Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Kristen Bell on the set of Veronica Mars.
Kaley Cuoco gets out her frustrations by working out.
Kourtney Kardashian takes her kids to Disneyland.
AnnaLynne McCord shows off her Mardi Gras beads. Always willing to flash for beads.
Always willing to get almost naked for selfies is Heidi Klum.
Lindsey Vonn shows her friend a photo of Tiger Woods' peen.
Malin Akerman shows off her baby.
Alyssa Milano in NYC promoting her show no one will watch.
Melissa McCarthy must have met Joe Francis. Gets some DDT.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for letting us know! Your bikini is super cute :)

    2. Lookin' hot, @VIP!

    3. I thought this was a link to another type of beads. :(

    4. Omg @Amanda's Wig

  2. Whoa, Malin looks good!

    I gave Mistresses a try, mainly for Shannyn Sossamon, but it is awful. And Alyssa looks like she's reading cue cards the whole time.

    1. I enjoy watching here as she doesnt move her mouth..however she did as child actor..I think she saw it and was embarresed and froze her self or its clenched from hunger, drugs..whatever...cant wait til she on pwoject wunway with heidi between heidi not pwonouncing r's& alyssa ill be in snark heaven...ive said before as I am so excited!

    2. Ha ha Megan, I always call it Pwoject Wunway and her ads for haiw quack me up!

  3. I will not watch mistresses because I don't agree with marriage infidelity and this show is glamorizing home wreckers.
    @VIPBlonde made an appearance in todays pictures. Hi VIP lol.

  4. @vip what were you drinking. Beer or a nutcracker?

  5. What is Heidi Klum's deal lately??? Betch is having a mid-life crisis.

    1. Agree..nude selfies are the female equivalent of the red/yellow corvette...literally the years of modeling success translated to tv success weren't enough? Heidi can suck it..I feel like she is the worst part of project runway a great show and it was her

  6. I watch Mistresses and it is laughably bad. Nothing else on though, so I stick with it to eyeroll at.
    That baby is so freakin' cute! Lil' butt! Awwww! Malin looks fab!

  7. That baby tushie is adorable!! And kourts little girl- she looks right thru you!!

  8. Is VIP really annalynne??? If so she was the best thing about 90210 her and max were adorable.

  9. Is VIP really annalynne??? If so she was the best thing about 90210 her and max were adorable.

  10. Malin's picture just melts my heart. She looks very content.

    Ms. McCord, those beads are so large....

  11. Project Runway starts again Thursday night....Heidi held off on the selfies for a minute, but needs publicity these last few days especially.

  12. Thank you for pointing those out VIP. I am definitely ordering some!

  13. Aw Heidi, your boobies look so fake.

    Less impressed by your flat tummy since the blind about you in the doctor's office getting a tummy tuck.

  14. Malin is in SHAPE!

  15. @VIP - ooh, now I want some!

  16. I love that necklace... just went on the site and was moved by the mission and purpose. Just ordered two, can't wait to wear them!!

  17. I was confused by the orientation of heidi's pic for a second. Her bewbs looked like butt.

  18. Yes, VIP is Annalynn McCord, Himmm is RDJ and I'm Rita Hayworth! LOL!!

  19. Malin's pic is sweet but her baby's gonna wish she hadn't made it public come second grade or so.

    Alysaa Milano hasn't aged since the mid 90s.My friend met Danny Pintauro in 2000 & he said she was a complete bitch during WTB.Hopefully she outgrew that.

    1. Alyysa went through all her teen years on WTB. I will never believe she is a bitch, but I will say I was a raging frizzball during my teen years, who wasn't?

  20. I love Melissa McCarthy.

    Nice tummy tuck scar on Heidi Klum. Bet she didn't realize it showed up so clearly in that picture.

  21. I always thought Klum's tits were real, due to the fact that when she is bra-less they hang lower than Huckleberry Hound's jowls.

  22. Marlin and baby totes precious and genuine. Heidi totes disgusting and phony. Go away.

  23. Urgh Heidi, you are irritating, no-one wants to see your concrete bolt ons....please go away.

  24. Are Heidi's boobs new? Because they are so droppy and mostly flat in all the bathing suit pictures I've seen. What gives?

  25. Those aren't heidis boobs. It's the bottom of her ribcage. Mine does the same thing when I lie flat.
    Her boobs aren't 4 inches from her belly button.

    1. Anonymous1:23 AM

      Circles, 1. Turn the pic of Heidi upside down. It's her norgs 2. Go to the bathroom mirror, pull your top up and tell me if your actual ribs look that way. The positioning in that pic shows chesticles exactly where they should be. If your ribs look like sweater dumplings, you may require corrective surgery & it must be a butch trying to find a bra.

    2. Anonymous1:24 AM


  26. Heidi has an extreme outtie.

    I love how Melissa McCarthy is always so happy! Her and her husband are adorable, I bet their kids are overflowing with squeeeeeee! style cuteness.

  27. Leave Alyssa alone!!!!!!!!!

  28. I'd look as pissed as Kaley if Superman left me holding the lattes. :(

    Heidi Klum is nasty.

    Is VIPB Kaley, the 90210 girl or the Entyperson from Canada? Color me confused.

  29. Please call a little bullshizz on the fact that Enty calls the pic of Malin and her baby "Malin Akerman shows off her baby." when looking the the pic she's also being a little (or more) gratuitous about showing those fab v-cut lower abs. Other celeb? Enty might have captioned the pic differently - more derisively. #bias?

  30. Follow up, if that were Jessica Alba, Kim K, or another easy target, it would have been mentioned. :)

  31. Heidi has one grotesque belly button.
