Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - Lovelace

The movie Lindsay Lohan once hoped to call her own had its premiere last night in LA.

Amanda Seyfried took over for Lindsay. Way better choice.
Sharon Stone, who is also in it, would have skipped it if Lindsay had been in.
Adam Lambert showed up.
As did Adam Brody who is in the movie.
Laura Prepon just saw the lights and thought it looked like fun.
Sarah Hyland got all dressed up, but her dress looks crooked?
Nothing crooked about Carmen Electra.
Amanda hugged it out with Chris Noth on the way to the screening.
I think this is a first time appearance for Danielle Vasinova in the photos.


  1. Is it just me or does Carmen look skinny? Like gimme a bump skinny

  2. Aw, why the hate on Donna Pinciotti?

    Chris Noth looks like a pepaw holding Amanda up after Christmas dinner.

    1. @Seven, because Prepon is another idiot Scientologist.

    2. @Seven, because Prepon is another idiot Scientologist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I know Chris Noth is a douche but I would hit that anytime.

    I initially saw Laura Prepon and thought the hair and face are radiant. From a 2x3 pic on my iPhone - she is flawless. Then I zoomed in and saw the bags under her eyes. Too bad. I hope it's lack of sleep and not substance related. She seems like she could hit the bottle pretty hard.

  5. Poor thing has had those bags since the last season of that 70's show. Girl needs cold masks and prep H bad!

  6. I would too @Nosy.
    Amanda is looking flawless as per!

  7. Chris Noth's hand is under Amanda's pit, almost at the side boob. No, Mr. Big.

  8. Chris Noth lost tons of weight.

    Wouldn't it bite LL in the @$$ if AS is nominated for an Oscar for this movie.

  9. I swear there were 2 different Linda Lovelace movies that were in the works and this one was NOT the one Lilo was attached to. After she dropped out, that project went under... Or so I thought.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Did Laura P. get a nose job? Somethin in her face looks a little...off. I also wonder if she's still involved with the CO$ through whichever Masterson brother she is/was dating.

    @Jeannie, I think you're right about the Lovelace biopics.

  12. Lilo's movie was called Inferno. Malin Ackerman I think replaced her. I have no clue if it's still happening though.

  13. @ Jeannie and disenchanted
    You're both right. They were two different Lovelace biopics and the one starring Lohan, then Ackerman looks like it's dead and buried, especially if Ackerman just got a baby and is starring in a sitcom.

  14. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Prepon always looks inconvenienced and like forced jaded.

    Hyland's dress is gorgeous!

  15. I 4th the ladies' sentiments that Fugazi Enty don't know which movie cock goobler movie he/she/it is talking about.




    70's porn is actually still a useful commodity. You get some chick who don't ever watch porn and you wanna try to get her to watch with you, throw in some Deep Throat or Hot Rackets or something like that. It is campy and goofy and not a challenge to them. Start a broad off which 1080p double penetration done on a Czech girl who is 4" and a set of teeth away from being a super model, and you will spook her.

    1. Agree....Behind the green door got me going at 14yo

  16. Laura Prepon has gorgeous skin! Is that from all the niacin saunas?

    @dawn -yeh, Carmen has lost some weight. That's what the deal must be with all the self-tanner, cause she'd look gaunt without some colour at such a skinny weight.

  17. I'm not sure that Prepon deserves the COS slams. She's been split from whichever Masterson for a while and there was no proof that she had more than a peripheral entanglement with COS.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Profane: maybe if she'd stuck with the COS, she'd have more of a career.

  18. Laura Prepon is great in Orange is the New Black.

  19. Prepon just deserves to be slammed for being THE WORST working actress. She's worse than January Jones.

  20. Carmen is lovely as usual

  21. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Mr Big; probably still having night terrors about SJP. Unlike the godfather scenario, the horses head in the bed is still attached to SJP.
