Friday, July 19, 2013

Mark Salling Can't Get Help Paying For His Sexual Battery Case

As good and kind as Cory Monteith was in life, the opposite can be said about Mark Salling. Repeatedly over time, he has been shown to be a pretty bad guy and awful when it comes to treating women with any kind of respect. The Glee actor who will not be back next season is suing his insurance company because they refuse to defend the actor who is being accused of sexual battery for forcing a woman to have sex without a condom and also pushing the same woman to the ground. According to TMZ, both of these incidents happened at his house and he wants his homeowner's insurance to cover the bill and to defend him. If they defended him against sexual battery claims I'm pretty sure State Farm would lose a ton if its business. This is not the first time and I'm guessing it won't be the last time that Mark Salling has a woman accuse of him something like this.


  1. Suing his homeowner's insurance provider to pay for a sexual battery defense is desperately creative, I'll give him that.

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What a shit.

  3. Forcing a woman to have sex without a condom. Isn't that more like rape?

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      That is the legal definition if rape yes. At least, it is, in Australia. You'd presume that "Enty" (ahem) would be au fait with this, being a lawyer an' all.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM


    3. If he has HIV it can also be attempted murder.

    4. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Yup. What a cunt scrape. If this is true, he belongs in jail and on the sex offender register.

    5. I took it as the woman wanted to have protected sex with him and he either took the condom off or lied about using one and she realized it after the fact. So she had unprotected sex against her will. A guy did that to me - slipped the condom off after I insisted on one. Not cool.

  4. @Nemesis That's my question.

  5. Ill go one further: shitty pig !

  6. I've never watched this show. It's filled with douchebags, semi-rapists, drug users (boring drug users), and young girls famed for their lack of social skills. None of the actors is memorable, and only the old woman gym teacher has become a break-out sensation. All in all, the horror emanating from this show has kept me from it. I understand there are musical numbers, though. Maybe I'll watch it.

    1. @Barton Fink Sorry - "the old woman gym teacher", are you talking about Jane Lynch?! I mean I'm sure that Glee's demographic wasn't that aware of her but she had a respected reputation/career way WAY before Glee. I'm almost offended on her behalf lol, but really the lady has a huge body of work and no matter how small the part is, she's always memorable.

      And as someone who takes television and TV-shows very seriously; Glee was nothing but amazing in its first season. Hilarious, sarcastic, witty and smart, plus god damn can those kids put on a show. Very well-written and warm; I'm sure you'll be surprised, especially if you like musicals! I held on to it as long as I could and I do not regret quitting the show, but even though Glee has been shit for the past 2-3 years, I still remember its first season very fondly.

    2. The first season is great. The writing and character developments starts steadily declining in the second. And the songs have been karaoke with no original or interesting arrangements since the last quarter of season 1. I'd say watch the first season and call it a day.

  7. 12 posts so far today, and 9 of them are about sex, drugs, or both. Formulaic much? Remember that next time you want to get all self-righteous and judgmental in the comments.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      We need to add rock and roll to that mix.

    2. Sex and drugs on a gossip site OMG

    3. ...and yet you keep coming back...

    4. @Melissa and Kels: I'm here for the filthy and inappropriate discussions in the comments. And also for trolling and annoying the fuck outta' some people who don't 'approve' of my contributions, and think I should be banned because of it. HYPOCRITICAL SUCKERS. I thought you might have noticed by now, but there it is, spelled out for ya'! xoxo

  8. Yes, that is called rape.

  9. If StateFarm won't help their customers affected by the Alberta floods they sure as hell had better not cover this douchenozzle.

  10. Anyone who tries as hard as he is trying to be sexy in this photo is automatically not sexy.

  11. Why didn't she accuse him of rape? Please don't hate me for saying this but something seems fishy here...maybe she's looking to cash in. I know nothing of the story other than what I've read here but using the words forced and sex usually means rape, not just sexual assault.

  12. I'm not a lawyer but my understanding is that if the insurer ever had to pay anything they could simply turn around and sue him to recover. If I smoke in bed, start an apartment fire and damage surrounding apartments my insurer will pay to repair those units but will turn around and sue me for being negligent.

  13. More importantly, what is a full grown man doing with a mohawk? Seriously. That should outlawed. Fkn douche

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Rosie that's NOT a Mohawk! I had an impressive hawk that stood 6 inches high. I'd like to see more pube hawks. Start a trend.

    2. No one over the age of 12 should have a mohawk, feuxhawk, or whatever else u call that shit. It SCREAMS "emotional crisis"

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Thanks Rosie, but in the gutter punk scene they're pretty standard. And I do rock a mean hawk. Excellent for head banging. Lemme guess - you have a perm or a mullet (or both?)

    4. Right.
      Gutter punk scene= identity crisis/cry for help. at least we wont ever be fighting for the same jobs. Yes, i have business in the front/party on the back hair. Very good guess

  14. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Sexual battery. Is that made by Duracell?

  15. I agree, that sounds more like rape.

  16. Enty or whoever you've had people yelling at you about incomprehensible blinds for like 6 months now...PROOFREAD YOUR SHIT. I'd rather wait a little longer for an update than get crap like this every day.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Preach it sister!

  17. If it was the girl from 22 E could you blame the guy? (Not sure of the actual apartment # they use in the commercial.)

  18. Mark is a dick but that is a screen cap from Glee, not a photo shoot where he is trying to be sexy and that hair is part of his costume, if you will.

    I love hearing good things about Cory, I still don't want to believe that he died.

  19. @ Barton - Glee is everything you noted WITH the added horror of musical numbers. That's what keeps me away!

  20. So he did a julian assange, what are liberals waiting for to make him a hero for the sexual liberation?

  21. I'm with State Farm, and I'm already thinking about switching over, because they're insanely expensive in the NYC area...if they defend this creep...the deal will be sealed and I'm done with them.

  22. State Farm is like a good neighbor, Mark, they're not your damn mommy and daddy to get your ass out of a crack when you act like you ain't got the sense God gave a billy goat. Asshole.

  23. Cory Monteith was a "boring" drug user? As opposed to what, Amanda Bynes? For someone who has spoken about battling addiction in their past, you are incredibly insensitive in regards to others dealing with the same issues, Barton.

  24. The good ones always return home...then we are left with shit like this on Earth smh

  25. Anonymous11:28 AM

