Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kris Jenner Says The Earth Is Flat

Despite no photos of Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom together in two months and Lamar skipping out on multiple family events, Kris Jenner told E! that the couple has not even discussed divorce and that the topic has not even come up. "Khloe and Lamar are absolutely not getting divorced. There's been no talk of divorce." That is like saying the earth is flat. Does she really believe that the couple has never discussed divorce? He has been caught cheating multiple times. The stories are everywhere. The couple never see each other. Lamar does not live in the same house as Khloe, but the subject of divorce has not come up? That is such a lie. Of course Kris is a great liar. It is what she does best, so it should not come as any surprise that she is spinning the lie until such time is advantageous to her to not spin the lie any longer. Either when a divorce is finalized or she figures out a way to make money off the divorce. Then, she will tell the truth. Until then, she is just talking to the same people who believe everything on her show and make up the population that has decided her talk show is worth losing an hour of their life watching.


  1. Everything about the Ks is fake and manufactured. We know that.

  2. Carry on with your bad self pimp mama lol # baddest bitch

  3. Why are these vapid idiots famous?

  4. Do you Ents even talk to each other?
    I thought there was a Kardashian boycott?

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Who's the old lesbian in the pic with Kris?

  6. @Rach hahahaHAHAHAHahahahaha

  7. Rainbows, unicorns, leprechauns.....

  8. LOL @ the side-eye Ol' Plastic Face is giving to PimpMama.

  9. Only time I wanna hear anything out of this twunt's mouth is when she puts the PR spin on the 2 lil ones' eventual sex tape.

  10. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Oh JEEZ......

    Bruce looks more delicate than Kris.


  11. Who cares ? This family has no value except to themselves...
    Please ban them

  12. i have zero fucks to give

  13. So, if Lamar has been, having sex with all these multiple women for so long, should we start assuming that he is shooting blanks, and the infertility is not Khloe? Or should we be applauding him for his success in not having a harem of baby mammas? Basketball groupies are notorious for birthing paychecks.

  14. Actually, no, that's not the same as saying that the earth is flat. That logic doesn't work and that headline doesn't work.

    Not that these people matter to me at all.

  15. Ugh I got excited to read she actually said this and it turns out it's just a bad metaphor. Bad and misleading title.

    1. Me too. Was hoping this was so true. I can't get this bitch off any of my screens.
      She's on the goddam news right now. She is so gross.

  16. Today must be misleading headline day

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    he posted something abt "wifey" yesterday on twitter..idk

  18. I thought the headline was true as well. New Enty/Enties? Move along. :-/

  19. I could not believe Harvey Levin on TMZ he said he spoke to Kris personally and believed her.......are you kidding me Harvey??????

    1. Harvey also believes Donald Trump is intelligent.
      Go figure?

  20. No, this headline should read: "Bruce/Betty Jenner's sex change almost complete."

  21. Bruce, is that you?

    He's looking more like a woman all the time.

  22. is her shit show being cancelled?

  23. Think about how truly pathetic an existence like this is


  24. Why haven't they cancelled her shitty show yet??????????????????
