Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A+ list celebrity/singer would love a baby, but that would require her to have unprotected sex with her A list celebrity boyfriend. He is not the kind of guy you want to do that with, because of the gift that keeps on giving and she never did with her ex-husband either.


  1. Replies
    1. Except for the last Katy Perry reveal one of the Enty's stated Mayer was "B" List. They need to get on the same page

  2. It's good Katy Perry didn't take any chances with Russell Brand.

  3. That really sucks to have to wear a condom when getting down with your own husband.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking....I don't think I could deal w/ that. Especially til death do us part...

    2. If you know he's so dirty you gotta use rubbers all the time, why be with him? Weird.

  4. A condom won't protect you from the's a contact std...some simple rubbing and that's it

  5. What's with the easy peasy BIs this morning?

  6. weren't Katy Perry and Russell Brand married? No skin on skin sex in a marriage is friggin pointless. Just go on herpes dating sites. There gotta be plenty of hot broads w/ the same affliction.

  7. Um... she might want to read up on STDs and get herself checked b/c condoms will not necessarily protect you from herpes or HPV.

  8. Well that might explain the cheating from both men. The more music she releases and the more dignity she shows about her personal life the more I like this one. I really enjoyed her movie and I think that it was very honest, since Russell hasn't yet refuted the claims she made in it. The girl's so religious...she should find herself a nice Christian boy. Damn.

  9. Does this mean Katy wants to have John Mayer's kid? She dumber than I thought.

  10. Why fuck with anyone who is infected with one of those nasty things? There are Plenty of clean men and women. If you come in contact with this nastiness you are swimming in a cesspool of infected semen and menses. Despise Katy Perry but she is being smart.

  11. She probably caught big blotches of penis snot all over her face while trying not to actually taste or swallow a penis snot load. Any part of it. It's a defilement play.

    I always thought Katy Perry's ass was much too large.

  12. I think it's funny when two moron married people have to fuck wearing rubbers. What's the point of being married. That's what men pay for - from lunch, to houses, to tuition - clean pussy. Preferably tight
    Tight. Only losers fuck through rubbers whrn married.

  13. I guess I am a loser, since I used condoms when I was married because my ex had a bad reaction to birth control pills. I shoulda just had 6 kids we couldn't afford. Damn, at least now I know better. Thanks, Massive G!

  14. @Lucas
    You're awesome. I hope she appreciated it.

  15. Oh Massive G your post gave me the idea for Margaret Atwood's next novel - The Down Low Man's Tale. What happens when all the women in the world refuse to have unprotected sex even with their husbands? Jay Z leads the revolution but there are unintended consequences which will change the course of mankind or should that be womankind.

  16. hothotheat said...
    Does this mean Katy wants to have John Mayer's kid? She dumber than I thought.

    Did you even read it? it said she didn't.

  17. ^It says she would love a baby (but won't because of the bf's *alleged* STD). That would mean she would be willing to have one with him (if not for the *alleged* STD). I'm glad that won't happen. He's a douche and she can do better.

  18. I used to have a good friend who caught herpes from her boyfriend in college. Lots of "regular" people have it, too, and they somehow manage to have happy marriages and healthy children.
