Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actor, who would love to win an Academy Award after years and years of comedies before getting serious and quirky was wasted on the set of his new movie the other day and was a disaster. He was yelling and swearing at everyone who crossed him and he threw his drinks and coffee at others and refused to come out of his trailer and sat in there in his underwear all day drinking from a bottle of booze. He is an angry angry drunk.


  1. Every report I've ever heard about Bill Murray is that he's an absolute sweetheart.

    I'll need a hell of a lot of evidence to buy that it's him.

    1. Am I the only one who remembers this story?


    2. My memory may be a little shaky because this was 5 years ago but I remember that she made those accusations public as grounds for not only the divorce but because she also wanted a larger payout than the prenup would have given her. She never called the police so there was never any substantiation to her claims (police report, pictures, or doctor visit). I'm not saying she is lying but given that fact that outside of this one claim there are no incidents in his past of domestic violence and I have never heard of him being anything other than a friendly jolly drunk who smokes the occasional joint and always takes pictures with fans. His downfall is probably monogamy but other than that I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it did happen just like she said or maybe she was publicly pressuring him into a larger divorce settlement, nobody knows except for the the two of them. But to paint him with the same brush as Terrence Howard or Chris Brown seems unfair without pictures or a police report

    3. @ Kitten, he has custody of his children which speaks to the validity of the allegations.

  2. steeve carell (oscar buzz for Foxcatcher)or Ben Stiller (oscarbuzz for Walter MITTY movie)

    1. +1 for Stiller. Seems like he has a dark side.

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Nobody needs to bother guessing Sandler cuz I can assure you it is not him! @JAS I have heard that too!

  4. R

    Except that there'd be a mention of him falling off the wagon if it were actually him.

  5. No one will ever believe you.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Karen
    RDJ is A+ list and didn't play in comedies during years after years (

  8. Replies
    1. @Skimpy Jonah was my first thought as well.

  9. Robin Williams is filming Boulevard right now isnt he a known alcoholic

    1. I just saw this comment. Could be Robin Williams. I have always felt his nastiness. Has he won an Oscar? Too lazy to look him up.

    2. Williams won Best Supporting Actor for Good Will Hunting.

  10. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Jim Carrey-he's known for his personal issues, he's known for yelling & swearing, he also tried for Oscar...but seems to have given up on that

  11. Second (3d/4th) the Jim Carrey guess.
    Robin Williams already has an Oscar.

  12. Jim Carrey had his first attempt at an Oscar movie in 1998 w/ Truman Show. Followed by Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine. He popped in my head but he's a method actor and it doesn't look like he's currently portraying a mean drunk so it's probably not him.


  13. Didn't Robin win an Oscar though? I say Jim.

  14. Bill Murray is not a sweetheart. Ask the ladies from Charlie's Angels movie. They did not ask him back for the second movie. He was particularly bad toward Lucy Liu. He also totally diss'ed Scarlett Johanssen on Lost in Translation. He would love, love to finally get that Oscar. And, he is a big drinker.

    1. Bill Murray is a mysogynistic shithead. I know him in real life.

    2. Soph is right. I think hes a huge dick. Altho.... My aunt was gifted with a share if a racehorse, and wld sometimes go to stables, where she met" billy
      Murray-i think hes an actor or something. Hellava nice guy." So there ya go. He was once nice- and to my aunt!

    3. @ Sophia, as opposed to your unreal life? I know him as well, and would disagree.

  15. Anna Belle wins. I think Carrey. The fact that McCarthy was with that mental patient so long displays jer hardened dedication to golddigging. Reprehensible, yet admirable.

    1. McCarthy is a moron and a "mental patient" too who fancies herself a person of science and spreads fallacious info about autism that affects innocent children. SHE IS THE WORST. Gold digger is the least of her crimes.

  16. When was Jim Carrey known for yelling and swearing?

  17. Jonah Hill. He's now a SERIOUS actor.

  18. Jason Segel, whatever his name is. He's had some booze issues.

  19. @jane3113
    nothing in the blind item says he's known as temperal

  20. Changing my guess to the obvious RDJ

    1. @a non a miss Co-sign RDJ. Duh, so obvious. ;)

  21. Justin Timberlake

  22. I am asking about Anna Belle's comment. "KNown for yelling and screaming"

    It could also be Vince Vaughn. He looks like a drinker.

  23. I thought of Jonah Hill

  24. I read this as Bill Murray, too.

  25. I'd say Jim Carrey, except he seems to be doing mostly comedies again.

    I vote Sandler.

  26. Stiller is a good guess especially with that Walter Mitty flick getting Oscar buzz. But I don't think he's currently filming something.

    Murray is though.

  27. I thought of Steve Carrell, latest movies have been more serious and definitely "quirky". Previously all comedies.i know he's famous for TV but mostly movie NOW?!

  28. If Jonah Hill thinks he would ever win an Oscar..he needs to keep thinking.
    Carrey sounds about right.

  29. I think sandler understands he will NEVER win an Academy Award. Murray has a lot of talent, Carrey has some. We all know from past BIs that Stiller is a POS. I'm young to say Murray because I know hes filming now.

  30. *going* fuck you spelchek

  31. I think it is Jim Carrey. He had his time to shine but disintegrated. He got weird and obsessive. He is over, he knows it, and is losing his cool.

  32. I know someone who has worked on a film with Carell, said he was friendly to crew. Sounds like Carey or Murray. Carey has been acting very eccentric/over the top lately. According to IMDB Murray is currently filming the movie where Naomi Watts is the pregnant hooker. He sounds like the winner!

  33. Ben "Asshole of epic proportions" Stiller?? He is mean even when he isn't drunk!!

  34. I 2nd Bill Murray. My friend was a nanny for them years ago, and he was a total dick. To her & the kids

  35. Jim Carrey doesn't drink. Never has.The use of the word "quirky" makes me think of all the Wes Anderson flicks Bill Murray has done. Bill is a hard drinking Irishman and known to be difficult with some ppl.

  36. Bill Murray. Angry and bitter.

  37. Only problem with Bill Murray being the answer is that he has done serious dramas here and there since early in his career. (Razor's Edge) And lots of quirky stuff for years. (Life Aquatic) This person only did comedies and then went for serious and quirky. That being said, I have no idea who this is.

  38. Bill Murray, awesome as he is, can and has been difficult on set. He and Lucy Liu nearly went at each other with fists on Charlie's Angels.

  39. Murray was pretty unhappy he didn't get that Oscar for Lost in Translation too. He is currently filming too.

  40. I'm on the Bill Murray train! Wasn't he super pissed when he lost for Lost in Translation? I recall even the host Billy Crystal making a joke, saying something like "Bill, please don't leave, we love you"

    And then he tried again with Broken Flowers, no success, not even a nom

  41. Everybody who has ever worked with Murray says he is an asshole. He is on all the top ten "most difficult actors to work with" lists.

  42. Bill Murray he was pissed when he didn't win for Lost In Translation.

  43. I'm on board with the Jim Carrey guess.

  44. Enough with the RDJ and Betty White guesses on everything. Not funny. You have beaten the horse to death. :P

  45. I'm on the Bill Murray train. He dropped out of "Bad Santa" to do "Lost in Translation," the movie that got him a nomination. Bill's classy reaction to losing the Oscar to Sean Penn before he walked out of the ceremony shows the douche is in the pudding.

    This article: "Eight brilliant true stories about Bill Murray".

  46. I was thinking Bradley Cooper but I like the Jonah Hill guess.

  47. @Daniel Alex, who are you talking about? What you write is interesting, but a name, please!

  48. Bill Murray is a douche. His ex-wife accused him of domestic violence. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/bill-murray-accused-drug-spouse-abuse

  49. I thought Jonah Hill as well.

  50. Jerry Lewis. Just kidding.

    Probably Murray, which sucks, cuz he's awesome on Letterman.

  51. Anonymous3:42 PM

    JIm Carrey. Bill Murray doesn't care.

  52. I immediately thought Bill Murray. He IS in fact known as a temperamental ass, despite some assertions to the contrary.

  53. Bill Murray - I can't recall ever hearing a nice thing about him since Gilda Radner died.

  54. 100% NOT Sandler. He is genuinely a nice guy.

    Carey is bipolar as hell, Murray, Williams, both nasty drunks, but I don't know if that's currently an issue.

  55. Oh, I'm going Murray or Stiller. He's mean sober, so drunk he might be whacko.

  56. I agree with the Bill Murray guesses. Plenty of not so nice stories about him have been floated about.

  57. I second Simon's comment. Bill Murray is talented but notoriously a mean partier ( he also likes his drugs ). He has a long history of dickery that he is often forgiven for by his admirers because he is good to the people on set who treat him like an elder genius.

  58. Someone had it right about the divorce horror stories being a sleazy attempt to break the prenup Murray had with his ex. But this could well be him.

    I dunno, I wouldn't hold one day of set tantrums against him. He shouldn't abuse the crew but neither can he be all that bad if Wes Anderson keeps casting him.

  59. This might be totally out there, but what about Eddie Murphy? Not just because I love Bill Murray, but Eddie Murphy was definitely chasing an Oscar for Dreamgirls. Bill Murray has done serious roles sine Razor's Edge and he was totally robbed for Lost in Translation. I don't remember hearing anything about EM drinking though, but he does get several coffees a day that he could have been throwing around!

  60. bill M movie I bet is St. Vincent

  61. Seconded about Murray - he's been an active, insufferable asshole since his SNL days. He's probably the farthest thing from "a sweetheart" anyone could name.

    I think this is Carrey.

  62. This is not and will never be Steve Carell. Ask anyone and they will tell you he one of the nicest people in Hollywood. I thought Jonah Hill as well, though gag me if he's A List. I'm open to what other people have guessed, though!
