Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Family Of Hannah Anderson's Kidnapper Says He Is Her Father

Apparently there is some question about whether Hannah Anderson and her brother are actually the biological children of her kidnapper, James DiMaggio. When DiMaggio was killed by FBI agents, it set into motion things that happen when people die. He had about $100K in insurance money that was left to Hannah's family. DiMaggio's family says the only reason he would do this is if he were the father of the two kids. They want a DNA test. I think he left them the money because he was obsessed with them. I think that has been shown. The family also says that Hannah never tried to escape and when the people spotted Hannah and DiMaggio twice that neither time did Hannah appear to have been upset or anything but normal and that she referred to DiMaggio as Uncle Jim in front of the people who ultimately were responsible for her rescue. I don't think there is anything suspicious in that. Did she know her family was dead? She had known this guy all her life so of course she is comfortable being around him and is probably going to call him something like Uncle Jim. I think the family of the kidnapper is mad about the money not going to them and want to try and make a buck off this however they can.


  1. Does it matter if he is her biological father? He's still a murdering piece of excrement.

  2. This whole story with her is way way off. Something weird is up. Like some of us said before on a different thread, she is odd.

  3. She should get the money anyway (whether she would want it or not is another matter) and if I was his family and got the life insurance I would not want that money at all. Give it to charity or something.

  4. There is no question. Brett Anderson's DNA was used to identify Ethan, and the Anderson family said on CNN less than an hour ago they didn't meet DiMaggio until Christina Anderson was six months pregnant with Hannah.

    Keep on trolling, Enties!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This whole case is weird. I hope Hannah didn't have anything to do with it.

    1. Sorry but in this world, I don't trust anyone in these stories anymore.

      This whole story doesn't make much but who knows now because the guys dead.

    2. Leo u said it right. Much more succinctly than I ever could.

  7. Maybe she was trying to help the campers? Yelling "Help" would have put them in danger.
    Who knows, maybe she was in on it. Either way, the guy murdered 2 people. Glad he's out of the way.

  8. the whole thing is weird and as for 'they didn't meet him until she was 6 months pregnant' is a statement that would be made because she realized the baby she was carrying was his, so she started bringing him around.

    just a thought.

  9. I think it's more a matter of his relatives trying to understand why he did the crimes he did, and his obsession with this family. And you do not know what he had said to his relatives about Hannah. He could have planted the seed in his relatives' minds that she was his biological child prior to his actions. If he was my relative, I'd be shocked by what he did and would have many questions. Also, I didn't think life insurance policies paid out if the death of the insured occurred as a result of his own actions while committing a criminal act. Regardless, do the cheek swab, let the authorities do the DNA analysis and lay the story to rest. Let this girl grieve for her family and move forward.

  10. Interesting, but I think she does resemble her father. However, there's something off about this case. I can't put my finger on it, but it rubs me the wrong way,

    Is it just me or does Hannah give anyone else a Brooke Hogan vibe, looks wise?

  11. I'm not saying I don't have pause about some of the developments involving Hannah since her rescue. However, her abductor named Hannah's grandmother as beneficiary to a $100k insurance policy. His family has incentive to make shit up in order to get their grubby hands on it.

    And the DNA pertaining to Ethan does not lie: He's Brett Anderson's son.

  12. But wasn't he SEXUALLY obsessed with her? Yeah, I know, that wouldn't stop some bio fathers, sigh...

  13. We have def discussed this on another thread and I maintain that something is off about her and him. I really don't want to victim blame and I would love to be wrong but like I've said before, there was something going on between them.

    I do not however, think he was her father and thankfully, this theory could be nipped in the bud by DNA.

    BUT if he was her father, that would be some crazy SVU shit!

  14. The last thing I heard, there wasn't enough of Ethan's remains left to do a DNA analysis.

  15. I think it's sickening the way this story is continuing to be spun. And the way the DiMaggio family is trying to cash in. This is girl is a victim.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. i agree something is odd about this situation and perhaps her

    I've gotten a weird vibe from the beginning-don't really know why

  18. Whenever a crime happens that involves a young, very attractive girl (yes, she's a GIRL) we, as a society want to attach some Lolita like qualities to her and imply that because she looks the way she looks, she must have been a seductress who used her wiles to get some poor hapless adult man to do her evil bidding.

    If she was ugly would all of you be acting like she likely had something to do with this tragedy?

    Maybe more evidence will come out, but thus far the authorities have unequivocally stated that Hannah was a VICTIM (whether knowingly or haplessly).

    As to her actions, we ALL grieve differently. Some find solace in getting back to "normalcy" as quickly as possible. Some reach out to friends, some fall apart privately, some fall apart publicly. ALL are normal reactions because there is no normal. None of us have any idea what kind of hell she lives with in her private moments.

    Finally, if she had a sexual relationship with her kidnapper, I would remind everyone that she is 16. A CHILD. He was in his forties. Even if she was willing, she was seduced by a grown man and was a victim. There is not a state in our country that would consider just that a victimless crime.

    But let's all blame her anyway. It seems darker and more forbidden that way (as if it's not already dark enough).

    1. Lola - I officially have an Internet crush on you

    2. +1 & ditto Alicia

    3. I had weird feelings about a fakeness vibe before Hannah was rescued. I agree with @Lola (ironic name-Lolita as an ironic little manipulating underage obsession) that Hannah's attractiveNess also skews the reactions and the underlying feelings about all this. If she was a scrawny unattractive young woman of another race or culture, we would not be getting such massive coverage I am sure.

      But I felt something was hinky from the very first set of photos of Hannah and her brother. I did not care about their looks. I just could not fathom why those photos were used rather than family casual shots. It is almost like it was not needed because identifying them after the kidnapping was not the priority.


  19. Lola = plus the Lolita stigma gets thrown around in a completely erroneous fashion - those who have the read the book know that she was also a victim of a depraved man whose narration is obviously untrustworthy,

  20. I think DiMaggio's family is looking for some sort of 'reason' or justification for what he did. There is probably no basis for it, but like most of us, we want to know WHY something happened. If this eases their mind (instead of accepting he's a homicidal maniac), then that's where they'll go with it.

  21. Thank you, Lola!

  22. @Lola

    While I do agree with you on some of these points, I must disagree with you on why you think some of us feel like she was involved. As you stated, as with the case when a TEEN girl is involved, the public often looks at them as a person of interest. However, this rule also applies to whenever a woman goes missing or a husband is killed, the automatic point of interest is always the spouse or significant other. Why is that? Because there is a precedent.

    As for her age, yes 16 is a minor however, again there has been a precedent on girls AND boys that have been involved with the killing of their own family members. It is not uncommon and perhaps I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't concerned about her appearance or the possible "Lolita" aspect. Point of reference:

    And still pointing to her age, yes she is 16 but that makes her a teen and not a child as in under the age of 10 or something. There have been children far younger than her tried/convicted as an adult for murderous or heinous actions. Why is that so wrong to assume that this could also be the case with her?

    And so, no not all of us are blaming her. We said it sounds fishy or something is off putting. This is not a "normal" crime and so, there is nothing wrong with doubt since unfortunately, past cases have told us to not always trust things at face value.

  23. There is something odd about this case to me, but not because of Hannah. DiMaggio's sister is married to Smokey Robinson's son, and she has been on a rant since the first Amber alert went out. I miss the days when people involved in situations like this would maintain an air of private dignity behind closed doors until they were absolutely forced into the public eye. Now, everyone rushes to a microphone. DiMaggio's sister first said that both he and Hannah had been kidnapped by the real killers, then she said he ran off with Hannah to protect her when he discovered the fire and the bodies. She seems to have no clue who or what her brother really was and she and the rest of her family really need to shut up for a while.

    As for Hannah, I am disturbed that she, like so many other teenagers, seems to live her life very openly online. I guess this is the new world order, as I recently discovered by accident searching for information about an actor on Tumblr. Glad I'm not a parent. This is not behavior that I understand.

  24. @FS

    Thank you for pointing out the social media aspect of this case. I too must be showing my age, but that was odd to me. If I'm wrong so be it, but I got too much of a Menendez vibe from Hannah's online antics.

    With the Menendez case, they went on crazy shopping sprees after their parents murder and the police kept saying, it was normal rich kid grievance but it was still a red alert and proved to be true.

    Again, I hope I'm wrong and that this is just the new world order like FSM said, but that was another reason I found the case odd.

    Kids these days, get off my lawn!

  25. Interesting that today is the anniversary of the Menendez killings, too...

  26. OOOO SILLY GIRL! So creepy, that murder always haunts me.

    A friend remembers looking at a house with her parents in NJ and her parents couldn't shake the feeling of the house, it was eerie and creepy. So they passed and it wasn't till later that they discovered that it was the same home that the Menendez family lived in before they moved to CA.

    The brothers were flat out wrong for the crimes but I never shook the feeling that they were right about being abused by their father. My friend's parents eerie feeling just confirmed that shit went down in that place, who knows exactly what though.


  27. So his family believes he killed his biological son? What kind of justification is that.

  28. There is WAY more to this story than authorities are revealing. I am no longer convinced Hannah is a victim. She hasn't been acting too torn up about her mother & brother.

    As Michael K would say, something ain't clean in the milk.

  29. Lola - It is Hannah's actions, not her looks, that have caused me to feel suspicious about her. I have only felt this about her in the last few days.

  30. ITA Little Miss, I didn't pay much attention to anyone's looks. Where was Hannah when he tortured and killed her brother and mother? Her behavior after being rescued was terrible. I know everyone grieves differently blah blah blah, but come on, anwering questions via social media was a Kardashian move.

    Most 16 year olds I know are not children.

  31. Enty needs to update this post. The family released the following statement hours ago:

    "Brett and Tina Anderson did not meet Mr. DiMaggio until the sixth month of Tina's pregnancy with Hannah. Brett Anderson's DNA was used to identify the body of his dead son Ethan Anderson."

  32. So joes sister thinks he raped his own daughter & murdered his own son? She's. Sicker than her bro was. Joe lived with Hannah's g ma for 18 months and the twisted fuck was obscessed with the Anderson's. Fuck his sister & her greed. The whole lot of that DiMaggio gene pool need extermination.

  33. I was in Boulevard area last Saturday and a friend commented how this story seems fishy. There are some strange folks living in those mountains.

  34. Social media is how kids communicate these days. Where you might pick up a phone, kids tweet, facebook, text, etc.. There is nothing wrong with it, they having grown up with that being perfectly normal. Anyone who has kids knows this (and I am not stating that everyone who has kids necessarily agrees or not with this phenomenon).

    And yes. 16 is still a child, as much as their bodies may otherwise appear.

  35. *have not having...geez I have Jimmy hands today.

    Lol @Alicia. I have my moments.

  36. @Lola

    I'm sorry but it appears you are the one that keeps looking at the physicality of this story. You clearly have not read everyone's feelings on this.

    We are talking about the 16 year old's mental status, and her possible, if any, involvement in this.

    Again if we are going back to the age factor, like I and others have stated, there are children far younger than this 16 year old that have been capable of worse criminal acts.

  37. @Vanvan... all anyone can really point to is she seems to be on social media too much and she doesn't seem to be publicly grieving enough. Therefore, she must be guilty. Just because other children have done this, doesn't mean she is.

    Yes, there are exceptions to that viewpoint, but that is the prevailing one.

  38. @Lola

    Your argument has been the Lolita factor and her age. Not one person has said anything about her appearance but you (shocking I know, given this site) and the reason I mention past child criminals , is because it has been shown that age doesn't necessarily dictate the "normal" average according to age group.

    I think we both agree that there are exceptions out there, some of us are just wondering if this is one of them.

  39. I don't think Hannah is good looking. And yes, there is something more going on that we don't know.

    I had never heard about the Menendez case, off to Google I go.

  40. @kelgela2, it makes me sad that I'm old enough to know about this case but you don't. :) I was young when it happened, but not that young. Young enough to relate, actually.

  41. @lola, was totally with you on the manning thread but your comment here seemed out of left field. Are people even saying she's attractive? I know everyone has different tastes but to me she's average at best. I also think the opposite. You said the gut instinct is to say she's guilty, I think the gut instinct is to believe the teenage girl who just was kidnapped and had her family murdered actually is innocent. It wasnt til afterwards that her actions have made people suspicious. To me the thirteen phone calls between her and him right before they ran away, the letters back and forth between her and him and the day trips are all just...weird. And in my opinion, it's not that's she's been on social media, it's what's she's saying on it. "Dad is not taking this well...I'm all he has left." "Even though youre gone, were still a team" and the manicure tribute to mom and brother are just huge red flags.

    But anyone have any idea abt the damn cat thing?! Does she have two cats or did she bring her pet along, I don't get it?

  42. I don't care what she looks like. She was either involved in her mother and brother's murder with DiMaggio, or she's in severe shock. I hope it's just the latter, and she's seeing a psychiatrist.

    DiMaggio may have thought she was his kid, or more likely had a fantasy of some sort built up around her which is why he left her the insurance money. I don't think his elevator went all the way to the top floor.

  43. I would like for anyone who has made the comment that the family is looking for money with the DNA request to please explain to me how, exactly, that would go. It would in no way nullify the insurance policy. So how would there be money coming to them from it? I personally think they'd just like to try to understand DiMaggio's obsession with the family, and that does seem as good a place as any to start.

  44. This is a weird story. I feel terrible for the mother, and especially the little boy that was murdered. My big question is why were Hannah's parents letting her hang out with this older guy and take her on vacations?

  45. Lots of comments and speculation about Hannah but not one about DiMaggio and his upbringing...

    DiMaggio's father was also obsessed with a young woman, he threatened her and her family including bringing a shotgun to kill her and her family. He killed himself 18 years earlier on the same date the current DiMaggio was killed by the FBI.


  46. I felt things were strange starting from the odd looking fuzzy pictures of Hannah ascribe younger brotherthat were first published. They looked like paintings or composites. How could they use those photos rather than ordinary photos that would give an accurate representation of what they look like?

    I already commented, as have others, on the strangeness of Hannah going on trips with that guy.

    In addition, it is strange that there have been few photos of the people who ran into them in Idaho, that the family did a fundraiser so quickly for funds, that Hannah was entirely unsupervised in answering questions online. I do understand being in shock but this girl is behaving like a robot.

    I did not see that there was so much more to the story-the kidnapper's sister's connection to a celebrity, and although I was shocked that the kidnapper's family is requesting DNA testing, I don't think I blame them.

    I am not sure I believe ANYTHING being published about this story. I have seen too many constructs that are completely fake being foisted off on the still unaware public to buy this stinking fishtale.

    What the HELL IS GOING ON?

    One thing I have learned is that when a story like this comes on to the public 'screen', there is usually something else being meddled with or being put into place behind the scenes. This whole thing is JUST TOO STRANGE to be taken at face value. It is almost like the survivors are being played by actors who have no talent or access to real emotions.

    It is all so strange.
