Saturday, September 07, 2013

Blind Item #2 - Fashion Week

Which one of the members of this former A list Tweener musical group from Disney was being obnoxious in hitting on the models at a show. It got to the point where he was warned several times and was almost kicked out. He also tried to take photos of the models as they were changing.


  1. Whichever Jonas isn't gay or married to that awful woman. I don't know the difference btwn any of them.

  2. they said the turnout of the A list was light

  3. you know some reason she's "awful"?

    I have to say that I involuntarily watched their show one weekend (a marathon, no less) and I thought I'd really dislike her. But honestly, I found her charming, sweet, kind and she seems to really love Kevin (and vice versa). Granted it was a reality show but she really came across as genuine. I ended up really liking both of them.

    (I expected to confirm my belief that Kevin was a doofus who had found a groupie/famewhore who was able to swindle him into marrying her)

    1. She's a "Don't you know who I am" gal. Saw it.

  4. @Lola, well, from everything I've heard, Kevin is gay and Danielle went in fully knowing she was a beard but figured she'd parlay that into some fame of her own. She pushed for the reality show. I wouldn't believe anything I see on so-called "reality" TV.

  5. Kevin-married, Joe-dating long time GF, a model, Nick-dating Miss Universe. There's other Disney groups, y'all that are A list tweeners. Big Time Rush, for one. Mitchel Musso also is ex A list Tweener, had a group, as well.

  6. Big Time Rush is Nick, not Disney

  7. Disney had the Jonas Brothers, and I think Nick had the others - Big Time Rush and the Wolff brothers, but only the Jonases were ever A-list. I haven't heard of Joe cheating on Blanda yet but maybe Nick, because that Miss America girl is new?
