Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 31, 2007

This award winning A-list actor has been in and out of numerous relationships this past year. His current girlfriend thinks she is the one because of what he has been saying to her in private and in public. What she doesn't know is that when he has been doing interviews for his latest film and has been alone, he has been passing out a phone number to ladies that catch his eye. When they call the number they get one of his assistants. The assistant then schedules a time for the actor and woman to get together for an extended "interview." These extended interviews are one of the reasons the actor's recent marriage did not work out.

Eddie Murphy (This was so far back in the day, I don't even remember who he was married to when he was cheating.)


  1. Wait, I thought he was a tranny chaser! Heh heh and LOL.

  2. He was married to Nicole Murphy, the mother of 5 of his children. Nicole is currently engaged to Michael Strahan (of Kelly and Michael). She also stars on the reality show Hollywood Ex-Wives.

    He was also pseudo married to Tracey Edmunds for about 2 seconds.

  3. @Dolphy, he may like bimbos and trannies too. Sexual flexibility! He might as well have some fun - he's got plenty of money and his career is Nowheresville. He's constantly papped going out for coffee with his latest bimbo, this one a blonde.

    Loved me some Eddie in his prime, but that was about 30 years ago. I thought he was fantastic in Bowfinger, too - deserved an Oscar nomination for that dual role, particularly the one where he played a version of himself - a prickly, egotistical, insecure comic.

  4. Eddie has only been married once and that's too Nicole Murphy. His union ceremony to Tracey was not recognized in the US as a marriage. They did that on some island.

  5. @Nutty_Flavor...yes, Bowfinger was magnificent!! I'm glad somebody noticed.

  6. Bowfinger is my movie.

  7. Never trusted him.

  8. Didn't he have a kid with Melanie Brown (Scary Spice) or am I imagining that?

  9. @singblue yes he did, but he denied it was his and looked liked a right twat when the DNA test was a match!

  10. I Really Miss The Eddie Murphy Of Beverley Hills Cop And The TOu I Saw Him On When I Was In College, Around 1984 Or So. He Was Soooooo Funny Back Then. What Happened?

  11. Anonymous7:57 PM

    he actually likes women? or just has them strap up?

  12. Well most men who like transsexuals are straight identified so what's the damn shock that he likes women.
