Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly television actress from a hit network show who also does a bunch of commercials might want to do some pop ins on her new boyfriend. Turns out he has a thing for the ladies and not just for our actress. He has had a thing for the ladies several times in the past few weeks.


  1. Meh. With as often as guys stop by my house when my husband isn't home yet, someone could say the same about me and I'm definitely not cheating.

  2. It fits Kaley good except for the A-list part. I love her but is she really A-list?

  3. zooey? is she dating anyone? shes in the siri commercials

  4. I feel naive but just how much time does a working actor have? Set times, Calls and makeup etc. wouldn't give much time for leaving the set. Are these women guest stars or is this actor not working?

  5. If mast nights wasn't Amy Poehler this one is.

  6. Kaley--has new boyfriend since Superman, and is in the Priceline commercials.

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Eva longoria

  8. Yawn. There was a time when blinds were juicy. Now it's too many blinds and not enough material.

  9. If it's Kaley, have they even been together long enough to be exclusive? Hollywood gossip always expects celebs to be in instant relationships.

  10. Whoa, men cheating?? Let me clutch my pearls AND drop my monocle when I make my surprised face. They ALL cheat. What would be juicy is if someone, somewhere could confirm the existence of a non-cheating man. Of course that is rarer than unicorns so I won't hold my breath.

  11. Gotta be Kaley Cuoco, but didn't she only start dating this latest guy within the last couple weeks?!

  12. I feel bad for you, 888, but no need to be so bitter. In my circle, for example, it's EXTREMELY rare for anyone to cheat. Not rare at all in Hwood, of course, but here in the real world...

  13. Sofia Vegara does commercials
