Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This actor is foreign born. B- list. Mostly movies, but has a name everyone can remember even if they can't pronounce it. Good looking guy. Academy Award winner/nominee. Recently he went to a meeting and the person he was meeting was running late. No text, no nothing. Our actor was just about to give up when the man walked in and apologized but said he had been on the phone with some people because he was trying to help a family that had lost their house to a fire. The house was small and the family had no savings and the Red Cross refused to help them because it was just one little house fire. They had no place to stay and the man had been trying to find them some place to live. He did not have enough room for them, and was trying to find a hotel that would take the family of six and their two dogs. It was tough. Our actor said for him to handle it and within an hour had not only found a guest house of a producer in Beverly Hills that was available, but also called in favors from some clothing people he knew and had the entire family outfitted in clothes and had someone take them shopping for things they needed to live.


  1. Good dude... whoever he us.

  2. I hope this one gets revealed. It's inspiring that the actor in question apparently had no thoughts of publicity, but good deeds like this should be recognized.

  3. Gael Garcia Bernal was recently in the news for meeting with Syrian refugees. Nominated for best foreign film for No.

    Jean Dujardin? People really butchered his name during award season.

  4. Oscar winner/nominee with a tough name to pronounce. B-. Not McGregor, for sure. I like Kristin's guesses. Both of 'em.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    This is really nice -- but I'm not sure Red Cross would refuse to help as it was "one little house fire".... two separate families I know had home fires and the Red Cross was absolutely extraordinary in their immediate generous assistance.

  6. Javier Barderm (some thinks he's good looking).

    I also likes Kristin guess of Jean Dujardin?

  7. Ralph Fiennes is a good guess in terms of no one being able to say his name right, but I'm pretty sure he's higher than a B-. The dude is Voldemort, fer chrissakes.

    I like the Jean Dujardin guess.

  8. Djimon Hounsou has two Academy Awards nominations. Kimora Lee Simmons (created Baby Phat clothing line) was his partner for a while.

  9. Good to know there are great people in HWood.

  10. Benedict Cumberbatch came to mind, don't ask me why.

    1. I thought his name was Bandersnatch Cumberband?

  11. So sweet. Made me a little teary eyed. Please reveal.

  12. They're staying in a producer's guest house? Hard to believe but if this is true I've had a little faith restored in Hollywood. Not a lot but a smidge.

  13. Also going with Djimon Hounsou.

  14. So very kind

  15. I agree with Jean Dujardin as a guess. He also did modeling, which fits with the clothing contacts. Great gesture, whoever did this, wow.

  16. I think Djimon over Jean D, just because Djimon has been famous here much longer, to be 'always remembered' despite his name.

    Also I hope it's Djimon because I love him as an actor.

    He has done modeling too, btw.

    1. @ Libby: Yes he has. I remember those Calvin Klein underwear ads, I ripped one out of a magazine and kept it in my desk drawer at work. For when I needed a little pick me up

  17. I like the Javier guess. I think he's hot.

  18. Bardem's not good looking but he's sexy as hell, and also known as a massive snob in Madrid. Could still be him.

    I like the Hounsou and Bernal guesses. Mmm, now he's good looking.

  19. bardem aka "the asshole lost link" would never do this and I'm afraid he is better than B-. Banderas would totally do, but I don't think this is because his name is easy to pronounce even to an English speaker.
    gael garcía bernal is another asshole with an easy name. I don't think McGregor is a difficult name in English.

    I bet on Dafoe.

  20. Djimon was my immediate guess for some reason. He has some fashion ties (Kimora and previous modeling) and has taken some politically-conscious roles and is involved with several charities.

  21. Not Willem. He's from Wisconsin! (Willem was a childhood nickname from his real name, William.)

    I would like to nominate Željko Ivanek. LOVE Željko Ivanek!

  22. Oh, damn, he doesn't have Oscar nom. I still love him!

  23. This should be revealed.

  24. I love kindness blinds but the Red Cross not helping in BS I use to work for them and they provide aide to everything all you have to do is ask, if they have funds available that is. I think it depends on the local branch and their funds...

  25. Demian Bichir???

  26. All I can imagine about the Red Cross "not helping" is if this was in the area of a wildfire where their resources were already stretched to the limit, and all they could offer was a common shelter other evacuees were sent to, but that didn't work for this family because of the pets.
    I have dealt with the Red Cross in numerous non crisis situations (meaning, of course, it's a crisis for the family but not for the whole community), and they provide hotel rooms and payment cards to people displaced, even if the house is not a total loss. But I've also (during a flood that affected the whole region) helped a family that couldn't go to the Red Cross shelter because of their dogs.

  27. Great story.

    Gael García Bernal?

  28. Anonymous6:47 AM

    NICE X infinity!

  29. I also why the Red Cross would not help them.

    Usually, if you can't stay in your house because of a fire they give you two days worth of food/phone calls/hotel stay.

  30. I thought of Christoph Walz as well.
