Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actor who seems to cameo in whatever you want him to show up in is married. He has had lots of affairs which would probably surprise those of you who are fans of him and women and men love this guy. Always in popular movies. Has made several all-time classics and he is good looking and is an incredibly nice guy. He just likes to have sex with other women. Not so much women he picks up because he thinks that is the way to get busted. Nope. He prefers getting a hotel room, preferably a long way from home and then having someone who does not speak English come to his room and take care of him. This is a regular thing.


  1. Christopher Walken!!

    1. @veganbilly...

      Noooooooo. (at least I hope not!! love him!)

  2. Second the Matt Damon guess. Jimmy Kimmel, 30 Rock, Colbert are some of his most random cameos.

    1. The weirdest one is still the one in EuroTrip though. +1 for the guess!

    2. Scotty doesn't know!

  3. Paul Rudd does a lot of bit parts in movies.

  4. I also think Matt Damon, due to all his cameos.
    Unfortunately, Christopher Walken fits this also, I just really really don't want this to be him!

  5. Morgan Freeman ha ha.

  6. first thought was Christoper Walken too! i love him!!!!

  7. Everyone one of his mother knows Matt Damon Cheats so does Tom Hanks.. So does all the nice guys in Hollywood.

    Tell me on faithful guy in Hollywood and I'll be shock

  8. But is Christopher Walken good looking?

    That's a no for me.

    1. @ms snarky...

      Traditionally? No.
      But there is something about him that is just so damn sexy!!!
      Or else maybe I am just crazy? Lol

  9. I missed the A list part. I'm on the Will Ferrell train.

  10. Damon, wasn't there a similar blind about him

  11. shit, Christopher Walken is hot!
    i'd have no prob being in a hotel room, speaking the little German i kno for him. among other things.

  12. Yeah, Matt Damon was my first thought.

  13. I wouldnt consider any of Damon's movies "all time classics".

  14. Drum Girl I like your guess. True Christopher does lots of cameos and I lurves me some CW. And yes, sexy. But no girls. He's not what one would call good looking. Therefore my darling Chris is ruled out. Bazinga!

    Or Matt Damon. Where can I get on his roster and speak Franglais?

    1. @sherry Did You just said Matt Damon isn't good lucking?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh no Dragon. I find Matt quite hot. I'd be good lucking to be his "date"

    4. @sherry Lmao Typos. *good Looking*

  15. Matt isn't A+? He can certainly open a movie. I also wouldn't say he does all popular movies - he did that informant movie which was relatively indie, and has had some others that weren't big summer flicks or serious Oscar dramas. Promised Land was pretty small, even with him and Krasinski.

  16. Christopher Walken would only be good looking compared to jay no hyphen z.
    He is probably incredibly nice, but his physical appearance doesn't fit.

  17. Paul Rudd good guess but he seems almost A sexual except for in Wet Hot American Summer...

    which am i wrong or is it disgustingly hot in that movie???

    1. @orvilla Nah Enty would have said A list Comedy actor if it was Paul

  18. I don't find Christopher Walken good looking,and I can't watch him in anything without thinking of him in SNL as Colonel Angus. Totally compromised his scariness in The Prophecy.

  19. @the real dragon true that

  20. Will Ferrell would fit, except for the "good looking" part. I love Ferrell but he looks quite goofy.
    Bill Murray would be a great guess, but he isn't married.
    Paul Rudd supposedly had a few affairs in New York.
    Edward Norton had cameos in films such as The Invention of Lying and The Dictator but he isn't "an incredibly nice guy".
    Ed Helms did a lot of cameos but he's only made one "classic" and he has been mostly TV.

  21. If this is Paul Rudd then I would be so happy because then I might have a chance!!!

  22. It could be Samuel L. Jackson.

  23. I understand the hookers who don't speak English thing. Not there for conversation and not being able to communicate would make them seem less human and therefore making the entire ordeal easier on the conscience.

    Strippers with poor English are annoying though.

  24. I have seen concrete proof that Paul Rudd cheats

    My friend used to date him on the side. He always gave the "'my wife and i are separated and going through a divorce" excuse which wasn't true. And I have seen her personal cellphone pics of their many dates as well
    As heard two voicemails from him that she kept ("I miss you, I want to see you when I'm in New York") etc etc

    Needless to say. He's not A list so I don't think this is him

  25. I don't think anyone would be surprised that Walken isn't a paragon of virtue. I'd be a little scared to know how he spends his free time.

  26. Michael J. Fox (but I really hope not). He might not even be considered A list, but he's been in some classics.

  27. I'm with the Damon voters.

  28. It's Matt Damon - I'm almost certain.

  29. Jason Bateman, cosigned

  30. Going with Andy Garcia?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. jason Bateman aint noA-list

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Walken was beautiful as a young man but hasn't been in a very long time. He's nice, but also a little nuts and creepy (and far too old). Rudd isn't A list (definitely can't open a movie).

    So this is either Damon or possibly Hanks (who also hasn't really been "good-looking" in a long time). At least he's discreet. And didn't Damon recently have a vow renewal? As Liz Lemon says, always the kiss of death (or as I say, always an indication that something is up).

  35. Harrison ford?
