Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blind Item #2

What B- list celebrity dad of an A list celebrity keeps going back to his wife after he promises he won't keep seeing other men. The celebrity dad feels that homosexuality can be cured and that he has a disease. His wife thinks the same way. Their celebrity offspring does not.


  1. Replies
    1. Papa Joe sprang to my mind as well, but the "B- celebrity" clue doesn't fit. I'd guess Billy Ray for this one.

  2. He should just go out picking up dudes with his wife. They can share their interest and bond over cock.

    1. @Count that sounds like a good night out for everyone.

    2. If Trash wasn't such a horse face I so would. Poor Miley definitely got her mom's looks. BRC may be a pathetic closet case with really bad hair, but I so would if I met him in a dark Nashville honkytonk. He could hook up with that other twink married so unhappily to Nicole Kick'Em (in the balls), and I would watch HAPPILY.

    3. And then I would shave their heads and give them a bunch style make over. I am guessing they both are juuuuussssstttt a little too femme for their unhappy wives' liking.

  3. Billy ray. And yikes.

  4. I thought of both, but Cyrus is more B- than Simpson.


  6. Pappa Joe isn't a B- anything

    Billy Ray sounds about right.

  7. @Tomorrow - looks like our Enty was right

  8. Billy Ray huh. Wow, what a revelation. I had no clue.

  9. I agree that papa Joe isn't on any lettered list. Compared to Billy Ray, that is.
    What has my life come to?

  10. @tomorrow that story is CRAZY! Nice work, enty!

  11. Maybe the polesmoking is what Miley threatened to reveal on Twitter a couple months ago.

  12. Whoever this is, I feel bad for him that he thinks he has a disease.

  13. Party in the USA indeed.

  14. Papa Joe and Tina are kaput. He doesn't keep going back to her.

  15. Robin and Allan Thicke

  16. Billy Ray, Trish [sp?] and Miley!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @tomorrow, good link. Look forward to the usual gaggle of miserables who claim this site is 100% BS. Maybe it is only 90%.

    Oh, and my various add ons showed that the nydailynews site uses no less than 25 trackers / media markers etc.

  20. I think this is Joe Simpson. If it was Billy Ray, I would think that Enty would refer to him as a singer-of-sorts or an ex-actor or something other than just the parent of a celebrity. Back in the day, Billy Ray was A list for a while thanks to Achey Breaky Heart.

  21. For what it's worth, homosexuality is a phase that only lasts about a hundred years at most.

    1. Anonymous12:47 AM

      @Barton: ha ha ha! Lasts from the cradle to the grave if you're not in denial!

  22. Good point Barton.
    I thought Joe too but sounds like BRC is the consensus.

  23. Anonymous2:56 PM

    this explains so much

  24. You know, Jerkula, I've put up with your moronic remarks for a long time.

    But, I'm going to challenge your little ass. I will travel to whatever city you say you live in so I can see the man behind the misogyny. See, here's the thing, as an adult woman who has had countless sexual partners: Your bullshit rings false. Only an internet liar brings shit up all the time.

    That commenters here fall all over themselves to kiss your ass is a sad commentary. All you know about "whores" and sex is what you read on Craigslist, pal.

  25. @Dewie: some of us are trying to discuss gossip here, but if you insist on going off topic, I'll oblige....

    First of all, I am not a misogynist. Coarse and low rent, sure. Women hater, certainly not.

    Second, what the hell did I say in this thread to get yer titties all twisted?

    Third, if you wanna meet up then: Age, Height and Jeans Size. Protection is a must in any hole a baby can come out of and, in honor of this thread, your safe word will be "Miley". In the event you are unable to speak (god willing) 2 short grunts followed by 1 sustained will suffice.

    If you just wanna meet up so you can gimme a piece of your mind, then save it. Mind ain't what I need a piece of.

  26. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Don't tear my arse, my achy breaky arse...
