Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Britney Spears Can't Hold A Conversation

In the past, I have told you how Britney Spears needs to be told what to say in anything, but the most informal of interactions. I don't know what kind of medicines she is taking, but the medicine has turned her into a robot. She can do what you tell her and say what you tell her to say, but otherwise her only true interactions are with those closest to her because she is at a loss when it comes to others. That is why when she saw and hugged Katy Perry the other day I thought to myself that it must have been the most awkward conversation ever and I'm glad they decided to hug so at least there was a photo to document the event.

Yesterday on The Real which is really The Talk and The View combined, Adrienne Bailon said, "I've worked with her on X Factor and I'm not going to lie to you guys. She can't hold a conversation. They had someone that feeds her what she's supposed to say."

Kind of confirms everything I have said all along. The good news is that if you are close to her and know her, it is all good, but if you expect her to do something, you are going to have to tell her what to say and do.


  1. Sad. Wonder what she would be like if she wasn't a trained circus performer? : /

  2. Way to throw her under the bus yo

  3. Replies
    1. Adrienne the starfucker.. Trying to get publicity for new show. Just shot yourself in the foot, nobody in Hollywood likes a blabbermouth. I'm sure the meds affect her but maybe she just had no interest in speaking to Adrienne. Also Adrienne didn't really interact with her, she was backstage talking to the contestants.. This girl has a mental disorder and its really not nice to talk about her to boost your career. "Leave Britney alone"!

    2. Nothing but a glamourized groupie.

  4. You need to dig up the old Diane Sawyer interview with her when Brit had a condo in New York, she has always been sweet but dumb as a rock.
    I thought then that she need someone around to tell her what to say...don't blame the meds.

  5. This makes me sad. She was my generation's Madonna...I will always root for her!

  6. I read all of this yesterday, re Adrienne's comments. Isn't she the Cheetah Girl who's been working the high class hooker angle forever? I mean, it seems that she'll say or do most anything to make herself look good and get ahead.

    Meanwhile, Britney can't have much education or training in public speaking. I don't think she has any idea how to do anything except perform. If she wasn't able to carry on a conversation with her friends and family, that would be truly troubling. It makes me sad to think about kids who have their childhoods taken away from them so they can be a star. Boo - think about how sad Judy Garland was her entire life. Save Britney, y'all!!

  7. What, are we back in 2007 again?
    Amanda Bynes is in hospital and Lindsay is clean so we're back to Britney Watch.
    We know she's on medication. We know she's awkward and uncomfortable. Can we stop pointing and laughing at her now, please?

    1. Its just you- my thoughts as well shes achieved some semblance of lifestyle, lets leave her alone. She isnt a walking freak show.

    2. When she chooses to be out of the public eye, then we will stop. Her choice.

  8. Who is this Adrienne something or other? Britney may not be bright, but I'm sure when she's around certain people, she's okay to be around. Could be she's not comfortable talking to people she doesn't know.

  9. And this is surprising because...?

  10. Pity they couldn't program her with a personality...

  11. I interviewed Britney back in the day for a magazine and even then she had a lot of trouble holding a conversation. It was one of the worst interviews that I'd ever had. One where I really had to work to get even the most basic answers. This was pre-drugs. She's just really hard to talk to. Not sure if it's a comfort thing or an intelligence thing or what, but she has always been like that.

    1. @PresidentResident, that's interesting information. But really, why should we assume that someone who has a talent for performing onstage also has a talent for being a quote-machine in interviews? They're two entirely separate talents, like singing and being able to fix a motorcycle.

  12. I don't understand this. She has bipolar and I'm not making light of the disorder but it is not that unmanageable! Why can't she hold a conversation?

  13. I want to preface by saying that I don't know who this Adrienne (sp) person is, but she is classless to gossip about this publicly. Would you hire a woman who would blab like Hollywood?

    That said....the way Britney acted before her breakdown, this story would not surprise me. Even a low dose of a 'simple' psych drug like Lithium can make you really BLANK. It can be invaluable in controlling dangerous mood swings though. Who knows what B is taking, but the drugs for controlling dangerous mental illness very often have the side-effect of erasing personality & free will, unfortunately.

    If she truly has to be so medicated, I wish her family would let her retire. Unless she truly doesn't want to, and can continue this way of faking it.

    1. Hi miss lib! I think the main raison d'etre for brit, besides her boys, is performing. Something she likes and does well.

  14. guess this confirms new enty - old enty was supposedly friends w brit and wouldnt say this even if/tho it is true. MV gonna get revealed, too?

  15. guess this confirms new enty - old enty was supposedly friends w brit and wouldnt say this even if/tho it is true. MV gonna get revealed, too?

  16. Maybe Britney just doesn't have anything to say to a Rachet bitch like Adrianne.

    1. Exactly! How arrogant is this nobody adrienne? Go brit!

  17. Thinking about it, I realize this Adrian (sp) seems worse than classless, this almost seems like schadenfreude.

  18. Brit is awkward and shy. She doesn't like to talk to strangers. She wears that suit in the pic right. Some slut has bad mouthed her.
    I'm totally on Britney's side here.

  19. Hi auntliddy---That really was my point, about the performing. I want Britney to have the life SHE wants. This Adrien (sp) person is harshing Brit's public esteem with gossip about her symptoms, and that shit PISSES ME OFF.
    If Britney can fake it for the cameras who is this A-hole (sp) to assign herself the role of spoiler?

    I can't believe I'm saying this but...

  20. Can you imagine how much happier this poor woman would be if she could just have people in her life that weren't using her? Never knowing if someone likes you for you or for your money/fame? Combine that with a personality disorder and you've got a really sad person. My heart breaks for her.

  21. That body, that money AND she can't talk? Sign me up.

  22. @Boozie: I posted this in the photo comments last night but I think we have MV:

    I think MV is "Mother Monster" Lady Gaga and S is Wendy Starland with Gaga's ex being "Guy"

    1. I had once thought Lady Gaga could be the S, because she has sung live and does an excellent job at it. However, she is too young to have been a participant in the MV blind.

      As far as Britney is concerned, there are any one of a number of reasons why she isn't a good conversationalist. There's really no shame in that. Unless there is something distressing in how her handlers are treating her, just let her be.

  23. I am digging the Brit love! She went thru alot, we went thru it with her, now shes relatively happy, and this adrienne assballoon has to out her like that?! Oh no she didnt!

  24. You know based on the few celebrities I've met and what I've heard it seems the big answer a lot of the time is that celebrities are just dumb. Especially if they grow up in the machine of being famous and isolated from the outside world. I think there are also mental health issues in this case, but other times we pick them apart or try to figure out what's going on and the answer is really just that they're stupid!

    1. @Nope, I agree with you on this. Many celebrities, including Britney, don't even finish high school, let alone college, and never experience the ordinary working world. It's my pet peeve that people ask them about politics and take what they say seriously. I also think it's why they're more likely to fall for Scientology and other fragile belief systems.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I get frustrated at all this too Auntliddy she gets in trouble it's crazy Britany, she is out with her kids its Britany lost custody, she performs its manipulated Britney, she doesn't perform it's over medicated Britany and now this fameho wants to trash talk her conversational skills? Take it from me Britany, breathing? You are doing it wrong!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. The only time people will bring up your name Adrienne, is when they are discussing hookers and when you have to talk about Britney Spears for some short-lived publicity. Team Britney, y'all!!!

  29. @kathleen - i thought MV was divorced with kids and became big in the early 2000's?

  30. ITA with @Nope and @Nutty.

  31. Who is Adrienne Bailon in this world?

  32. Isn't Adrienne Assballoon (lmao @auntLiddy!!!) that girl who Rob K dated and they got each others names tattooed on each other bcuz they were "so in love" right before they broke up?

  33. Adrienne sure is juicing every possible thing she can think of on her show. Why doesn't she juice her hooking days and spill all the deets on that.

  34. she could have an auditory processing disorder -- she could be an introvert -- Some people just aren't good verbally, they would rather see your question written down.

  35. I agree that Brit was just never bright to begin with and her meds are probably impacting her skills at communicating and articulating..

    I also believe Brit wants to be in the spotlight. For many celebs this is all they know and the adoration and attention they receive when working fills a void.

  36. have you HEARD adrienne baillon speak? she could take a cue from britney's handlers. she has this hoodrat, ratchet inflection and can barely conjugate a verb. she truly, TRULY has no business calling anybody out. she needs to have several seats and be grateful no one is choosing a public talk show platform to throw HER under the bus w/ a wee reminder of how she leaked her own nudes.

    stay in your lane, adrienne. #teambritney

  37. I wish she were able to retire but more and more I think this this is all part of her therapy. Performing is what she knows and if she is prevented from doing so she will find less desireable alternatives.

  38. Anonymous10:50 AM

    wish her handlers just took her away somewhere downsouth and let her live an everyday life. Make sure she takes her meds to be somewhat of a functioning mother amd thats it. ride off into the sunset

  39. She's severely abused and brainwashed, literally. I think she is locked away inside her own mind and her breakdown a few years ago was her attempt to break free of her abuse and her handlers.

  40. @Nutty_Flavor , I learned that early on, that most of these people are really talented at what they do, but that doesn't necessarily cross over to being able to perform during an interview, which is an entirely different thing. It sucked for me that Britney was a dud, because I only had 7 minutes and had to make something out of the lame quotes that I did get. But I don't blame her. She is who she is.

    The best interview I ever did was with John Goodman. That guy can give a great interview. And strangely David Schwimmer was really good too. I interviewed a bunch of actors from a movie and he was clearly bottom rung for that group. Nevertheless, he had a sense of humor about himself and was very interesting to talk to-- far better than the "star power" of that group.

    I could go on and on...

  41. If she still loves performing but hates the promotional / interview stuff, maybe this makes the Vegas show a good fit for her. She'd get to perform a lot but once it was established wouldn't have to do the same kind of press tour / publicity stuff that would otherwise come much more frequently for individual projects.

  42. David Schwimmer is very down to earth. A friend of mine Asked him how he handled all the Friends success and he just said, "I just wanted to be a quiet actor and play the types of roles De Niro played in the 70's." He really never expected success to happen to him and he handled it amazingly.

  43. @presidentresident please go on and on and on and...

  44. Is that Adrienne person the one that went with the Kardashian boy, the Sock King? This does nothing to recommend her opinions to me. She just sounds catty.

    Brit is just Brit.

  45. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not a fan of anyone - never have been, never will be. I look at celebrities as people, simply because they are. And I judge them by their actions, personalities and abilities - as I do with everyone. As I should. I state this, because I do not want my comment to be confused with that of a fan. In fact, I used to strongly dislike Spears, as she represented a lot of the things I did not like about our society and/or culture. That all changed when she shaved her head.

    This girl breaks my heart. Britney Spears is a modern slave - and that is no exaggeration. She's been used, abused and neglected by the people who were supposed to love and protect her ever since she was a kid. And when she gets extremely ill, as a consequence of both nature and nurture, but especially nurture, the system gives the people who are very much to blame for her predicament complete control of her. It was truly the cruelest form of irony.

    I watched Britney Spears: For The Record when it came out, and I'll never forget how trapped and incredibly depressed she seemed. It was genuinely almost physically painful to watch her, because her emotional pain was so overwhelming for me. Here are some poignant quotes (on how she feels about the conservatorship her father contains and her life):

    Britney: "If I wasn't under the restraints I'm under right now, you know, with all the lawyers and doctors, and people analyzing me everyday, and all that kind of stuff. Like, if that wasn't there, I'd feel so liberated. I'd feel... like myself.

    I'm kinda stuck in this place, and it's like, how do you deal, you know? And just cope? And that's what I do. I just cope with it - every day.

    It's just like, you can't really go there in a complete state of happiness, because you're scared that it's going to be taken away, you know? So it's better just not to feel anything at all, and to have hope, than to feel the other way.

    And when you tell people that, and when I tell them what I feel, it's like, they hear me, but they're really not listening. They're hearing what they wanna hear, they're not really listening to what I'm telling them. It's like... (starts tearing up) it's bad. (Starts crying) ...I'm sad.

    Even when you go to jail, there's always that time when you know that you're gonna get out, you know?"

    Interviewer: "Do you feel out of control in your life?"

    Britney: (Crying) "No, I don't feel like it's out of control. I think it's too in control. There's no excitement. There's no passion. There's no, like, it's just like Groundhog Day every day, you know?"

    I really hope there will be a day, when this girl is well and strong enough to break free - and stay free. And if or when she is, I truly hope she'll write a book about what really went on in her life, and that she will expose her family and handlers for what they really are. If she ever does this, it won't be pretty.

  46. Amen to 85134943, well said and written, you nailed it very good. ditto.

  47. GAWD please stop with the Britney torture!! She needs to work, we know nothing about her mental condition or how it's being treated. Her parents made mistakes early on, but they've been all that's keeping her alive now. It's not her parents' fault - she made horrible decisions that brought horrible consequences. She is trying to make a life for herself and her two sons. Give her support, or at least shut the hell up. BTW, I ridiculed her shamelessly in her pink wig days. Those days are over.

  48. You hear about bi polar people going off meds because they feel exactly as Brittany is being described. Best case scenario they work with doctors to adjust meds to feel more like themselves. But Brittany has no control over her medical decisions. It's possible that her handlers prefer her this way and are happy with the medication just as it is. It's also possible (as many have said here) that this doesn't have anything to do with meds that maybe she isn't very bright. She could have quite possibly frozen her personality at the age she became famous and be stunted in an adolescence.

  49. I don't think it was fame alone that stunted her, I think it is more likely her personality froze at the age she was first diddled by an entertainment exec.

  50. i truly feel sorry for Brit Brit. the girl is just forced to make money for people.
