Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Jerry O'Connell wants to know if he is going to get a tube sock for his Speedo.
Ashton Kutcher prank calls investors from the NYSE.
Kaley Cuoco would rather not anyone know she is going to workout.
Kirsten Dunst also worked out yesterday.
Probably working out and missing selfies like crazy is Kim Kardashian.
Long time no see Kate Walsh in the photos.
Leonardo DiCaprio goes with the top knot look.
And now you know where Lindsay Lohan and Ali Lohan live.
Ali looks thrilled by the attention.


  1. Kim's nose looks different to me.

  2. Gawd Ali looks skeletal. Disgusting...

    1. I think its an improvement? I think she went to rehab for anorexia. Search Google image for her older pics, could see every bone in her face. She looks happier and could definitely gain weight but hopefully she's in a better place now. Although she probably shouldn't be living with her crazy ass sister...

  3. YAY Kiki looks healthy.

    I find it so delicious that KarKrash has to age to look EXACTLY like her HAG of a s/mother.

    1. Its all that plastic surgery making her age. She looks like shes almost 40. The pounds of makeup don't help either.

  4. Leave Ali alone. Is Leo headed down the jack nicholson path?

  5. The pictures of Ali are reminding me of the final pictures of Karen Carpenter. I really hope this girl gets some help and recovers.

    1. @StewMcG...

      You are exactly right, omg
      I wonder if Ali is the one who is going to pass away, while everyone is focusing on Lindsay and her problems?
      I also hope poor girl gets help.

  6. Does Jerry O'connell really have that much of a bird chest, or is that just a weird shadow?

  7. The Kraptashians give me the creeps! They remind me of those creepy dolls that come to life in horror movies. It looks like her face is about to peel open and some creature will pop out.

  8. I hope she is not breastfeeding cause looks like she ran to the filler doc asap

  9. So Lindsay and Ali live about a pizza place on Houston Street....

  10. k TOTALLY had one of those lifestyle lifts debbie boone shills for on tv. they went too tight around the eyes tho. she's one more tightening away from the asian lil kim/bruce jenner look.

    i want kate walsh's céliné.

    aww, lay off ali, enty. poor girl is crapped on enough by her parents.

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Ali Lohan doesn't look healthy.

    Leo is over the hill and no longer attractive (was he ever?).

    We all know that Kelly Cuckoo girl does NOT want to be papped and she's not paying them and we're ignorant for thinking she does.

  12. Jerry O'Connell does not look good. Way too thin and veiny and his head looks huge. :(

    After the crap she put up with dating Superman, I don't blame Kaley at all. I'd probably be hiring trainers to come to my house so I wouldn't get papped.

    Kate Walsh looks gorgeous! She reminds me of what Lilo would look like if she keeps her sobriety and life intact.

  13. Ali Lohan is unfortunate looking. She looked so much cuter before the plastic surgery & extreme thinness. Ironically, she looked better BEFORE she was signed to a modeling agency.

  14. Why is there a stock photo of Kim Kuntrashian, it's been a nice break not seeing her face.

  15. That's what I was thinking, what's with the Kim pic? Also

  16. Kate, Kirsten, Kim gotta go with the K's heeeaaayyyy

  17. I see Ali is still rocking the "60 year old chain smoker" look.

  18. KK totally got a nose job!

  19. Ali looks better than she did before. She's got nice cheekbones.
    Leo looks like a fruitcake.

  20. Love Kate Walsh!!!!!!

  21. Ugh Leo gave me such a lady boner circa 1997. After "The Beach" it was downhill...waaaay downhill.

  22. Top knots on guys are such a turn-off. Please are sliding down into "not even trying" territory.

  23. Good god, enties! You should have put KimK as a NSFV(iewing) disclaimer. Her plastic face looks beyond horrible ::shudders::

    Poor Ali, I hope that at least that Lohan can get healthy.

  24. Wow, an early ep of KUWTK was on at the gym today and she looked sooo different. Definitely has improved her contouring skills.

  25. I would never know in a million years that was Kaley Coco if she walked by me. To me...she could be anyone. The reason the paps know, is because she had her people call them.

  26. I can't go to Arturo's anymore! And Kim needs to lay off the Botox and fillers around the eye area because it makes her look like a possum!

  27. Does anyone really think Kim K's out of the spot light to focus on being a Mom? I really think she had surgery and is waiting the predetermined amount of time to show off the 'weight loss'. Are the nanny's taking care of the baby? Is the baby real?!
