Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Anne Hathaway continues her assault on Duran Duran.
Halle Berry has changed her hair and I have to say, I am not a fan.
Hugh Jackman tries to give a woman a hug. She flees. Probably the only woman in the world who would do so.
I guess Heidi Klum lost a bet and had to wear the worst outfit on Project Runway.
Jennifer Aniston has decided to not wear a bra for the rest of her life.
Jordana Brewster after working out.
Josh Duhamel always is wearing workout clothes, but never seems to actually work out.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher debate cone versus cup.


  1. Ashton and mila were scouting for a threesome partner.
    Long time no see jordana.

  2. Jen's arms actually look flabby for the first time in ever and she has had a lot of work done.

  3. I actually like Heidi's outfit lol

  4. Kunis

    Jeter's Leftovers


  5. I'm sure all you smarties already knew this but I'm a big dummy and just found out that Anne Hathaway is also the name of William Shakespeare's wife! Am I the only one who didn't know that?

  6. No @sugar, I just found out yesterday, by coincidence. I think I was reading a synopsis about "Shakespeare in Love." Sadly, I was bored by the movie and didn't get far into it.

  7. If I had tits like Aniston I wouldn't wear a bra for the rest of my life neither.

  8. To me it looks like she's wearing a bra. It's too tight and a pushup and is cutting her boobs in half but it's a bra.

  9. Halle's hair haven't changed. Maybe longer but still same style.

  10. @skimpy I think that's a weird angle. I saw a different shot and she looks as fit and slim as always.

  11. Again im shocked at Halles look. She never misses but this look is unflattering to the max.
    And stop snarking on jen a! She's making a movie thats why she looks as she does. And she in general looks fuller. She's either gained weight for the role, is pregnant, or taking meds to get pregnant, or god forbid is ill and taking meds. Im leaning towards #1.

  12. I seriously don't care if Josh Duhamel works out or not, he looks good to me. If he's looking for somewher to put it while Fergie's still hatching that wolly mammoth I got a nice spot for him. Don't worry, Fergie, I'll give him back when I'm done, barely bruised.

  13. Idk, lately I find Aniston looks bigger and less attractive

  14. Kutcher looks like his internal monologue is, "Jesus, God. Shut up Shut up. Oh, my God, just shut up. Jesus, stop talking. Oh, my God."

  15. I don't like Jordana's veneers...when I first saw her on Dallas, I was appalled at how horrible and anorexic she looked but it was mainly the teeth. I think she has since gotten them fixed.

  16. Can someone riddle me this: What is the difference between verneers and caps?

    Thank you.

  17. Photo of Hugh is really funny!

    Halle has to grow her hair out cause Martinez said so. He also had a say in their sex selection in IVF. Baby Boy & wifey with long hair.

  18. Its veneers........veneers are thin plates that lay on top of the tooth which has been modified very little or not at all. Caps are when the tooth has been reduced in size and a new tooth is placed on top of it.

  19. Thank you Keetz. Both are permanent, correct? What is the cost difference? Sounds like there is less work involved w/ veneers, so are they much cheaper?

  20. @Count- Porcelain veneers are more cosmetic. Crowns/caps are usually cheaper.

  21. @Count--My brother had veneers put on the four front teeth: $6K. They look fantastic.

    Gums seem to discolor with caps after a time. Not so with veneers.

  22. Looks like Jordanna dresses right.

  23. Aniston is clearly wearing a bra, you can see the lines of it. The vendetta against her - for whatever reason - is old & stupid. Has been for a long time now. :(

  24. Anonymous5:42 AM

    "Always is wearing"?? What the heck is with Enty's writing?
