Thursday, August 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

This man is a genius. He discovered a way using bleach, water, plastic bottles and refracted light to provide light for those without electricity.
Alec Baldwin would probably never do that.
Bethenny Frankel would do it if there was money involved and if she had ever touched bleach.
Ben McKenzie goes to the wallet for tip money.
Britney Spears out shopping with her bodyguard.
Bruce Willis helping out with a diaper change.
Cara Delevingne says she is thinking about giving up modeling. Thinks she can be an actress.
Courtney Stodden and her dad and husband.
The Goopster with Stella McCartney.


  1. Good God..GP looks so stupid, she's making CS seem classy...hilarious!

    1. Courtney's face looks good without any makeup.

    2. So does beyonce and kim k. Get the crap iff your faces ladies, youre beautiful without it.

  2. I like the article in the daily mail about gwyneth getting ripped by her trainer on her former bod. Said she had a long butt lol. I haven't gotten the image out of my head yet.

  3. What in the hell is up w/ those shoes on Stodden? I would be ashamed of myself to dress that way in front of my Daddy.

    1. Oh della, i think daddy loves it!!

    2. @Della...
      I was just coming to say the same thing. Wtf is wrong w that family?!!!


      Ewwwwwwwwww. A lot ewwwwwww!!!!

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Ladies, I think the only way "daddy" likes those shoes, are when he's wearing them himself.

  4. I was surprised to hear her trainer use that term too! Funny. Does this mean there is trouble there as in a recent BI?????

  5. What exactly is Bethenny gonna do with that bagel? Use it as a hula hoop? Bah Dum Pshhh

  6. And btw she is tall and what....her body does nothing for me. I don't really find her People's most beautiful. Weird.

  7. lol Danielle, that was perfect!

  8. no one is commenting on the death of Lisa Robin Kelly- girl from That 70s Show?

  9. That Franken lady has a big doughnut in her hand?

    That shoes Stodden is wearing aren't the best outfit for the beach.

    The light invention is not that new or important. Something like that has been used in Spanish villages for years, not (just) because of poverty, but for saving money, because with just the windows open, that expands the light all over the house. The bad news is that in many places, that invention is barely necessary, because you can just open the windows and sunlight will do the rest.

    RIP Lisa Robin Kelly.

  10. good for paltrow and her toning up, but i'm embarrassed for her at this point. when you're that desperate to be liked, you need to just step back and evaluate things.

    and speaking of embarrassed, will stodden look back in a few years and be embarrassed about those boobs and those shoes on the beach? good grief.

  11. Big deal with the light! Using same ingredients MacGuyver would make light big screen tv radio transmitter and teleportation device!

  12. It was just announced that Lisa Robin Kelly died in rehab from cardiac arrest.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The light theory was taken from ships using a prism on deck to direct light below deck. That has been done for hundreds of years. I know this has been done in India where there are no windows in some of the hovels. The people had to sit outside in the heat to have light. I think it is a big deal.

    1. Thank you. Great point.

    2. What Del Riser said - it is indeed a big deal in a lot of slums in India and in the favelas in Brazil. Children can do their homework, thanks to this simple set up - sad to see people not really aware of the conditions some of the rest of the world lives in..

    3. Anonymous11:22 PM

      Del- it is a BIG fucking deal!! The possibilities. I found this so exciting!

  15. RIP Lisa Robin Kelly, only 43... sad.

  16. What is the deal with FishStick posing too many times. She has an ass as flat as a board.

    1. Correction, Sylvia. Gwennie has the ass of a 22 year old stripper!

    2. a box in her attic.

  17. Goop has a body exactly like my little brother.

  18. Goops body is not at all aspirational. She and Tracey can take their stupid ass method and shove it with a side if puréed crap they suggest as a meal

  19. And Bethany frankel? Those cheeks could cut glass

    1. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Urban : wHICH cheeks? ;p

  20. What are Bruce and that wife doing to that child?

  21. Damn, did you guys see that Lisa Robin Kelly died?

  22. Where is Gwennie posing? That can't be her backyard. Where is the outdoor wood burning pizza oven or the Olympic sized pool or the herb garden she tends to with her own hands???

  23. @sugar: no f'n way. That would be giving Goop credit.

  24. Re: Lisa Robin Kelly - is anyone surprised? It's sad, but not unexpected. Don't do drugs, kids. Seriously, do you think you'll be the one immune to addiction??

  25. Bruce Willis' wife is scary thin. Just look at that bony ankle

  26. now now. I'm pretty sure there's bleach in skinnygirl margarita.

  27. Ben McKenzie is still hot, may even be hotter than his O.C. days.

  28. Goopster looks like a total tard, as in re. I'm sorry, it is just so sad seeing these 40 yr olds acting like they are 20. Gwynneth needs to stop with the half naked red carpet looks and the micro minis. A not so subtle cry for validation.

  29. What is the name of the genius? I'd like to read more about him.

  30. Goopster is fit, but long before her time, she lost all sex appeal. Say, by the time she was 32ish she was truly a fishstick. I would feel bad going in on her if she didn't seem to think she is truly the shit.

  31. I dunno, Bethenny gives off that OCD anorexic super clean vibe, up cleaning her bathroom with her toothbrush and a bottle of bleach at 2 in the morning. It's a control freak thing.

    I think Gwenyth looks really happy.

  32. I think gwyneth looks happy too. She can be insufferable but picking her apart for this pick seems petty.

  33. When your arms are thinner than your toddlers; you are too thin. Mrs Willis, look at yourself in a mirror.

    1. Anonymous12:26 AM

      Again, can we stop the body shaming for women on the other end of the spectrum? Remember, obesity IS also disordered eating, just at the other end of the spectrum, and arguably with equivalent health issues and costing public health and society also.
