Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Ariel Castro Found Dead In His Prison Cell

Ariel Castro, sentenced to life in prison for the decade-long kidnapping, rape and beatings of three Cleveland women he held captive, was found hanged in his prison cell last night. Castro was in protective custody and isolated from other prisoners. I'm not sure how something like this happens. I'm guessing that someone knew he was doing it and just decided to let him and then "found" him when it was too late. They might have been thinking they were doing the world a favor, but the thing is that the three women above might feel like there was no justice and that he escaped by getting to kill himself.


  1. He didn't escape. He got capital punishment. Alternately, he got a genuine life sentence - it's just that the life in question was a little shorter than anyone expected. No parole, no time off for good behavior.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    He is rotting in Hell and can't hurt anyone ever again. This is proper closure, IMO

  3. I go both ways on this...

    On the one hand, his victims will never have to look at his face as he is interviewed by Matt Lauer, or face the outside possibility of escape, him appealing, or a new victim being found and a trial they have to testify at.

    But on the other hand, he took the easy way out. And speaking of possible other victims, I just do t think this guy started with them. He was 52, so there could be victims going back like 35 years. 10 years from now, he could have wanted to unburden himself about what happened to somebody who went missing in 1982, and now we'll never know.

  4. Nicely put Cecilia and I've had the same thoughts.

  5. I'm trying really hard not to celebrate a person's death.

    I guess I'll defer to how the three ladies feel about it. Four, actually. I have a feeling the little girl is going to need a standing therapy appointment when she gets older. She'll have a lot of questions that will never get answered. Icky situation all the way around.

    1. @lucy I'm with you. At least that piece of garbage can't file for visitation anymore.

      Those women stayed strong a whole decade. That monster didn't last a month.

  6. Goodbye you sick f*ck, thanks for saving taxpayers money. Oh, and lets not overlook he was prisoner for few months and couldnt take it, and no one was beating and raping him, and those women survived YEARS. So a wimp too.

  7. Just shows what a coward he was. Those ladies endured 10 years of imprisonment (with all kinds of abuse) and he couldn't take 33 days.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Exactly, I think what she said to him in court you will die a little everyday. The victims deserved that, he took the easy way out.

  8. Easy way out, not closure. I don't believe in the death penalty for the same reason.

  9. If they would have chained him to a basement pipe/pole, like he did to his victims, he would not have been able to hang himself.

  10. And the world is a better and safer place today.

  11. So true, Patty. But that would be considered "cruel and inhumane" treatment of a prisoner. The irony is not lost...

  12. If I were one of them I'd just be glad he's gone and not breathing the same air as us.

  13. He has done more against the budget deficit than all the jibber-jabber at DC for the last years.

    1. If you live in another country, why do you care? I don't think you live in Spain or anywhere in Europe. I just think you are basically a troll with weird ideas... IMHO.

    2. About the 'deficit'... which is just smoke and mirrors ginned up by the Criminal CorPirate Banksters. They have been dismantling Europe and the US for quite a while with this deficit/austerity BS. sigh.

  14. I'm glad he's dead, but I'm pissed that it was on HIS terms.

  15. I woke my son up at 6:00 this morning with the news. He came down for breakfast, and asked why Castro killed himself. When I said he probably didn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail, he asked when Fidel Castro was arrested. Ok, it was 6:10 AM.

  16. Exactly Cathy. I would've preferred that the victims got some time to help him out w/ his decision. However, at least there is NO chance he can hurt anyone else now.

    I truly feel for these does one get past all the horror? God bless them.

  17. Just another way for him to be in control. Asshole.

  18. at least we don't have to pay for him to live anymore.

    fukn' bastard.

  19. At the same time these women dont need to be dragged through all the gory detail of a long court battle. They can now move on and hopefully out of the public eye where they can be normal again.

  20. I say good riddance. The only thing is that there is another girl still missing from the same area around the same time and age as the other kidnappings. Her name is Ashley Summers. When the original reports came out, I remember reading that the survivors told police there had been another girl held captive who just disappeared one day. I believe the cops did a search around the yard and Castro's other properties but did not find evidence of a burial. I have a sinking feeling Ashley Summers was held captive, too, and possibly died. I hope not, but it is too much of a coincidence to give up looking.

  21. They should leave his corpse in the rec yard so some of the other prisoners can, uh, relieve their stress.

  22. I think he was planning this since the trial. He wanted to keep his house and was upset the city took it down. He wanted visitation with his rape victims child. Could not understand why people called him a monster, he couldn't tolerate not being in charge, told when and what to eat or what time the lights went out. He always planned to cheat justice because his human pets were taken away. Dirty slob will have to have an unmarked grave unless his family wants to visit a pisshole or worse.

  23. Well, that's one less evil person in the world. Yay for us! I do find it ludicrous that anyone actually believes he's suffering for eternity in Hell, however. He's dead. End of story.

  24. As much as I would have liked him to suffer in prison, I'm choosing to look at as saving the taxpayer's $$$. We don't have to feed and house the monster.

  25. he's a coward. Second what @Glitter said.

    He was happy with those women being imprisoned, raped and beaten, but he couldn't take the same for himself.

    That said, it's better that he can't do it to anyone else ever again.

  26. Thank you for posting the pictures of the women he victimized rather than his picture. That is who my thoughts are with.

    I honestly think this is the best thing that could happen--there is no point in him sitting in prison with absolutely no future or reason to be alive, and I think having him gone for real will help them move on. There will be no reminders of him showing up for them--sometimes murderers continue to get access to press and I worried about Amanda's daughter having to grow up knowing he was out there somewhere.

    I think it will be one more step for them --he is now gone for real and can never come back into their lives in any way. Same for his family--they can hopefully move on.

  27. The money saved by not having to house him for the next xx years should be given to the victims as compensation for the Mayberry-esque bungling of the local PD that contributed to the duration of their imprisonment.

  28. Agree with the "now he's rotting in hell, who cares?" posts. His death was probably protracted but only a tiny fraction of the hell he put these women through. And now he's saved the taxpayers a few hundred thousand dollars.

    Seems like a fair deal all around.

  29. i am truly sad those three courageous, superheroine strength women will miss their chance to tell this slime, weak F****k off for what he stole from their lives.

    that's the tragedy.

    but i really don't think that he got off scott free, i seriously believe that there is a major rehabilitation ahead for him spiritually, and when i mean 'rehabilitate' i don't mean malibu by the ocean in the afterlife...i mean...just have some faith, he's going to have to work hard spiritually wherever he is. i don't believe you get off by offing yourself, not when you created that level of deadly energy. what energy comes around, GOES around

  30. Dude hung himself. Prob with some half-assed thing like a shoelace. Trust me, he suffered. That and the fact that tax dollars are being saved makes me think this is for the best.

  31. Oops. Oh, well. My dealings with an abusive ex who brainwashed me for 15 yrs, nothing quite as heinous as this, but still horrible, tells me this is best for them. I've felt such peace since my ex went missing 2 yrs ago, presumed dead. I think it kinda releases you from it.

  32. off topic, but why was that chick held hostage for years and the first week she is out get a head piercing? Yeah, I know it's her freedom, but that's what she wants to do?

  33. @PotPourri, I would never judge any of those women after what they have been through. I can't even imagine how they survived for ten years.

  34. @RockitQueen--I thought the same thing. I hope some small clue can be found to bring closure, one way or another.

    And yes, THANK YOU for showing the women and not that torturer/rapist/kidnapper.

  35. The worlds a better place without him in it. And I'm glad to not have my tax money going to feed and shelter him for the next 20 to 30 years. Not to mention paying for him to have better medical care than I can afford to have. He's a POS and I doubt anyone will miss him.

  36. I'm not happy about any of this at all. As for tax payers money, they haven't saved a thing. Another prisoner will come along to take his place. They're certainly not seeing a miraculous change in their taxes. These ladies were deprived from seeing justice served. He should have lived so that he would know what it's like to be helpless not just for 33 days but for years, with no end in sight. He should have been left to experience life in the presence of men who are ruthless and indifferent to whatever he feels his plight must be, in his twisted head. Even then, it would only be a fraction of what these ladies endured. For 10 long years. I hope an investigation is done to see who shirked their responsibilities and why.

  37. FlirtyChick74, ITA. He didn't pay nearly enough to suit me. 33 days?! Hell no. And the "waste of taxpayer's money" argument really doesn't wash, like you said.

  38. As a taxpaying citizen, I gotta say...BYE.
    It's unfair that our dollars are spent on those who can't figure out how to live in society correctly.
    Not my problem. Why am I paying for this? Just because?
    No. If he killed himself, what evs.
    If he died under suspicious circumstances, so what?
    He reminds me of a mass murderer who didn't want to admit to it until it seemed that it would garner him some semi fame.
    He's dead, his victims aren't...they win.
    We win.
    The best part? I can't even remember the mass murderer's name now. After so many years...Oh wait...Ted Bundy.
    Same kind of asshole.
    Ladies: Get yourself a small knife to carry in your pocket or purse.
    Or be like me: willing to poke out an eye before giving up.
    I got lucky as a young girl: my brothers taught me how to fight.
    And I do mean fight.

  39. Now these women can be spared the trial and reliving the horrors again, and move forward with their lives. Maybe he's reliving all he did to them as them, if that NDE stuff is true.
