Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Random Photos Part Six

The cast of Matilda reunites.
Brooke Burke checks to make sure she has all of her kids.
Bella Thorne on vacation with her friends.
Cacee Cobb wanted to have her baby the same day as Jessica Simpson.
Chris Evans not looking very Captain America-ish.
Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger look to the sky where they had sky writers draw their faces.
Courtney Stodden and her husband try to push their way through the non-existent crowds.
Ashlee Simpson and Diana Ross' son out canoodling while
Pete Wentz has daddy duty.


  1. Courtney! Poor girl looks miserable and her boobies look painful.

  2. I loved the chick that played Matilda, Mara, until I followed her on Twitter. Talk about self righteous.

  3. I thought Chris Evans was Daniel Craig!

    1. I thought he was James Marsden!

  4. I think Chris Evans was doing some human growth hormone.

    Courtney ... interesting. Anyone remember the days when the answers to the blind items showed up in the photo section? I've noticed this for about a week now.

  5. What's the real story with asslee and Evan Ross. He's way too hot for her. I wonder if he's her dealer or if she with him for his supply or maybe he's with her cause she's an easy lay or he can pimp her out for some extra cash. So many possibilities with these two.

    1. He does drugs?....I've never heard that before, where are you getting this info?

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Pimp her out? Sell drugs? Umm why coz he is brown/black?!? His father was a billionaire and his mum is Diana Ross. He's a spoilt trust fund baby not some hod gangsta. jeeeez

    3. He played some rapist/drug addict kid in some HBO film. It was repulsive.

    4. The only reason for suspecting him to be involved in any way with drugs is by his association w Asslee...

    5. Exactly DontRain. People are so quick to make racial remarks but hello, anyone standing next to Ashlee is connected to drugs in some way

  6. So is Courtney going to say her boobs are still real??

  7. Pete is still hot

    Is that Avril's wedding attire?

  8. Why is Courtney relevant?

    Did Azzlee do more work on her face?? Diana Ross son looks strange.

  9. Thank goodness the Wentz kid finally has all that hair out of his face.

  10. Always thought Evan was gay. He gives me the gayest vibes. He looks like Chris Brown as well.

    Pete Wentz is a shorty but I would totes do him. I like this look he has.

    Chris Evans looks like wax.

    1. @Kels, i am buyin what you're sellin', especially point number 1. My first thought when I saw another photo of this kid-first time I ever saw him and not knowing who he is. This photo? Oh yeah. No WAY does he even LIKE Asslee so there has to be another reason they are performing like seals for the paps.

      Was Chris Evans ever REALLY hot? He looks like one of those marionettes from the weird ass kid shows from the 60s where they had underwater submarines or something? Alls I remember was a female character named Marina. I always liked that name.

  11. I can't say if skimpymist meant anything racial by what she said, but I'm telling you what....I am automatically suspicious of ANYONE hanging out with Ashlee at this point.

  12. The Truth: No cuz Asslee fucks for drugs..Sorry I know you what you're saying I just can't stand her.

    And Courtney's breasts WERE riiiil!

  13. @trouble courtney already posted a video with her decision to get enhanced recently. so no, she is out and public about her new boobs.

    pete wentz is so attractive.

  14. I don't understand Courtney and her husband, but yet they seem like mutant emotional extension's of one another. What a life she has ahead of her.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @the truth

    I thought the same thing - racism is VERY real, because a black man with a white woman could only be her drug dealer or pimp.

    Don't even come at me with the 'Ashley fucks for drugs' bullshit.

    On and Off topic - a piece of shit told me I sounded less 'white' when I spoke about black issues (I am black, but born in another country) and I couldn't help and think that people who associate things to being 'black' or 'white' also called people like me niggers in private. It's a regional and socioeconomic thing because everyone where I am from sounds the same - black or white so obviously I was very offended. I often get told by 'whites' that I don't sound black because I use big's called, I HAD THE PRIVILEGE (YES, PRIVILEGE SINCE OLIGARCHY MAKES SURE EDUCATION IS A PRIVILEGE AND NOT A RIGHT) TO BE AS EDUCATED AS I WAS.

    Sorry for the rant, I am very sensitive to racism and unfortunately not all of those who deal with it can succinctly discuss it and WHY it's racism.

  17. @Bailey

    I am going to go on a limb and assume you didn't see the documentary that was filmed around Dennis Rodman going to North Korea....

    You should watch it, it'll make sense. He still doesn't deserve a Nobel prize though.

    1. Yes, I've seen it. I still think that he is delusional. One trip should not earn you a Nobel Peace Prize. There are far more worthy candidates.

      Although I suppose if they give it to Yasser Arafat they will give it to anybody. I'll even take "The Worm" over him.

  18. I feel so sorry for Courtney. She is getting such bad advice and has such bad role models.

    BTW -- Dennis Rodman feels something will be "seriously wrong" if he doesn't finish at least in the top 3 for the Nobel Peace Prize. He feels that watching the basketball game and chatting with his BFF Kim Jong Un qualifies him for the award:

    Dennis Rodman and the Nobel Peace Prize

    1. Stupid link isn't working:

    2. I knew Dennis years ago. He's a bit of a lost soul. Except on the court, never saw him treat people anything but nicely.

  19. I just thought Evan has the hookup because he is a rich trust fund baby who can afford lots of drugs and Ashlee is desperate for drugs/fame/anyone to pay attention to her. She doesn't date to date, she fucks for drugs. If you have something she wants, she will be up your ass to take advantage of it. Not sure how race got brought into it...

  20. @Bailey

    Now that I think about it, did he even talk during the documentary?

    If anything the producers have more of a reason, but even then, their intentions were insidious, they used basketball as a catalyst for their little agenda.

  21. Matilda was my jam. I wish Ms Honey was my mother. I got stuck with Ms Trunchbull and the pokey

  22. My stomach hurt like he'll and then I started shittingt brown diarrhea. My asshole is vomiting diarrhea shit.

  23. I shit diarrhea all over my date as she was licking my asshole. What a fucking mess she was. I kicked her ass out of my house after making her change the fucking sheets.

  24. Ashlee looks really messed up in that pic. She seems to be going downhill fast....sad.

  25. More diarrhea shit exploding out of my asshole at 3am. Mostly stomach acid so it burned my asshole and inflamed my roids. When I wiped my ass with a wet washcloth, it had blood and shit all over it. I jumped into my Jacuzzi, pressed my asshole Against the nearest jet, and let 'er rip. My asshole and 'roids felt better and clean in a few minutes, but there were small shit blobs floating in the jacuzzi water.

  26. Dennis Rodman certainly deserves a Nobel Peace Prize more than our affirmative action President, who has screwed up our foreign policy horrifically. Regarding Egypt: watch gas prices rise substantially during the winter when Egypt causes OPEC to jack the price of oil to the sky. There are going to be a lot of cold people this winter.

    Ironically, the people who have been damaged the most by Obamadministration's failed policies are his primary constituencies - the poor, the working poor, and African Americans. Who do you think are getting their hours cut by employers wishing to avoid Obamacare? Who do you think can't get jobs?

    As for Michelle Obama, she is a stupid bitch, a sheboon, and an affirmitive action nigger. I commend to you her Princeton thesis, which you can easily find in a google search, which is laughable and incredibly poorly written. When you see her topic, you will see why she passed with such a piece of garbage for a thesis.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I'd fuck Ashley for drugs. That pussy needs some cocaine licked off of it.

  29. @Little Girl..My sincere apologies if my comment was insensitive. I do apologize. It wasn't even directed towards the fine gentleman (no snark) who was with Asslee but more towards her. He was collateral damage and it had nothing to do with him at all. However, I totally respect how you feel. Racism (theme for the day) is still, sadly, all too real and I truly did not mean to add anything to the pain you and others (Kels) have experienced. Please forgive me if I added to that. It was completely unintentional.

    Now Assless on the other hand..Like JSierra said, she's a total user and is just looking to either find a) famous person to stay in the spotlight or b) a rich guy to afford her a "lifestyle" that includes drugs. (Not implying he was using just that she would get his $$.)

    Notice how there have been loads of pics of Pete with Bronx Jungle Book but not her? Uh huh..exactly!

  30. Dangit! It's 9 O'clock Somewhere!

  31. I could give a flying fuck about Ashley getting some big black cock. Not like her daddy doesn't take big black cock up his ass.

    What I care about is that I am still having stomach acid diarrhea shits, which have burned my 'roids so badly that I leave blood on a towel when I sit on it. I'm also shitting massive amounts of cholesterol, so my diarrhea smells like - well - a dead mongoose in the wall.

    Happy Independence Day, morons. Like we still have freedom in AmeriKa.

  32. I am so excited...captive audience because I'm stuck in the car all morning.

    Excited about reveals...apathetic about Massive Gs issues.

  33. Jules - I shit diarrhea shit on you.

    Happy Independence Day!

    Yours in Christ,

    Massive G
    "My weekend beats your year."

  34. Jules:

    I read your blog and can only say "Author! Author!". Your story about the time you masturbated your father with a Craftsman wrench, a quart of Quaker State, and a dildo - titillating! And your story about how your boyfriend and you tipped a cow - and your boyfriend tried to make it with the cow - Jules baby I want to party with you!

    1. Dude, how did you see that one? I could've sworn I made the settings private.

    2. Jules check your profile setting on bloggr, it's public so your blogs and twitter are showing. this a-hole is stalking you. uncheck on the first button that says share my profile to make your profile private on this site.

      I don't comment often but I'm done with this site if this kind of crap is OK in the comments. COME ON.

    3. Thanks Quinn...I was totally joking, I don't think I've ever made a post with this blog and only a couple things with twitter.

  35. I guess Joe Simpson looked around and saw that Ashley was a junkie and Jessica was a garbage slut with two bastard children and said fuck it and started buttfuckIng trinks out in the open instead in public rest rooms. I never understood the pleasure of fucking a man up rhe ass using his shit for sex lube. Faggots are nasty. Most smell like shit all of the time.

  36. Jules - I want to turn you out and sell you into white slavery and pimp your pussy cause I love money and I gots to have it every day.

  37. Omg it's reveal day!!! I can't breeeeathe

    Massive G: you're an idiot

  38. When are the reveals starting?

  39. Joy: Inasmuch as you are a sheboon, I cannot take your comment seriously because niggers just aren't that smart. You look like a fucking baboon and I'm willing to bet the stench from your ghetto body is horrific. One can tell from your photo that you are merely another morbidly obese jungle bunny. So, go back into your public housing project bathroom and shit out a few more jigaboo babies.

  40. IMG. Joy is an educator. No wonder niggers can't make change.

  41. ENT: get your fat ass put of bed and get to work.

  42. Thank God I can multitask. I promise to even out, ummm, intensity of Massive G. Where are the rest of my trip-trapping-trapping-across-the-bridge comrades? Let's make it a TRUE reveal day, shall we?

  43. @Alex, 9 am pacific!
    @canopener, that sounds like a great plan

  44. Once upon a time there were three billy goats, who were to go up to the hillside to make themselves fat, and the name of all three was "Gruff."

    On the way up was a bridge over a cascading stream they had to cross; and under the bridge lived a great ugly troll , with eyes as big as saucers, and a nose as long as a poker.

    So first of all came the youngest Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

    "Trip, trap, trip, trap! " went the bridge.

    "Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll .

    "Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, with such a small voice.

    "Now, I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

    "Oh, no! pray don't take me. I'm too little, that I am," said the billy goat. "Wait a bit till the second Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

    "Well, be off with you," said the troll.

    A little while after came the second Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

    Trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap, went the bridge.

    "Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll.

    "Oh, it's the second Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, who hadn't such a small voice.

    "Now I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

    "Oh, no! Don't take me. Wait a little till the big Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

    "Very well! Be off with you," said the troll.

    But just then up came the big Billy Goat Gruff .

    Trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap! went the bridge, for the billy goat was so heavy that the bridge creaked and groaned under him.

    "Who's that tramping over my bridge?" roared the troll.

    "It's I! The big Billy Goat Gruff ," said the billy goat, who had an ugly hoarse voice of his own.

    "Now I 'm coming to gobble you up," roared the troll.

    Well, come along! I've got two spears,
    And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;
    I've got besides two curling-stones,
    And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones.

    That was what the big billy goat said. And then he flew at the troll, and poked his eyes out with his horns, and crushed him to bits, body and bones, and tossed him out into the cascade, and after that he went up to the hillside. There the billy goats got so fat they were scarcely able to walk home again. And if the fat hasn't fallen off them, why, they're still fat; and so,

    Snip, snap, snout.
    This tale's told out.

  45. Is Massive G trying to be a WAY less amusing Count Jerkula? I don't get it...and Count I am sorry for associating you with his/her drivel.

  46. More comments and observations on celebrities PULLEEEEEEAAAAAZZZZZE.

  47. Ha, I have been commenting and just looked at the pictures, wtf Brooke Burke. If you are going to wear your pajamas out of the house at least wear the right size.

    And V, I was just thinking about how horrified people were when Count first started commenting...the difference IMO was that massive g is not saying shit to be outrageous, but to truly troll.

  48. They are waiting for you to tell them what to do next, what is wrong with their lives, how they should be conducting themselves, and what their relationships are lacking!

  49. I can't look at Chad Kroger without thinking of the guy in the photograph/Instagram video chasing the duck, cracks me up every time.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Q. What are a Trolls favorite Shows to watch on Trollovision?”

    A. The Trollve o’clock news, For Whom the Bell Trolls, Trolling for Dollars, and naturally anything featuring the Norwegian Trolls Sports Team!

  52. Troll-iday: Trolls celebrate many holidays (like everyone else), but there are also special days that only they celebrate called
    ‘Troll-idays’. BWAAAAHAHAAAAA!

    1. Some Trolli-day love:

  53. @V: don't sweat it, Babe. I tried giving Massive some tips, but he don't want em. I think he should leave random readers out of it, but I have no say in anything.

    @Quinn: I think Jules was joking about the private setting.

  54. Happy 4th Canopener! I got some shit that needs to get did today, but I'll be checking in on the reveals and I hope to see you keepin these suckas in check.

    Maybe today is the day Enty will reveal when the Amber Tamblyn books will be shipped!

    1. Hehe Count. I WANT MY AMBER TAMBLYN BOOK!!!!!

  55. @Jules, I agree, just such a pedestrian way of doing so. Gross sexual recaps? Sure. Racist rants? Okay. All in all, boring and unfunny, troll or no troll. At least the Anchorman stuff was amusing!

  56. I liked the anchorman stuff too and lol @ the Amber Tamblyn comment...that would be classic.

    1. Lol! Yes! I will always giggle when I hear her name.

  57. And a Happy, happy holiday to you, Count! I'll be pretty busy, as well, but you know I can't quit you for long. <3 xoxo If that shipping date is revealed, it will be the best Christmas ever.

  58. Or a surprise radio show!

  59. I was just trying to figure out how to embed that in the comments! It's my theme song today! Let's all take a moment and have a listen. Totally putting me in the mood for this SPECIAL DAY.

  60. Massive G tries too hard to be Count J and ends up looking like Andrew Dice Clay trying be George Carlin.

  61. It's getting me waaaayyyy hot fantasizing that the Trololol guy is Enty. OMG. I need a moment alone...

  62. Thanks Count, why MG wouldn't want you as a com"mentor" is beyond me.

  63. I am so excited for reveal day!!! :) :)

  64. The Count is MINE, OKAY? I'll cut a bitch who tries to steal him away from me.

  65. SuzieQ, great analogy!

  66. I want to know why anyone soliciting funds would use a book by someone no one ever heard of as bait. If it was going to be just a bunch of bunk, he shoulda used Princess Di, or Tarantino, or someone.

    I WANT RAPE AND INCEST REVEALS!!!! I also want reveals of all them stories about actresses tolerating years of abuse. I figure if one could put up with years of abuse, a monthly weekend hotel consensual kink seesion would be a walk in the park fo a betch.

  67. I'm so excited to see so many people excited to BELIEVE COMPLETELY FALSE ANSWERS to COMPLETELY FALSE CELEBRITY RUMORS!

  68. First reveal will probably be some titallating Real Housewives or Teen Mom shit.

  69. @canopener, bring it! I'm scrappy and practice Krav Maga.

  70. @canopener: I love ya betch, but you aint even sent no titty pixxx yet. How you gonna try puttin me on lock down w/o givin up the goods?

  71. i though diana ross' son was gay.

  72. Count, I'm still waiting for a camera to be invented with enough megapixels to capture them in all their glory. Trust me, you want to wait.

  73. V, if you're super hot, maybe we can share him.

  74. Just look at my avi and reader pic was posted yesterday too ;)

  75. I think we can have a GREAT time.

  76. Haha, I'm sure we could! Between Count and the Trololol guy...I mean Enty ;)

  77. @S Joy

    I've been hiding out a little bit, but I just wanted to say Hi and that you are gorgeous inside and out. I always love to see your posts and your beautiful face xo

  78. BULLSHIT. You just want to have the last comment.


  79. V which readers photos were you? Did you confess?

    Amazing how you've charmed everyone Count. As a Jerkulady I suppose now I'll have to open a can of whoop ass on someone. I'm okay sharing but if betch wants to act all territorial...

  80. I don't even know who the fuck Count is. Do you really think I read your lame ass chats? This has become a moronathon and you people are the morons trying to get laid in the comment pages of a gossip site.

    Eat my dirty asshole and chomp my chunk, slatterns and homos.

    Yours in Christ,

    Massive G
    "My weekend beats your year"

    1. You just contradicted yourself, dumb-massive. Troll fail.

  81. I hate niggers, kikes, and faggots because I am a typical AmeriKan. Happy Independence Day motherfuckers.

  82. I ate a bison burger and that put a stopper in my colon so I don't have shit runs anymore though mt abdomen hurts so I took 500mg of oxycontin and now all is right with the world. I got horny, so I slam fucked my woman with my enormous hose and filled her man hole with penis protein. I have 23 bastard children and I want to knock thus cunt up for another because I am creating my own Army. But this bitch ain't tight tight like I like it, so I often wind up boning her butthole but she rarely cleans out her ass so I wind up getting her shit on my dick and since I am not a turd sucking faggot I don't like that.

  83. Lol, you obviously read because you comment back and specifically target. Stick to the random excrement posting.

  84. @Massive: You think I'm just tryin, HA!
