Friday, July 26, 2013

Miley Cyrus Has Been To More Strip Clubs Than She Can Count

At just the age of 20, Miley Cyrus admitted in a radio program that she has lost count of the number of times she has been to a strip club. Speaking to Capital FM Breakfast, Miley said, "I haven't kept a tally." She also confessed to stuffing hundreds of dollar bills into the g-strings of strippers, having lap dances and also making it rain inside clubs. She was less upfront about how many times she had taken strippers home with her, but has suggested previously that the number is under ten. When asked what her dad thought of all of this. Miley said he is really proud. e probably is proud of her because I bet he has not managed to get that many strippers to go back to his house with him over the years.


  1. Oh Miley... You're such a rebel!

  2. Of course she has. Every Miley post should be tagged, "Trying too hard."

    1. That was my thought, nearly verbatim.

  3. Ugh, we get it, you're a grown up. Go away.

  4. So she should really come out if shes a grown up and at least admit to being bi sexual

  5. You're losing me Miley.

  6. Ugh, I watched that music video. She's just not sexy and she makes it worse by trying. 20 is a weird age.

  7. Education? Anyone?

  8. Your turn: how many strip clubs have you been to?

    I stopped counting at 48, because I knew I wouldn't be able to afford a fyn night at Scores for # 50, which was the original plan. I'm probably past 60 now, but the majority were before I was 25.

    1. @count...
      Probably close to a dozen. I dated a guy when I was 18 who loved it when I went so he could buy me lap dances and hang out with the dancers

    2. Never occurred to me to count, Count, but male ones maybe 10-12 times. Females one four times. Honestly though they don't really do it for me.

  9. I still find it somewhat funny that she went from 'rebel/punk' (as she thinks she looked like) to 'hiphop-ho' in 5 seconds. Not only the looks changed, but also her complete personality and behavior.. What's up with that?

    1. @shit you can't buy....
      Because she has no clue who she is, it's like she's playing dress up

  10. She's lived in a bubble so long, I think she genuinely has no idea she's doing pretty normal stuff, as if the public's interest in her is being misinterpreted as shock.

  11. What a dysfunctional mess.

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    ummm, how is it an accomplishment to throw disney kid money around? how is it an accomplishment that strippers will dance for you if you give them money? I think that Miley was raised during a time of glorifying the hip hop culture and didn't get the memo that wide eyed white girls aren't invited to the party, and if they are there, certainly aren't going to be given any street cred or respect. And objectifying herself twerking her bony ass isn't going to win her any friends either, just guys that wanna fuck her.

  13. As a wide eyed white girl who is close in age to Miley, I will let you know that a memo was never sent out. Typically if you don't act like an asshole, you will be respected. Even by those in the "hip hop culture".

  14. What does making it rain mean?

  15. When someone throws money in the air, and the bills fall to to the ground like rainfall.

  16. SueRH--To throw cash in the air, a huge wad, usually at strippers. It 'rains' cash. It's expensive, wasteful, and dumb--as you can imagine.

  17. jinx, Pip. What a helpful duo we are!

  18. Agree that Miley should just come out as bi. I have no issue with her going to strip clubs though.

  19. She needs to get out of the headlines until she's in her early 30s at least. Live a life, find out who she is out of the spotlight, and get her crap together. Otherwise she'll never find herself.

  20. Only been to strip clubs a couple of times. Never got the appeal. I liken it to going into a bar and ordering a beer, but I can only look at the beer; no touching. As long as I feed the bartender $$$, the beer stays in front of me, but it goes away the minute the money stops. At the end of the night, I still go home thirsty as hell. Must be the cheap-ass Dutch in me.

  21. She is trying so hard to be Rhianna, which is sad in itself.

    All I do is roll my eyes and laugh at this stupid girl.

  22. Anonymous9:34 AM

    fake ass rihanna

  23. Anonymous9:36 AM

    seriously she trying to damn hard to be urban and accepted into the urban culture

    no thanks boo, not going to happen
    your trying too hard
    we are laughin at you not with you

    twerk miley twerk -jayz

  24. I don't get it. Here in Canada, all the strip clubs serve booze. So wouldn't she have to be 21 to get into these places? (18 or 19 here!)

    1. You can get in most at 18, but they either have a bracelet or stamp they give to those 21+ to mark them as being legal to drink.

  25. Her parents must be so proud! She's such a great role model to her little sister, as well.

  26. @Diana: Well I remember a couple of years ago there were some pics of her young sister Noah doing something with a stripper pole. Not sure though, but it caused a lot of outrage.

  27. Yeah strip clubs are stupid, who gets off by spending tons of money on diseased, nasty skanks that won't even fuck you?

    Miley looks stupid. She's not black and I cannot understand why any white person would want to associate with black "culture". What part of their culture is worthy of admiration and imitation? The violence, drug use/dealing, the deadbeat baby daddies? The willful stupidity and cultivation of ignorance? Yeah, real great culture.

    I will say that I don't understand why people get so offended when whites use other cultures. Isn't that what multiculturalism is all about? Learning from and appreciating other cultures? We're forced to live with them but we're racist if we appropriate elements of their culture but we're racist if we don't. Seems like a no-win situation designed to make whites look bad. Of course, if they all went home it wouldn't be a problem but why would they? Free shit from guilt tripped delusional whitey sounds great! But it goes like this....Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians and white countries for everybody. Lucky lucky us, to have little white girls mudsharking it up, what a great culture!

  28. She sounds like very other 20-year old I ever met, she's expanding boundaries and probably thinks she invented being edgy and sexy. That's what you do when you are 20! It just gets awkward when you wait until you are 40.

  29. Eh. She's a 20 year old. (Or about). We have 2 on our street, and I have friends with kids the same age. They think getting drunk to the point of puking is tweet-worthy. A kegger is a weekend MUST. Taking pictures of your friends doing drugs, or passed out is hilarious! Talking about anal makes you sophisticated. Not remembering anything about the night before is "awesome". It's probably just a phase. But I wonder if these kids, who post everything as if they were in a Madonna documentary will regret it one day. And, if they will all make it to 25 alive and w/o addiction issues.

  30. I've never been to a strip club, nor do I want to. Hell, never even been in a casino. I haven't been to a bar (not counting wine bars) in five years. I'm just a fuddy-duddy. Can someone explain the appeal?

  31. Anonymous5:17 PM

    wow miley so cool....

  32. Anonymous5:20 PM

    i can't with her. her try is so embarrassing

  33. She's so corny, between my 18th and 21st birthdays I went to every strip club in the tristate area my ex was a DJ

  34. Is this suppose to be a big deal? I'm a 24 year old straight girl from Miami and I can't count how many times I've been to a strip club or threw dollars at a fat ass.
