Thursday, August 08, 2013

Suri Cruise Flies To London

I'm sure there are lots of kids in Scientology or from Scientology families that would love to see their parents. They are not allowed under the disconnect policy of the church. Those families also will not have to face the press on a movie promotional tour and have to hopefully answer questions about Leah Remini and her break from the church and her disconnection accusations. See, now Tom can say that, despite his infrequent visits with Suri, he can say there is no disconnect policy or else how would he be able to see Suri and he just saw her and blah blah blah. He is going to be prepared for the questions. I can't even remember the last time she saw him. It happens infrequently enough that the tabloids mention when she does go see him. I think it is very interesting that he has spent the majority of his time outside the US since he and Katie Holmes split. Yes, he has been working there, but, let us be honest, he prefers it there because he never will run into a reporter he can't dodge. The questions are coming. Will he let them come or will he only talk about his new movie which is coming out soon?


  1. Replies
    1. You don't have the fucking rank to ask about her.

  2. Leah Remini has filed a missing persons report with the LAPD for Shelly Miscavige. *grabbing popcorn, moving away from fan*

    My respect for her has gone through the roof.

  3. Leah is turning out to be incredibly kickass. Good for her.

  4. Tom is a control freak, he won't answer any question he doesn't want too

  5. Disconnection isn't the only way COS families are kept apart, controlled and destroyed. Read up on the Sea Org.

    Free Shelly!

  6. Holy crap, this is getting good! Go Leah!

  7. Wow, that's very brave of her. GO Leah!!

  8. Re: Remini filing a missing person's report -- Fuck. Yeah.

    I can't remember if I read it in a main post or comment here or somewhere else, but someone mentioned that Shelley may have no idea that there is any sense of her "missing". That she is dutifully fulfilling her Co$ responsibilities in some remote location, with no sense of, "Hey, wait a sec! This is bullshit!" That's not to minimize the severity of Miscavige's MO or her servitude but to highlight how intensely brainwashed members can be. They think they deserve it, that they need to earn back their basic rights, that it's normal to be sent away and cut off -- for years -- from the outside world. If true, it's a very interesting (and tragic) paradigm. God, I fucking hate this cult.

    1. I've read that as well, over at Tony Ortega's blog. Although, there's also some speculation as to how Shelly will feel about it her religious devotion once she realizes that her husband's been going out "2D" with his personal assistant.

  9. I'm just curious as to when Tom Cruise will realize he's on a sinking ship?

    1. His whole life and self esteem are tied up in that cult. He was abused by his father, and made to feel dumb because he has dyslexia. Scientology gave him a metaphorical daddy. Gonna be brutal to give up. But heres hoping.

  10. THANK YOU, LEAH!!!!

    I heard I might get to show my face in public soon. If so, I really want to go to a salon and update my look. We have no hair straighteners here in lockdown.

    1. There are a couple of people over at Tony Ortega's blog that are wondering if the missing person's report might actually force Dwarfenfurher his plans to prance Shelly out like a prize pony before locking her up again. Seems the Celebrity Center is in L.A. City, not county, and the police can walk right in to talk to Shelly, or take her down to headquarters, away from her handlers, for questioning.

      I need to go buy some popcorn stock.

    2. Gay-dwarfenfurher-i couldnt love that more!!!! You win the internets today fo' sho'.

  11. Leah... Always had that spunk. They messed with the wrong one.

  12. I'm pretty sure that little Suri's orange dress will block the suppressive rays that are normally surrounding her as her dad holds her close. Squeeze me harder, Daddy, and my true Thetan will be exposed!

  13. I could not stand Leah Remini - when she was on "The Talk" it used to grate on my nerves to listen to her talk. But seeing how she's not only left this cult but is speaking out and asking questions and flat out saying "No, this is NOT acceptable!" for the responses she's given - I have to give her props. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to this very evil organization with the way they threaten people.... and she's not backing down. If she can bring the COS to its knees, I for one will be standing and cheering her on. And I truly hope it will give others courage to stand up and do the same (I'm looking at you, Lisa Marie Presley!) Never thought I'd actually be writing these words but ........... Team Leah!

    1. Sue, shes the right person at the right time.

  14. I prefer lots of butter and mix it in my mouth w/ milk duds! Oh center up up...

    ROCK ON Remini!!!!!!!

    Whatever the worst outcome for co$ is IDC i want themto have to deal w/ the law the way any other org/'CHURCH' /person (tc's lover!!!!!) would have to

  15. Hey @Gayeld, will you share your popcorn?
    This is getting good!!

    1. @Ruby. I have plenty to go around!

  16. Right now, cos prob winging their way to shelly, if shes not in a shallow grave somewhere, and fattening her up, fixing hair, teeth and makep, clothes, and drilling into her head how f*cking happy she is to have served.
    Or..... Thought...... Maybe SHE ran away, keeps low profile. To save face they say shes fine, just working. Shelly wont say anything, she wants to stay hidden. Prob not, but a thought.

  17. Oh and dont kets make poor suri poster child for cos visiting rights. Shes already screwed up, doesnt need that pressure.

  18. I feel for Katie, it must be hard to let her child go. I'd be afraid of never seeing her again.

    This cult crap is not going to end well. Wouldn't it be cool if Tom jumped ship and exposed everything he knows?

    I know it'll never happen and it's sad, but go Leah go!!

  19. Tom is not another Scientology victim; he is one of the main instigators. He has no wish to "escape." Don't waste any pity on him.

  20. @gayeld @ruby soho i've gone to costco, popcorn in bulk. let's have a party! i also have liquor and sour patch kids

  21. @Orvilla..
    Sour Patch Kids AND liquor??!?
    Oh, we can SO be friends!!
    =} =} =}

  22. Damage control!!!

  23. FYI that's an old picture of Suri

    That being said I'm not convinced that Suri really sees Tom. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think Katie sends her elsewhere and lets people think she's seeing Tom.

    Suri may really be seeing her biological father (yes I don't think she's Tom's kid biologically no way would he let Katie have custody so easily otherwise)

  24. Tom Cruise is a lunatic and an asshole. I hope he and all of the other Scientologist loonies get what they fucking deserve.

  25. Does anyone else feel like TC is clueless about Scientology and is brainwashed himself?
