Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 15, 2009

This B list movie actor is on the cusp of A list. He had a breakout year last year. He considers himself to be a method actor to some extent. For researching one role he spent a great deal of money on drugs. Just for research mind you. Since he considered the research crucial to his acting performance he wanted to know if he could deduct the $15,000 he spent on drugs.

Seth Rogen


  1. I'm sorry, I love this site - But there is no fucking way this blind is true.

    Seth Rogen is a known smoker and definitely doesn't consider himself a method actor.

  2. It's only pot, chill out man

  3. Replies
    1. More than one person could smoke in a yr even if its medical grade.. lol I would know:-P

    2. I don't know... I know people that spend 1200 a month. If he was getting all of his friends high to then over a summer that be doable.

  4. Would it surprise me that some rich actor would try to figure out if he could write off his weed expenses - NO. Don't know about the method acting crap and blind is written to suggest he only may have used for the role - both bullshit. He probably just made the comment to be funny.

  5. I could picture Seth Rogen joking around on set that he was a method actor after smoking a bowl. And I could also picture him jokingly saying that he wanted to deduct it.

  6. You guys forgot about the little coke habit he had to lose all that weight? Tsk tsk.

  7. Actually, since profits from selling drugs are considered taxable income, I think Seth has a decent case to make there.

    And I totally agree with Cathy that all of this is exactly the kind of thing he might joke about.

  8. @Cathy: Yup, I think you've got the context just about right.

    But I guess "Enty" writing a funny post we can all laugh along with isn't quite as exciting or click-baity as a blind. After all, Blinds become two-fers when you reveal them.

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    ya i think this is referring to his coke habit he had for a bit. don't think he's spending 15,000 on weed in a few months

  10. But which roles did he have that involved coke? That's the only way the "method actor" comment makes any sense. I assumed this was weed during pineapple express.

  11. Rogen went on his coke diet for "Observe and Report." He claims he didn't like doing coke at all.

  12. He has never said he considers himself a method actor. He went on the coke diet to lose weight and get into some kind of shape for his role as a security guard.

  13. And if he's buying weed from a dispensary, or a caregiver, good weed is easily $20 a gram. Here in MI, medicinal weed goes for about $250 an oz.
    The more you know!

  14. If this is true, he is nervy enough to be funny. I am kinda giggling thinking about the time when he took the receipt (or whatever the mope gave him) to the producers.

  15. Remember this next time some entertainment industry big shot is lecturing the rest of us about paying our fair share. Tax deduction for method drug use. Unfuckingbelievable.

    1. Oh, honey. That's the least of their sanctimonious BS. They are some of the most tone deaf, group thinky people, who are woefully uninformed about everything. Some conversations with those in the biz, made me want to make water boarding a misdemeanor.

  16. Sounds like Seth's comic sense goes over the heads of gossip snitches.

  17. I thought he did coke to lose weight?

  18. Rogen's breakout film was Pineapple Express, and Rogen also wrote and produced that film (with others). $15K total weed expenditure to develop that movie would not be unreasonable.

  19. I think his breakout was 40 Year Old Virgin. Then there was Superbad(ugh) Knocked Up, and then Pineapple Express, which he either wrote or co-wrote.

    I can imagine him saying he's being all method about his acting with his drug intake, and should be able to deduct his drug expenses. Then, he would take a deeeep toke and let out that goofy huhhuhuhuhuh laugh.

  20. I'm in love with him. I'm positive this was a funny thing. I live his busted car engine laugh. He's too precious.

  21. How bloody cheap can you get?
