Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Blind Item #9

This former B list television actor from a very hit almost network show that was recently canceled was so bold this week about his drug use that he pulled out a bag of coke and was doing it at a bar. On the bar. Next to tons of other people.


  1. I've been to plenty of bars where that would have been no big deal. Maybe the bartender would want a line as a tax.

    One night I was in a small strip club and out of the 30-35 people there, dancers included, I would bet money that the bartender and I were the only people not coked out of our minds. Amazing part is this was on a Sunday about 6PM. I knew 2 dudes in there that were selling and both made a mint.

    1. Count, you just ruined my fantasy. I would've thought you'd be a partier!!! :(

  2. I miss those types of NYC bars. Wish I could find one in Houston.

    1. @girl77007 - 10 years ago I could tell you where to go, girl77007. I'm so out of the loop now. I'm in the 77070 :)

  3. I wandered into the "break room" at the salon I've frequented for the last decade or so and my hairdresser was not shitting me, there were two separate coke areas on the counters. Who knew stylists did so well for themselves?

  4. I've heard that too Vera

  5. Hey Houstonians! 77007 - isn't that Washington Avenue area? You should be able to find places where it's not a big deal. That area is teeming with skeezy bars.

  6. So - no guesses. Too many possibilities I guess.

  7. Yeah, stupid blind. That was me in the 80s in Boston. And a bunch of other people then and now.

  8. @Marty McFly: In my formative years of partying, when I was just beer and weed, I saw the cokeheads in action and had no desire to be like that.

    Later on, I tasted the meth, and I enjoy that from time to time. A nice size line at the beginning of the night, lil one towards the end to get home safe, and enough left over to do the same a couple times over the next 2-3months.

    All those coke heads I used to hang with progressed from coke to crack to smack and are now either dead or functional addicts hooked on booze and pills. I consider blow a bullet I dodged.

    Anyhow, feel free to share these fantasies. If you want to act them out, I can snort pixie sticks or something.

  9. Pixie sticks - brilliant!

    Yah, 77007 right on Washington Ave. I'm sure if I looked harder, trouble will find me (thank you the National!) but who has the energy when it's 107 degrees out? And happy to report, for whatever reason, I too dodged the addiction bullet with the coke -- love it, but can do it and walk away very easily.
