Saturday, September 28, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 12, 2011

This foreign born, married B list movie actress who is married to a B list movie and television actor spent much of the weekend drinking and curled up in the arms of this married, very good looking also foreign born B+ movie actor. He has an open marriage. Her?

Foreign born, married B list movie actress: Emily Blunt
B list movie and television actor: John Krasinski
Foreign born B+ movie actor: Ewan McGregor


  1. The word is Krasinski likes being cuckolded.

  2. damn u revealing this right after they had announce a baby. Fucked up bro.

  3. I mean are having a baby. This place needs editing button. lol

  4. What is wrong with these tinseltown people? Does anyone in show business take their marriage vows seriously?

  5. Wow I can imagine being curled up in Ewan's arms too. Seriously how did she get BOTH the hot guys?

  6. Damn, cheating on Halpert? That is f'd up. If she didn't have that fine ass, I'd tell him to go back with Pam or Amy Adams.

  7. @Count - You forgot Karen! :)

  8. Karen A-fil-i-pelli.

    ♥ Rashida Jones.

  9. Maybe it was a rough patch, and they worked it out.

    Season 2 of The Office is my fave.

    Krasinski is B-list? Interesting.

  10. @Susan - Truth! The Dundies episode from Season 2 might be the greatest episode of The Office ever.

  11. Suddenly, I'm hungry for a sandwich. :)

  12. Wait, wait, wait. This is all wrong! Here is the correct version: ahem.
    This american born, married A ++++ list hottie who is married to a A+ list night club bartender spent much of the weekend drinking and curled up in the arms of this married, very good looking also foreign born A++++++ movie actor. He has an open marriage. Her? No, she doesn't.

    American born, married A++++ list hottie: Sugar
    A++ night club bartender: Mr. Sugar
    Foreign born A++++movie actor: Ewan McGregor

    There, that's better. :-)

  13. Mmmmm...I'd spend the weekend with Ewan, too.

  14. Who could blame her?

  15. Who could blame her?

  16. You are all correct.

    My apologies to Rashida if she is in the viewing audience.

  17. I'm suddenly very jealous of Emily Blunt.

  18. I would polish young Obi Wan's light saber so hard.

  19. Sugar - LMAO.

    Yeah. It's tragic the turn The Office took. I was a DIEHARD fan, and I just couldn't muster the energy to watch the final season. They should have called it a day when Carrell left. Some of my peeps say the finale was good, though. Thoughts? I always trust all y'all.

    1. Susan the finale was great! I am an Office fan, but never made it a point to tune in every week and def did not keep up with the final season, but I still loved the finale. It was a nice closing chapter to an excruciatingly, albeit still funny, long show.

    2. Susan, I also couldn't watch the final season after watching all the other years. :(

  20. Ewan is a definite step up from what she has at home.

    & why are people always surprised at things like this in Hollywood? Many people do this stuff in the "real world" too folks. Hollywood is just the "real world" on steroids. The people are better looking, have more $$, and more free time. If your neighbors had the looks, the loot, and the time -- they'd be doing this too (if they aren't already).

  21. I think John K. is adorable. I feel sorry for him.

  22. What I'd give to be in the arms of Ewan. :)

  23. ewan use to be so hot. like trainspotting days. DA DA Dayum

  24. The Krasinski/Blunt open marriage rumors have been around for a long time. surprised this blind reveal didn't know that.
