Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blind Item #3

This almost A list mostly comedic movie actor who has been the star of a few movies has a dark side. His ex-girlfriend, who managed to stay with the actor for a few months says he is great when he is sober, but when he drinks he becomes violent and he backed her into a corner several times and grabbed her and slapped her and threw her to the ground, but then would immediately apologize. They broke up because he was starting to drink almost every night, so the violence was happening almost every night.


  1. Don't they all have a dark side??? Jim Carrey

  2. Jinx, @Candyzeit. ;)

  3. There were some other comments about Segals drinking and pissing himself. Wow. Those comedians all seem to be carrying some baggage.

  4. Jason Sudeikis (sp). B/c January Jones told the truth & named names regarding Kutcher. And she chooses douches over & over.
    (My guess is this is JJ talking about JS....I will not be dissuaded!!!)

  5. I know he WAS JUST ON tv...but he is movies now! Stop trying to dissuade me, facts!!!

    1. Lol @Libby. I'm with you on Sudeikis but just because I don't want this to Jason Segel.

  6. Jason Segal is a mix of movie and TV, though, as is Jason Sudeikis.

  7. Christopher Mintz-Plasse.

  8. Karen--I am not hearing you. Huh? Oh, never mind. I have decided.

  9. ugh...I have dated men like this. makes it so hard because when sober, they are usually wonderful and kind. When they drink though, it is literally like a different creature...I used to call it "demon mode." Poor girl...

  10. The only comedian that doesn't "seem" to have that dark side is Ellen.

  11. @brendaL

    Ellen is hardly a comedienne and she's known to be a massive bitch.

  12. My bet for this is Jonah Hill. Jason Segel, alcoholic or not, is a soft guy.

    Jonah has a huge ego since the Oscar nom, even (According to my sources) getting into huge arguments with Seth Rogen over billing on their latest movie.

  13. Yeah, Jonah was my thought as well. He just screams DOUCHE.

  14. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Seems alot of comedians come from pretty screwed up childhoods...alot of them have dark sides...I was actually think Galenfankis with this...he is supposed to have self esteem issues

    Jonah Hill is just a dick & screwing up with the wrong people, give it a couple years & he will be desperate for a sitcom

  15. I'm going with Jason Segal

  16. IDK, but I'm glad she left him.

  17. Wasn't there a movie about the dark side of stand up?

  18. @ian -- Huh? Ellen started in stand-up comedy.

    I hate to admit this ('cause I have a soft spot for him) but my first thought on reading this was Hugh Grant... though I don't know if he'd be considered 'almost A list' anymore.

  19. @SnapDragon

    It was a dig, because Ellen is such a bad comedienne.

  20. Judd Apatow's least successful film was "Funny People" about comics. They should have called it "Unhappy People".

  21. If Jonah Hill can get away with slappin broads around on a regular basis, I gotta get famous quick.

  22. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I wouldn't see anybody being intimidated by Jonah hill at all. Siegals a big guy but seems too floppy to get violent. Somehow the dark comedian things always make me think Jim Carey, even though he's Canadian

  24. not Dane Cook he is straight edge, he has never had alcohol, drugs or smoked in his life. Both of his parents died of cancer within a year. He is crazy health conscience.

  25. I just couldn't put up with some drunkard beating on me.

  26. defense of Ashton Kutcher, all he ever said about JJ was that she's not a good actor and would never make it. Considering her "acting" skills, he wasn't exactly wrong. He's like Simon Cowell for the acting set.

  27. P.S.: And no, one lucky break on an inexplicably-popular cable show does not equal "making it".

  28. Don't think Jason Segel. Spends more time in his year working on HIMYM no? Plus he's not been in a movie since 2012 unless you count his 20 second cameo in This is the end.

  29. Also, I'm currently watching the Muppets. no just No!
