Sunday, August 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 6, 2013

This A list celebrity has always had sex with whomever he has wanted to. His money and fame usually see to that. He is getting bored though with just paying and wants a challenge. He told one of the producers on one of his shows that they needed to find a job for this B-/C+ list all movie actress because our A lister wanted to sleep with her and flaunt it and make this other A list celebrity look really bad.

Simon Cowell/Julianne Hough


  1. I think Julianne can get a better gig than that.

  2. And the other A-list celebrity was Ryan Seacrest? For someone who has made such a career for himself, he has the emotional maturity of a spoiled 12-year-old.

  3. For some reason I find this hilarious. Maybe because I can't stand Ryan Seacrest.

  4. Just don't knock that ho up Simon, or buy her a house. We need that fine piece of ass to get desperate soon and do some nude work. At least a beaver flash getting out of a limo.

  5. Didn't think Julianna Hough was necessarily into men?

  6. @Alice Tate....

    I totally agree with you. I was walking around NYC one year right before Christmas, and he was filming something.
    He was whining about how everyone was in his way, he sounded like a child throwing a temper tantrum!
    (Helloooo, NYC at holiday time is a complete zoo, wtf did he expect??!!)
    That, and I was amazed at how short he really is in person. And I'm barely 5'2, so if I think someone is short--they are probably an elf!!

  7. @Ruby, Wikipedia lists Cowell's height at 5'8",but that probably comes from his press team. (Johnny Depp's height has also been inflated on his profile.).

    This article suggests that he is 5' 7", and someone in the comments section suggests 5'4".

    1. @Nutty_Flavor....

      Oops, sorry--I should have been more clear.
      It was Ryan Seacrest I saw who was being a douchenozzle
      I'd bet he could not have been more than 5'4, tops!

  8. @Ruby - ha, sorry. It really could have been either one....

    Two tiny titans with Napoleon syndrome.

    They should call Depp and Cruise and play a round of bridge on child-size chairs.

    1. @nutty: see, now I have to love you because you mentioned bridge. I love bridge! Do you know how hard it is to find a foursome in this day and age?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The difference between Seacrest and Cowell? One works hard. It ain't Simon.

  10. Good thing the plan failed, Seacrest would've won as Simon was eating up his sloppy seconds. I would love someone to fuck with Ryan and publicly shame him tho...he deserves it.

  11. Meeoooooow.

    Does Simon have that much hate for Ryan?

  12. @Nutty_Flavor...

    Tiny Titans, hahaha!!!
    Maybe we shouldn't make fun of the Hobbitses like this??

  13. In what universe is Julianne Huff-n-Stuff considered all movie actress? Wouldn't she be more a reality show chick even though Ryan has bought her a few movie roles?

  14. Agreed! Didn't Julianne get famous from being on Dancing with the Hasbeens? How the heck is she an "all movie actress"? Let's not forget her performance of pretending to be Ryan Seacrest's girlfriend too.

  15. Simon Cowell is such a dick head.

  16. Simon is searching for a little payback for all the times Ryan was such a douche to him on AI. I only watched a few seasons, and Seacrest was beyond annoying. I had to suppress the urge to throw things at my tv. I'm not saying that Simon isn't a dick--he was just less annoying.

  17. I think the nastiness on AI made it all the more fun. The first five years were just jaw droppingly rude, vicious and train wreckish, and I loved EVERY MINUTE. Then, after Simon stopped caring and the crapfest started showing the wearing at the seams, and really bad singers kept winning via obvious manipulation, I just stopped caring. On to ANTM and MY favorite crap fest, the search for the next singer for that girl group headed by Nicole Scherzinger. Oh. My. Goddess. Lil Kim's face melting ON CAMERA. The female svengali (Robin?). And the horrific nontalent of the contestants (Natalie???). I could not STOP.

    ANYWAY, Simon is so grotesque but for a few years he was my hero bc he said what everyone was thinking with so much venom, but like frozen ice so the sting killed you as soon as it struck the heart... awesome.

  18. Hough is ridiculously hot, but just to look at. Pretty sure she wouldn't be worth the time in bed.

  19. I find Hough an enormous drip in every way, shape and form. If she makes it as a star it's because she can pull a train like no other or has serious blackmail intel on some very important people.

  20. I hate when people trash talk Ryan. All the AI contestants have NOTHING but wonderful things to say about him. He's a hard working guy that deserves what he's earned. And Julianne is all movie NOW. She no longer does TV.

  21. Second on the Seacrest like. I know dozens of people who've worked with him, he is extremely well liked, works very hard. Can't picture him working anyone up...

    1. @di butler and Renoblondee: Same. Hell, I had a brief experience with him and that man is very focused and a damned hard worker. As much as I hate that he thrust the Kardashians in our faces, you gotta respect a man that does all he does and still runs a morning show every day. Yet I feel like he gets so much crap everywhere. I kind of call BS on this as I can't see anyone having a vendetta against him. I believe Simon has an ego, from all that goes around, but most of the crap with him and Ryan seemed to be a little show they put on.

  22. @Alice Tate

    I read all the comments and I'm still laughing.

  23. Ok. I can't stand Simon. I always thought he couldn't possibly as big of an asshole as he makes himself seem, but no. He really is a giant asshole.
