Friday, August 23, 2013

Ben Affleck Is Batman

I think a studio executive got a little excited and thought they were making a movie with Jennifer Lopez or Daredevil 2. Of course the executive could have just been off his meds that day. Whatever the reason, Ben Affleck is your new Batman. After George Clooney turned down the role and Jonah Hill said he was busy, Ben Affleck was named the new Batman for the movie that will feature Batman and Superman. Will it be as bad as George Clooney's Batman? Probably not. I would try and say encouraging things, but it's hard. I should say encouraging things since he's the site's mascot, but did they see Daredevil. I guess the only positive thing I can take from this is that everyone thought Michael Keaton would suck as Batman and he's still my favorite.


  1. It's for the "Man of Steel" movies, btw. Ben will be a co-star, not in his own Batman film.

  2. I just can't envision Affleck as Batman.

    He doesn't have superhero chops, IMO. Daredevil stunk.

  3. Awesome casting. Ben will do a good job.

    Everyone hated Keaton at first and he was the best one.

  4. I'm just excited its happening!

  5. I actually don't think this will turn out that bad

  6. I can smell the flop sweat from here. Think The Lone Ranger.

  7. Anonymous6:11 AM

    This is horrible and he's already shown that he's crappy at being a superhero. If I watch this movie it will only be to MST the crap out of it.

  8. Jonah Hill? Is that a joke?

  9. Perfect casting:( and his buddy can be Robin. :( Just think there are only about 250 more comic book titles they can try to make movies out of.

  10. Ben, stick with the Matt Damon Rom-coms, please!

  11. Anytime I think of Ben Affleck now, I think of the Family Guy joke on how he rehearses for his roles.

  12. But other than that, I'm excited to see the movie.

  13. I bet it won't happen, much like when Nic Cage was going to be Superman, protests and threats of boycotts will change their mind. What is wrong with Hollywood, what are they thinking, no wonder most
    movies and TV shows suck!

  14. His hairpiece has accepted the role of Robin

  15. Why isn't Christian Bale Batman?

  16. @ Kerlypet He said someone else should get a chance.
    That says a lot considered Bale was offering $50 million for the role.

  17. Jonah Hill? Was that an attempt at a subtle joke?

  18. The good thing is that Batman is a masked guy, so he will be most of the time just a mask, and the rest will be CGI, he has been signed because he is famous, and the director will know of his acting skills.

  19. Who is gonna be the director anyway? John Waters? Alan Smithee?

  20. Last night when I heard I had a negative reaction, but now that I think about it, I think he has potential. I mean look at the negative feedback on Heath Ledger, and as someone else said Michael Keaton. Im rooting for him! Do it Affleck and do it well please!

  21. I just find Affleck to be such a bland actor. Honestly he is a downgrade from both Bale and Keaton. Kilmer wasn't bad as Batman (his own hubris did him in) and Clooney gets slagged on for his Batman when that whole movie was a mess. When Batman plays second fiddle to Mr. Freeze, that's not a good thing. I think if the script was better and Schumacher had reigned in his excess, Clooney would have been decent. But for me, Keaton and Bale were the best Batmans.
    Now, if they said Affleck was directing it...I'd be on board. He is a good director, I'll give him that.

  22. I lost brain cells just reading about this done to death tripe. I thought Affleck moved on with his career. Is he broke?!?!?!

  23. I think this is a terrible idea. I like Affleck in his own movies like The Town and Good Will Hunting, but as a superhero? Not so much.

  24. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) Jonah Hill - lol.

  25. The only thing I'm worried about is Synders directing. He did very well on Man of Steel but he messed up Watchmen and that is unforgivable.

    Affleck is better than Brolin tho.

  26. He may have that surprising thing like Keaton. Keaton will always be the best though.

  27. ok this is a downgrade from winning for Argo?????

    he should keep directing....

    how was Michael Keaton the best Batman? Ugg

    Christian Bale reigns as best Batman-well except for the weird voice.......

    I can't even picture this at all

  28. Do not give a shit, I don't go see comic book films.

  29. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I don't see Ben as Batman. He is a decent actor, but I've always thought he had some kind of speech impediment. It's as if he has something in his mouth while he talks that keeps him from completely sounding words.

  30. I am bummed that Richard Armitage lost the role (he was rumored to be on the short list).

    I'm not sold on Affleck, but I guess he can't do worse that Clooney (whom I like, but he was just terribly miscast).

  31. I loved Michael Keaton as Batman. That being said, how many more of these damn movies are they going to make?

  32. Anonymous7:38 AM

    he doesn't have the swag needed for Batman

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Affleck is a bland actor with a whiny voice and inexpressive eyes for me
    All the people are against Bale is his Bat voice who is edited in post production by Nolan to be more ...


  35. “By playing a superhero in Daredevil, I have inoculated myself from ever playing another superhero. Wearing a costume was a source of humiliation for me and something I wouldn’t want to do again soon.”

    - Ben Affleck 2006

    1. Just, until he got the do-re-mi!!!!!

  36. BTW, totally on the Michael Keaton train...I loved his Batman.

  37. George Clooney was not a bad Batman. Hell, Chris O'Donnell wasn't a bad Robin.

    he Director Joel Schumacher created an ambiguously gay duo version. That was just awful.

    The only awful actor in that movie was Alicia Silverston and her ill fitting bat girl outfit that they had to grease her to get into.

    Bat Girl wasn't supposed to be pudgey.

  38. great Ben quote there-kudos!

    and that's why he should't be Batman-case closed

  39. Affleck will be fine. It's Z(H)ack Snyder that you have to get away from the Superman/Batman movies. He sucks.

  40. I don't think he is a bad choice. I liked him in Argo. What's with the Jonah Hill comment? I hope that was a joke.

  41. Now our mascot has a cool costume!

  42. In related news, a bowl of plain oatmeal will complete the Dynamic Duo. I think Matt Bomer would be a fun Batman.

  43. keaton was a good batman because he could actually act. affleck's idea of acting is clenching his jaw.

  44. I agree Tracy, Ben Affleck is not an effective counterpoint to Superman Henry Cavill. Oatmeal without any brown sugar all over these not so Dynamic Duo.

    I heard Bale was being offered 50 mill for the role.

    Let's hope this is a trial balloon, let's hope for the sake of the producers of this movie.

  45. I guess we re gonna see a lot of pics of Ben going in and out of the gym ...

  46. What difference does it make? There have been so many different Batmans at this point.

  47. yep, ben is going to the gym a whole two hours a day! zowie. *rolls eyes*

  48. I wish they'd put Robin in a Batman movie again. I like him better than Batman. They probably will never do this since most of Robin's fans are female and Hollywood does not make superhero movies for women. They think girls just want to see rom-coms.

    As for Affleck, yeah, I remember him saying he was done with superheroes after he made a fool of himself as Daredevil, but I guess they waved a big check under his nose and that made him forget about it.

  49. Not really feeling it, but I will still see the movie.

  50. I'm going to wait until I see the movie before passing judgement. I remember saying Christian Bale would be terrible as Batman, so I'm not always right in predicting these things.

    People are going crazy about this on some sites. They're calling it the worst casting mistake in history. I think I'll at least give the guy a chance.

  51. @Krissie, Joseph Gordon-Levitt was Robin in The Dark Knight Rises, or at least who would become Robin. Although I doubt he'll make a movie based solely on Robin. Shame, I really like JGL.

  52. @Rose, that was a cute nod to the character, but what I want to see is the traditional version of Robin, with the rubber costume and the real-life identity of Dick Grayson. "Oh by the way, guess what, that cop is named Robin! The end!" just wasn't the same IMO.

    I'm having a good laugh at all the people saying Matt Damon should play Robin. I read that someone suggested Jennifer Garner play Catwoman and Kevin Smith play Commissioner Gordon and they set the movie in Boston. I think that's funny.

  53. Michael Keaton is still the greatest Batman ever.

  54. Don't do it, Ben. You are finally being taken seriously as a director now. Don't do this.

  55. Christian Bale was not offered $50 million to do the film. That was a misquote taken out of context.

  56. I hate everything about this superman film franchise except for the Ben Affleck casting. He has potential as a slightly older world weary batman. Think his role as daredevil meets his role as the guy who played superman. I just wish they had a new writer than the guy who wrote man of steel.

  57. I like to see Jamie Fox as Batman.
