Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Real World Star Arrested For Sexual Battery

Former Real World - Las Vegas star, Dustin Zito has been arrested in Louisiana and charged with sexual battery after he reached under the dress of a woman at a bar and grabbed her genitals without her consent. When arrested, the a-hole reality star told police that the woman should be grateful because he is a tv star and that several women each night want him to do that and that she was the lucky one he chose. Yeah, he said it. He also did not seem sorry at all and he is just a punk reality star who was on a show no one watches any longer two years ago and he still acts this way. Imagine when you are on a show people watch and it is on for a long time. You get even more jaded. The good news is that he was so drunk and not cooperative during the arrest that police got to pepper spray the hell out of him. In the photo, look to the kind of upper left. Person in red shorts is Zito and you can see him reaching under the dress of a woman who appears to be bending over.


  1. Is he using his foot? Gross, I wouldn't want his scuzzy Vegas toes up my clam either!

  2. I hope she slapped him when he did it!

  3. You have to be extremely good looking to get away with that sort of thing.

  4. Guys do this kind of thing all the time and get away with it. How could she slap him? Then she's on the hook and will probably get beat for it.

    When do other guys start stepping in on this kind of stuff. I'm sure other men saw this, and see it all the time in bars, concerts. Sick. And I'm glad he was pepper sprayed.

  5. Him and that other chick from that show are on Couples Therapy on VH1. Yes, I watch it...don't judge me.

    1. I caught an ep of that the other night. I guess it wasn't very helpful to them. It made me sad to watch joe Francis brow beat his gf....I hope Heather dumped Dustin, this is tooo much.

  6. He looks like a miser who would do that. He actually thinks there are people drinking in bars who know wtf he is? Hes in the deep south, hes lucky he didn't get himself killed.

  7. Wow, another insightful morsel from equation. Yes, women shouldn't defend themselves, but just wait for other men to step in and defend them. Yeah, that makes sense.

  8. I think his most successful relationship was when he was getting paid for sex with men. Everything since seems out of his skill set.

    1. I was actually surprised to read that the victim was a female. When I saw the headline I thoughts for sure it'd be a guy, what with his history and all.

  9. He's into gay porn before:

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Yay rape culture and ingrained misogyny!

    Everything about this douchebag disgusts me. People like this are not even worth the atoms wasted on their existences.

  11. Perhaps I'm lost in translation, but does "grabbed her genitals" mean the she was a he and had a cock? That would make this spicier.

  12. Your Turn: During which season did you stop watching The Real World?

    I remember bits and pieces of Miami/Boston/Seattle, but didn't pay as close attention as I did the first 4 seasons.

    I would watch Real World/Road Rules Challenge only when stoned.

    1. @Count. Second season. It got boring quick. I don't think I made it through a whole season of the challenge ones.

  13. I watched New Orleans, skipped Back to New York, and watched Chicago. Then I was done. I really like the season prior to New Orleans. Now they only cast people who look like models, who have zero personality, unless they are wasted. Then they just act like obnoxious assholes.

  14. I've never watched a single episode of any of this shit or its ilk ever. I feel so...clean!

  15. @HannahBanana - Joe Francis is just all sorts of wrong. His girl, amy/abby, whatever her name is...Poor girl, no self esteem at all. Once she gets some, she'll be long gone.

    1. I hope so. He treats her like a step child that he has to put up with, not an adult who is his gf. Not suprised he's a total misogynistic jerk though.....yuck.

  16. That show is still on??

  17. @Count, my best friend and I will eat a lot of "brownies" and watch the Challenge when MTV does a marathon. The best is mixing it up with episodes of intervention.

  18. I can't watch Intervention. I get too conflicted when the addicted whores talk about selling themselves for drugs, and they cut to the family members grieving about it. Ruins the wood.

    For a while I knew a place that would post links to YouTube clips of just the hooking confessions, but it is buried somewhere in my 100's of bookmarks.

  19. @count I know exactly what you are talking about! We'll watch that too. For intervention, it is select episodes (like the computer duster episode)...downloaded to my Roku for our after-school special viewing.


  21. I miss the after school specials. Kids shows nowadays don't teach the messages that they used to. No Dick Van Dyke giving safety tips either. I had to teach my boy Stop Drop and Roll on my own. That seems to have sunk in, but "don't put anything in your ear except your elbow" didn't :(

  22. Anonymous9:50 AM

    How did enty not mention he's on couples therapy with that girl from his RW season? And that he's done gay for pay porn? But he seems like a real treat

  23. He is unattractive, and I've also never heard of him. Unfortunately this kind of stuff happens all the time. A friend of mine had her crotch PUNCHED by a guy in a club. I try to send very strong dont eff with me messages in every direction and for the most part it works, but there's always rapey types who dont get it.

    1. Lol I do the same thing! The down side is you get labeled as a stuck-up unaproachable bitch.

  24. i wonder if he takes these women home and shows them all the gay porn he did before he became a "tv star".

  25. @hannah - you know, his girl claimed she thinks girl/girl action is gross and unacceptable but why is it you are with the man who made BILLIONS of dollars off of it. Money will make you loose all moral judgment. I can't wait to see what happens to those two and Flavor Flav and his train wreck.

  26. I would've tried to knock his teeth out. Let me go to jail, that's fine, but he would think twice before doing it again.

    I think the reason men don't help women in these situations is because of all the years of feminism. Women want to be equal, well part of that "equality" is taking care of yourself. You can't pick and choose, you can't have the benefits of equality without having the downsides as well. If I was a man I sure wouldn't help any female. You're so big and bad, do it your damn self.

  27. I stopped watching the Real World after New Orleans.

  28. I stopped after that pecker Puck. He was an 888.
