - after Labor Day.

Melissa said...

Movie role that everyone loves: Macaulay Culkin Home Alone or Henry Thomas ET.

Rose said...

Ugh, my post didn't save.

I think Michael J Fox does have some type of show coming out this fall.

It couldn't be Kiefer either. After 8 seasons of 24 they gave him another show on Fox. It was canceled because of ratings but now they are doing more 24. He also did a web TV series. He has consistently worked on TV for the last decade or so. Also done the occasional movie and tree attack in his off time.

AbbeyBruce said...

Matt Dillon?

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Tom Cruise

jetfuelgenius said...

I'm thinking older, like Jackie Earl Haley from Bad News Bears...although the timeline doesnt really work for him, he's been on a comeback for a few years now.

AbbeyBruce said...

Also thinking Patrick Fugit from Almost Famous.

Kitten Caboodle said...

How about Martin Lawrence?

Purbear said...

Sean Patrick Flannery. First role-star of Young Indiana Jones. Role everyone loves- Powder. Lots of projects but nothing huge. Now on Dexter.

jetfuelgenius said...

Jonathan Taylor Thomas? I've never read about him and drugs but he has a gap of work that ends in 2013...?

libby said...

Anthony Michael Hall just finished a movie with Channing Tatum, Steve Carrell, Mark Ruffalo, Sienna Miller. And he's on a show called "Awkward". IDK if that's a "hit".
He's had a few career gaps, and I think admitted he's a drinker/been to rehab?

Meh, it's a guess.

libby said...

Google is my friend..."Awkward" is on Mtv, and it IS 'popular'!!!

AMH, betches--Final answer!

Molly McButter said...

I dunno. It says a great film performance, which to me says one, and AMH had a bunch of hits in the 80s. I don't have a better guess, though.

Sherry said...

Bacon: I don't think everyone gets the MJF joke. I like the guess about the guy from Powder.

SueRH said...

Tom Sizemore?

libby said...

Yo, Molly, I'm fudging which role Enty thinks we all love. I have heard some who don't even like "Weird Science"!! GASP!
I'm screwing around really. The answers are all over, nobody fits, having fun w/ it. Dig up those older stars, I say!

Anonymous said...

I'm liking Sean Patrick Flannery, he totally used to do it for me. Powder was a great movie, who knew a guy in white powdery makeup with no hair would look so sexy?

FSP said...

This is not SPF.

Mary Ann said...

I won't make a guess, but I will say I hope he can keep it together and keep his life straight. It took my own son four or five attempts, but he finally got off more than one serious addiction.

Pambelina said...

Jared Leto doesn't seem to have done much in the way of acting between 2009 and this year, but I got the impression it was because he was busy touring with his band. On second thought it looks like he was out of his teens by the time he started on tv, so it's probably not him.

YoB said...

The "role of a lifetime" has to be on TV. I got nothing.

Diane Marie said...

Hey FSP are you SPF?

Snapdragon said...

Wish we had SOME kind of time frame. 70s? 80s? Newer still?

I feel like the answer to this one is on the tip of my tongue.

auntliddy said...

Yes, but he stopped and is now able to enjoy his life. Thats the point.

Del Riser said...

Tom Berenger just popped up on the show Major Crimes, haven't seem him in ages.

Meg said...

Sean Patrick Flanery has worked a lot over the years -- sometimes in horrible projects (Mongolian Death Worm!!!) but working steadily nonetheless. Also, he owns/runs/teaches at Hollywood Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Very into health. I don't think he fits.

I'm really liking the Haley Joel Osment guess, though. I wrecked a car in an OUI and I never saw him in anything again. Is he working currently?

Meg said...

HA! Correction: HE wrecked a car in a DUI. Must proofread!

NateM said...

I'd say Cory haim if he now had tragically lost his chance at a comeback

discoflux said...

If it *were* SPF, I'd say the role everyone loves would be Connor MacManus in Boondock Saints.

Purbear said...

@discoflux, Boondocks is such a cult classic, but critics hated it and it made no money at first. But I see what you are saying. Powder, though, was such a big deal when it came out.
I do think SPF really fits the clues, but I think he started acting after his teens (even though he was playing such a young character on Indiana Jones). So we probably haven't guessed the right actor yet. I don't like to think this is anyone because meth addiction is awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but best of luck in continued sobriety to whomever it is.

Secondbecky said...

Hmmm Interestkng guess. Please elaborate. Role Everyone loves? Major league?

lostathome said...

Anthony Edwards??

Although he's like the main character in the new show. And is the voice of a plane in the move "Planes". He hadn't been in anything since 2010.

ER was a beloved show.

The Real Dragon said...

it does kinda fit Anthony c hall.

AmandaLorena said...

Jonathan Rhys Myeres. Valentine in Mortal Instuments this fall and Dracula in the new show NBC drama also coming this fall!!

Hazeldazel said...

What? Everyone doesn't love Weird Science? Say it ain't so!

Anthony Michael Hall, totally fits.

Anna said...

This is NOT C. Thomas Howell but don't you just love him? Works steadily, not into the fame game.

rennie la doge said...

My guess is Mark Hamill. He's made too much poop for the hero of Star Wars.

First time I remember seeing him was on General Hospital. A long, long time ago.

Jenn said...

C Thomas Howell was the most awesome villain on Criminal Minds.

Anthony M. Hall's best role was Farmer Ted. I love that damn show.

MadJ said...

Loved seeing C Thomas Howell back !!!!

Unknown said...

Christian Slater for the win?

lutefisk said...

AMH was on Saturday Night Live during the 1986-86 season. That could be a roll of a lifetime for a young actor.

Candi said...

SPF was gorgeous...watched the Boondocks sequel and holy hell! WTF has he gone and done to his face? He looks unrecognisable now :( Bad surgery?

Lisa said...

Most of these guesses are people who are way too young to have the career that is as described. If Robin Williams has a big film role he would fit. He had a hit TV show, "Mork and Mindy". He had several memorable movie roles, such as in Good Will Hunting. He has a drug problem, and he has a small role in a TV show this fall.

Robert said...

rennie la doge: In a galaxy far, far away?

racrobin said...

I want to say Jared Leto, with MSCL being the TV show, and Requiem for a Dream being the role (it says eveyrone loves his performance, not the movie itself.) He just finished a movie with Matthew McConaghey and Jennifer Garner, and maybe the TV casting hasn't been announced yet. I know he has his band, but before this, hasn't filmed anything in years....

Xanadu said...

Lukas Haas has appeared in over 50 films.

He plays the lead role in Jane Clark's movie 'Meth Head': "An innocent night of partying leads Kyle, played by Lukas Haas, into a downward spiral that costs him everything - partner, job, home, family. ... Life or Meth".

In 2012, it was announced that he will be a regular cast member on the television series Touch.

M, etc. said...

Jan-Michael Vincent. I know. Probably not, but I've always wanted to guess him for something.


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