Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Scares People

This actress used to be almost A list. It was mostly movies. That is what she is famous for. Over the past few years she has gone from a flood of movies every year to a trickle. One a year at this point maybe. Although she is a very good actress, she started to get less work because she had a habit of making people very uncomfortable. She scared them. Our actress has no problems stating exactly how she feels and if she is sitting at dinner one night and thinks a thought about someone at the table she will say it. More than once she has told someone she thinks that person is going to die. She has been on at least three sets where the power went completely out. She then employs her favorite expression which is Death Hour. She is convinced most people die in a certain time of the day and that she knows what that time is. It varies depending on her mood. She always talks about death and loves seeing photos of death. It all can become too much. At first, someone might think it is quirky, but after months of working with her, and living through it everyday, it turns from quirk to fear and not wanting to be around her any longer. This, over time has caused her to get fewer parts and for her to get even that more scarry.


  1. Parker Posey??
    Lilli Taylor??

  2. I'd guess HBC (because she seems quirky like that) but she isn't exactly hurting for roles.

  3. Bridget Fonda.

    Kinda kidding, but then again, she DID go from tons of roles to nothing, in spite of family connections. Then again, it's been 20 years plus she can't act anyway.

  4. Winona sounds like a good fit, but she's hardly 'used to be almost A-list'. She has two Oscar nominations and probably could have opened a film on her own in the 1990s

    She has one movie this year, one planned for next year. In 2012 she had 3, including one voiceover. One in 2011. Two in 2010, including The Black Swan.

  5. @Figgy, I went to school with Bridget Fonda. She wasn't a huge diva there, more insecure than anything else. Never knew if people liked her for herself or for her name.

    According to IMDB she hasn't worked since 2002.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      That makes me incredibly sad for her.

  6. Not Winona. Her career was derailed from the shoplifting scandal. Plus she was definitely solid A list.

    I like the Lilli Taylor guess. She's talented; was everywhere for a while--but not quite A list; and then just disappeared.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @Topper, Lili Taylor has had 3 movies in 2013, plus another filming, plus 9 episodes of a TV series called "Hemlock Grove" - not sure what that's about. Lili also had 4 movies in 2012.

  9. Leelee Sobieski.
    She wants a lock of everyone's hair when she works on a movie.
    Who knows what this nut does with them.

  10. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Leelee sounds good, but isn't she making a good living as a dominatrix? Wynona was my first thought, but she was def A list. Hmmmm,,,,,, I'm going to have to think on this one.

  11. Michelle Williams?

  12. Christina Ricci. She has the weirdest quotes and stories sometimes, so can be her.

  13. http://www.askmen.com/celebs/entertainment-news/kate-hudson/psychic-hudson.html

    Plus "almost" "famous" Scarry not scary

  14. Well she's a real genius since EVERYone is going to die eventually...

  15. What DID happen to Bridget Fonda? Did she quit the biz?

  16. Kate Winslet?

  17. Kinda thought of Tilda, just because she is so very, um, unique.

  18. Bridget Fonda was seriously injured in a car crash in 2003. She was out of commission with a broken back for a good long while. She also got married. Maybe she decided to focus less on her career after that? Or maybe her career just lost momentum when she had to drop out of sight to recover.

  19. I believe Bridget Fonda was in a serious car accident. Love her work. For some reason, Mary-Louise Parker came to mind.

  20. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Aunt Gale

  21. Winona? She wasn't almost an A list...she was an A list. Winona has been working more lately than she has in years.

  22. Shirley MacLaine. She's famous for thinking she is a medium of some sort & believing she is reincarnated from a past life.

  23. Bridget Fonda seems to be happily married to Danny Elfman. She has given up acting.

  24. @NuttyFlavor - Hemlock Grove is a Netflix series. We came upon it by chance and liked it a lot. Apparently others did too because they're making a second season. It's totally over the top with werewolves, vampires, gypsies, mad scientists, etc.

  25. Bridget also has a heart condition. Winona is a good guess. Christina Ricci is more tv now than movies. I can't think who else used to make a lot of movies every year-Liv Tyler? Since her dad is the answer to the other blind.

  26. I read this as Winona, too. This and her demanding attitude have derailed her career.

  27. i don't know if she would be A list but this system is so screwy but what about Fairuza Balk?

  28. Fairuza has been on a bunch of those bio celeb ghost story shows and talks about seeing ghosts and being able to tap in to the other side

    1. @littlemanwhatnow I could totally see Fairuza Balk for this, except for she never really had a flood of movies. She'd come and go. But she does seem to have a healthy appreciation for the macabre.

      I'm leaning toward Ricci. She really did slow to a trickle pretty suddenly.

      Just want to add that I love Lili Taylor! Love! If Hollywood had a better eye for talent, she'd work a damned lot more!

  29. Anonymous2:51 PM

    but winona took a break from acting she only does a movie a yr or two

  30. Bridget Fonda is a very nice person with no attitude.
    Just being a mom and wife in Santa Barbara...

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      And this makes me happy....

  31. I like the Christina Ricci guess

  32. Kate Hudson had to be A-list with How to Lose a Guy and Raising Helen. It started to peter out after that, with her only doing spokeswoman work now - low commitment, likely, with just a few photo and commercial shoots. Not as much time to scare. Actually now I'm thinking it's maybe her.

    Fairuza was an interesting pick but was she "almost A"? I was a wee lass in the 90's, so I've only seen her in like two movies.

  33. Amanada Peet? Halle Berry?

    I don't know ....just thinking of people who have been working less past few years ....could be anyone.

  34. Rachel McAdams. She was in every movie that came out for about 2 years. Now, not so much.

  35. I'm gonna say.. Joan Cusack.

  36. Jennifer Connley came to mind.

  37. So late, but maybe renee z?

  38. Renee Z is in pre production for the first movie she's worked on since 2010. First person I thought of

  39. Jennifer Jason Leigh. Good actress, troubled roles, and she's a method actress.

  40. It's my girl Christina Ricci...

  41. I don't get why people are naming A-listers. The blind says an actress who used to be ALMOST A-list. Someone slightly under the radar.

    So it's not Winona (she was definitely A-list in the 90s), not Kate Winslet (she's totally A-list and never went from a flood of movies to nothing; she always takes breaks between her work), not Kate Hudson (she's not as popular as she used to be but she was A-list at one point with the rom-coms).

    My pick is Christina Ricci.

  42. Unless her guesses/predicitons are all coming true, what's to be scared at?

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  44. My area of study involves a lot of death.

    My job is essentially nothing but death.

    But you know what I don't do? Go around talking about death and how interesting and cool it is. Because nobody wants to hear that shit.

    This person needs to get over themselves. I've encountered so many people like this in my line of work, and they never get hired. Ever.

  45. Fairuza Balk is a great guess!

  46. Yay people like my guess xD
    Usually I always get it wrong and people say 'hell naaaah'.
    I really still think Ricci, but Fairuza is a good guess too. I follow her on Twitter (huge The Craft fangirl back in the day) and she is 'kinda' odd, haha. I am just not sure if she was ever almost A list. I am sure Ricci was close to A list, but not sure about Fairuza.

  47. Another guess for fun:

    Neve Campbell?

    During Scream she was pretty big, and now she barely does anything. She comes off very shy and odd.

    My top 3:

  48. Anonymous4:11 PM

    A friend of mine was a extra on The Road To Wellville and called Bridget Fonda "The biggest bitch shes ever met"
