Saturday, August 17, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 20, 2006

So last week I think I promised to fill you all in on a story that a pap related to me because he wanted to know if he was legally obligated to do anything about what he had witnessed and his obligations should it occur again in the future..

Most of you readers are used to seeing the photos of celebs up close and personal that are taken from just a few feet away..However, you may have also seen photos, especially on the beaches that are taken from a much greater distance, and then there was a recent case involving Jennifer Aniston where topless photos of her on her deck were taken from over a quarter mile away..

There are some pap who follow their quarry all the time, but for much of the time they just stay close to certain places they know celebs tend to hang out, or they know will be coming to at some point in the day or night. However, the big money are for pics that are harder to come by and that is where you get the guys following you everywhere ot finding a place that overlooks your house and then waiting for hours and hours and sometimes even for days depending on how valuable the pic would be if taken.

The pap who came to my office is a follower..he goes for the big bucks and does not settle for anything less..He has become very good at tracking his quarry from a distance (some would say it has something to do with the device on their fav car he put there, but I He also has found a place also about a quarter mile away from a particular house which provides him an excellent view of about 30% of the house including some rooms of the house, and into them as well..

He came to me because on 3 or 4 occasions (definitely 3, and unsure of the 4th) he witnessed the current A list actor beating his girlfriend and has the pics to prove it. (they are grainy, but very clear what is going on) The first time it happened he was not prepared to take pics because he knew the object of his pics was not at the house and so he managed to only get a couple of pics which are useful only if looking at the others to put the first in context. After the fight, he waited for what he was sure would be an appearance by the police, but none ever came. This same scenario played out the other times as well.

He came to me because he wondered if he was under some obligation to report the beatings to the police. He did not want to alert the police because he did not want the subject to learn about the pap watching his house and thus tip-off what the real goal with the pics is/was. Also, the fights happened over a several week period and always in the same room of the house and so he was wondering if they could have learned of his presence and were staging the fights because they always did happen in the same room..To back this theory up he stated and as I viewed the pics, admitted it is hard to see if there are any bruises or marks on the woman. Most of the blows appeared to be of the open hand variety and therefore would maybe not leave a mark and also would not leave any evidence if the pap decided to call the cops on his own and they investigated. He has thought about calling the police as soon as he sees something but doubts they would be able to respond in time..The girlfriend rarely leaves the house which makes it tough to follow her and see if there are marks or to confront her..She is not really in the public eye and so sometimes that can be problematic as well..He hired an assistant to follow the girl if she does leave, but she does not seem to leave until at least two days after a fight which would bolster the theory that she has been hit.

He wants her to leave because he knows that when she is gone, then his payoff pics will happen..I will keep you updated on this story..of course it could break out into the open at anytime as well..too many people are being brought into the loop..of course the pap could be bought off also...remind me to tell you about some big payoffs in the past to keep things quiet..

Terrence Howard (back when this happened, Terrence had just come off two huge movies. Crash and Hustle & Flow) which gave him the A rating. He probably should have been B+/A-, but this was the second week of the site and things were still being worked out.


  1. Why was a pap at your 'office'? Did he need to draw up a will? Settle the estate of a loved one who passed away?

  2. This person is vile. Why does he keep getting away with this?

  3. I remember this blind well. It's a shame you waited seven years to reveal it.

    1. Exactly my thoughts.. instead we get shocking Justin beiber blinds, he smokes pot and cheats on selena gasp.. think its for libel purposes that some blinds are held until proof but the child molesters and domestic violence hopefully reported since those blinds are never revealed...

  4. Ummm the pap is a slime all, so are you, and this blind item is totally bogus. If she leaves the house after two days so all the marks disappear, then that's complete bs. The pain of bruising may go down after two days, but that's when the appearance aftermath of a bruise just begins. Seriously, look at a brand new bruise and then look at it a few days later. . The new Enty is such a complete dimwit. I guess now he has to make up dv blind items. Maybe he can sign on as hmmAndes a commenter and say its Hayden panitierre or something.

  5. I want to know what the "goal" picture was if it was worth more money than pictures of Howard beating his girlfriend.

  6. I'd also like for people to read this post from almost seven years ago and compare it to current posts from "Enty." This is a completely different writing style and a completely different personality from the bitter bitch who posts now.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I don't get it. If he knew "the object of his pics was not at the house" the first time it happened, how did a beating take place? Was he tracking someone else? Makes no sense.

  8. I remember this one. I think the majority guessed Tom Cruise at the time.

    1. Yes. That was the popular answer. Finally old blinds revealed!!!

  9. Karen: was just noticing the difference myself. OG Enty knew how to actually write a complete sentence. God forbid actual Paragraphes

  10. What was the big payoff pic he was waiting for? Terrence with a pack of baby wipes?

  11. Even the og Enty was fos

  12. Are you guys criticizing Enty? How dare you! He puts his heart and soul into this blog. Just for us! He is beloved in this community and I don't understand why you haven't been banned from the site. My heart breaks for Enty...

  13. Even mv, the whole BI this website was built upon is bs. It has been narrowed down to JLO and Brit. I do t think it would blow anyone away to learn that they can't sing live. Or sing at all. No one cares. So, max, or whoever you are (no one cares), keep making that ad money,

  14. No one even came close to guessing this guy...Tom Cruise being the top contender.

  15. The goal pic gotta be some dude on dide doen low action.

    1. Have you been drinking already, Count? Dide doen? :)

    2. @count- Didn't you get the memo, were not allowed to comment anymore after yesterday!

    3. @Peter: ain't no broad tellin me what to do, unless she's a judge or incharge of takin care of my junk.

    4. Hey-jerk yourself off--you sound like a full Pedro or rapist. Please tell me where you are located, so I am far away from you.
      ..fucking pedo.

    5. Hey jurkula, is this how you get attention; by lying & fantasizing about what you will never get??? Pathetic freak.

    6. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Mona, joke for you:
      How do you make a hormone?
      Kick her in the cunt
      What's the difference between a refrigerator and a vagina?
      A fridge doesn't fart when you take the meat out
      Mones, I've got a visual if you
      Morbese, spinster, no friends, unemployed or working as a cleaner, possibly absused as a child, barren, can't handle your booze, those awful growths on your face and armpits that snag when your carer comes to wash you, female baldness and Hugh Jackman has a restraining order against you.
      I think I'll rub one out whilst my husband enters my wrong hole.

    7. Anonymous1:40 PM

      If= of

  16. Tom cruise, despite being completely demented and a closet (??)) gay is not a bad guy. He's gotten significantly creepier because of Scientology, lost his reputation and credibility because of Scientology, but he's not a horrible guy. The Anthony pellogrino files, or whatever that guys name is, are very telling.

  17. Does anyone remember the cabbie in NYC telling the post that Howard had some some one night stand in the backseat telling her that he wanted her to bite all of the pimples off his back so the puss would be inher teeth? You can't make this stuff up, people! Thank God Oprah is attached to this project or else questions might be brought up about his latest domestic abuse incidents. Now we just have to deal with foreign pursegate #2 of her trying to be allowed into stores after hours.

  18. I thought he was married back then.

    @Katie, the OG Enty had a sense of humor at least. Jax seems to hate the world, and wants us all to hate it too.

    1. Looked it up. He was still married in 2006.

  19. Wow. I had forgotten just how different the new Enty is from the old original Enty. It is making me very nostalgic and even a little sad.

  20. @emeyekay: I wish. Passing the time in stop and go traffic.

    1. I hope you get run down & then fuck off Pedro & die.

    2. Hey, jack-0ff----please hang yourself---& post the pic....I can't wait"!!!!!!!

  21. @Count: How on Earth are you able to text, drive, AND JACK OFF???

  22. Wow, I was just thinking about this old blind and wondered if we'd ever find out. Didn't a lot of people guess Cruise? Too long ago. Good times. So good to see it revealed. Makes me think the original Enty is around here somewhere


    All you need to know about this POS

  24. Being married does not preclude one from having a girlfriend or 10. Was the money shot the wife coming home and finding him with the girlfriend?

  25. @pip- jax mistakenly thinks that constantly sensationalizing matters and being an overall weirdo is mistaken for snark and a dark sense of humor. Jax tries way too hard, but I guess she's winning if we're all still clicking onto the page to gripe about her. She is so fug, though. She is a chubby tiny curled brunette that stands at maybe 5'3 with hideous teeth. It really is funny how she thinks that she's all that when she's neither smart, witty, clever, attractive, or well to do. Put a mole on her and she's the very definition of an Internet troll

  26. What is the freakingcobsession with figuring out which enty is who, and comparing old and new blinds? Just reading the friggin' shit and comment. Or not. But end it with bogus conspiracy theories!

  27. @auntliddy - Exactly!

  28. @missmess: I rub one out before I leave home so I don't get hard ons at work. It does the trick better in the wintertime. Some of these betches in their see thru in the right light sundresses or tender buttcheek bottoms hangin out of short shorts make it f'n tough in the summer.

    1. You are rubbing your little dick cuz no one else wants to........DICKLESS WONDER!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Mona: rubbing ones dick when dickless! This is more confounding then the thought of anyone aside from the carer who bathes your 30 stone body ever having touched your clunge.

  29. Lol @ Karen. It was very obvious.

    @auntliddy, Enty has given us anything worthwhile to comment on in months.

  30. @Aunt Liddy - I was always one of Enty's biggest (and most abusive) supporters, but even I finally had to admit that something is up.
    I don't think it's Jax writing this blog though.
    I guess I just kind of want to know what happened to the original Enty. I considered him a "friend" and respected his stances on some of the crazy people and situations in Hollywood.

  31. I think anybody with any maturity realizes that "Enty" is a made-up persona, so it's not that amazing that others would step in and assume that persona, I just wish we could know for sure what happened.

  32. I was also sure this was Tom Cruise. Anyway, there was more to this story. The pap reached to the actor and was eventually paid off and the photos were never released.

  33. There are no legal obligations here. Just another dumb cun who puts up with a flogging cuz she thinks it's worth it to be with a movie star. They're a dime a dozen in H'wood. Next...

  34. It just seems that all of the really sensational blinds gets revealed after someone gets arrested or it is in mainstream media. Like the John Travolta ones, revealed right after he was sued by approximately 40 masseurs. So it's safe to reveal the blinds after it's no longer a blind? Not sure I get the point of that, unless it's like a "See! I told you!" and seven years later, just like clockwork someone gets arrested.

  35. So a paps followed Terrence howard (who? i only know him for Iron Man and his marital troubles)and he photographed Howard hitting his girlfriend several times and what he did? nothing!
    noted that in 2006,Howard was married with Lori Mc Commas (twice: from 89 to 2003 then from February 2005 to 2008)
    this blind item is not logic

  36. Terrence Howard is a violent POS who needs to get a beat down. Let him go to prison and see how much fun it is to be the bitch.

  37. I think this blind wasn't supposed to Terrence Howard, but since it came to light that he is a violent douche, he is being used as the answer. Howard was married back then. Old Enty would've said wife or significant other, not girlfriend.

  38. I wish I would have seen this earlier, but I remember this blind well and have thought about it many times over the years. I also don't think this blind was originally written about Terrance Howard. Enty used to do updates to his blinds and I remember there were several updates to this one. Here they are;
    December 12, 2006 Update
    The pap who was watching the house is STILL watching. As far as I know he has been there for over a month. He is waiting for one picture which will be worth about two years of taking regular pictures.
    March 7 ,2007
    Do you remember the blind item about the pap who was staking out a house looking for one special photo? Well there have been some developments. First, the boyfriend and girlfriend have married. I ran into the pap's assistant the other day and he said that about 5 or 6 weeks ago, the now wife left for a few days and the pap got the shot he wanted. It took him months of waiting but he got the money shot. He tried to sell it to a US magazine and they did not want to touch it. He then went to a UK magazine and they offered him a tremendous amount of money, but not the kind of money that makes up for months of waiting. So, using the UK offer as leverage he decided to offer the photo for sale to the husband. They have discussed a price but nothing finalized yet. If the sale does not go final, then UK it is.
    July 2, 2007
    Pap stalking the A-lister. - I gave an update previously to this one. I think, but do not know that the photos were bought by the actor. I do know the victim used to smile a great deal more than she does now.

    The timeline of the marriage does not fit with Terrance Howard, and it doesn't seem like he had enough star power to command so much time by a pap, let alone a big payday from a UK mag.

  39. Very interesting Mac. Like that blind about the girl who had an in with Hollywood execs was revealed to be Farrah Abraham, which made NO sense. Seems like her name was just thrown out there for the reveal. I don't live under a rock, but I had to Google this guy to recognize him. Can't imagine any photo of him would have been worth months of stalking.

  40. That's what I am wondering, if the blinds are just so generic that a particular name can just be slotted in here and there based on whatever the daily mail is running. And maybe even revealed twice with different names as people have pointed out. It can't be all about the page views, can it? Excuse me, I think I need to write an apology to Steven Segal, brb

  41. @Mona: what am I or have I been lying about?

    Of course I'm never gonna get to bone Gomez, Capt. Obvious. Yer a feckin dum one huh?

    You better not be Miss Mess trollin me for fun, that would be disappointing. I hope you are actually a humorless cunt trying to get attention from a man that daddy never gave you. Or maybe he gave you too much attention and therefore you are revoltes and outraged by sexual talk. Did the wrestling and tickle torture extend into your teens? Cunt.

    1. Count: I have a few college degrees, English Lit. being one of them. I would be extremely impressed with myself if I could purposely write as bad as Mona, and even more impressed if I could pull it off after drinking with my friends in the backyard for 6 hours.

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Little Miss: yeah, I've only got 2 degrees. Currently undertaking masters. It helps me bate. When I receive my doctorate, Mona/Anna will have to refer to me as Dr Reach.

  42. Brenda l, does this mean Drunken Stepfather might not be a drunk or have actual stepchildren?

  43. @TTM: all about page views and ad rates.

  44. I wonder what the average lifespan is for a CDAN reader. I've been lurking for two years now and have seen a big turnover in posters. At what point do most become disillusioned?

    1. 3 years and then you just come for the blind reveals. New Enty knows it's the only way to get people back.

    2. 3 years and then you just come for the blind reveals. New Enty knows it's the only way to get people back.

  45. I came across this post of Original Enty from late 2006 and thought it was worth re-posting in light of everyone reminiscing about days of old.

    I am not blogging to make anyone’s life miserable. I am blogging because I wanted to try it and felt I had some things I wanted to share. I have no other motive for my blog. I do not run ads and think I am about the only one who does not. I am not trying to get a movie deal or book deal or any other deal. I am not here to make anyone miserable or to expose their flaws and misdeeds to the world except in a way that allows people to gain a new perspective on Hollywood and what I deal with on a daily basis. The blog does take a great deal of time and is definitely making my workdays longer. Because of that, I try and just post twice daily at about 930am PST and noon PST. If I see something cool like the video from yesterday then I will post it because I want to share it not because I want to increase traffic to the site.

  46. MAC if you start screaming about Amber Tamblyn, I am outta here, I don't care how much wine I've got

  47. lol at TTM. No I am not going to bring up Amber Tamblyn. But how about that radio show that never materialized? I kid :) Sorry if I came off like a weirdo, just thought it was funny when I read that since everyone bitches about the ads and page clicks.

  48. @TalksTooMuch...
    Shhhh!!! No Amber Tamblyn talk!!

  49. @TTM: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Where's my book?!

  51. Since there seem to be some people awake, were any of you ever on Second Life? I'm doing some drunken reminiscing :)

  52. Doc - i lurked for about a year, only commented for about 3-4 months, but I've been coming here less & less lately. Either the trolls have changed their names (doubtful) or there are new trolls making the comments less bearable. They don't seem to get that the whole point of the is to make fun of the CELEBS, not Enty(s) or each other.

    These "ladies" getting down on Count need to realize that this is fantasy... If he were really this vile of a person in life do you think he would blog about it? If I were the cum-slurping gutter-whore I profess to be, would I be online dishing about it? No. I'd be over at The Count's servicing him and neither of us would have time to be on this site.

  53. @TygerLilly: Tru Dat! Soon as I get some fresh, steady poontang, I'm gonna be too busy making new memories to write about old ones.

    @Miss Mess: Nothing better than drinking and smoking pot in the backyard with friends.

    I must have struck a nerve w/ Mona, because she switched threads to attack me in. Daddy must have been naughty.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I haven't smoked weed in years. Ahhhh, the good old days!

  54. @Katie - You waste an awful lot of your time and breath commenting on how awful Enty is. You're free to go at any time. But you keep coming back for more. I wonder why?

    ...and JAX IS NOT ENTY. Sheesh. Give it up, already.

  55. Anonymous2:47 PM

    what a disgusting p.o.s

  56. I miss Full Frontal Fridays...

    As for Terence Howard he's got a damn good agent. If this much is known publicly what is going on behind the scenes? He seems to be a psychopath and in need of psychological help.

  57. I HATE the OT commenters.

    That said, I think MAC is an excellent poster and point very well made. It seems very unlikely that a pap would put of his eggs into the basket of Terrance Howard. It doesn't matter if this was the second week of the site, but at no time could Terrence Howard ever be considered A list -- and certainly never enough to merit two years of pap stalking.

    So who REALLY is the A-lister circa 2006/07 and his "not in the public eye" gf who he eventually married? It sounds like someone who lives (or has a house) in Los Angeles. I would never, ever guess Cruise. So --

    A big clue is that they were married between the Nov 2006 and March 2007 post. That doesn't leave much.

    Unless it's a red herring.
